Written by: Tom Taylor
Art by: Mikel Janín, Norm Rapmund
Colors by: Mikel Janín. Alex Guimarães
Letters by: Wes Abbott
Cover art by: Mikel Janín (cover A)
Cover price: $4.99
Release date: March 19, 2025
Detective Comics #1095, by DC Comics on 3/19/25, finds Batman closing one mystery and exposing another when the truth behind Asema's killings is revealed to the public.
Is Detective Comics #1095 Good?
When we last left the Cape Crusader in Detective Comics #1094, Batman sent Damian Wayne undercover inside a Juvenile Detention Center to find the common link between the teenagers killed by Asema. The Dynamic Duo doesn't find all the answers they seek, but they do know the corrupt Warden has a special punishment that involves extracting blood from his prisoners. The issue ended with Asema leaving an envelope for Bruce Wayne with papers containing the "truth."
Plot Synopsis
First Impressions
This must be International Lazy Week for DC creators because Detective Comics #1095 cranks the lazy meter up to eleven. In a bid to tie up as many loose ends as quickly as possible, Tom Taylor literally hands Batman all the answers just to get to the ending and reveal the masterminds behind Theromise. The point of Detective Comics is to show Batman as the world's greatest detective, but that can't happen with stories like this.
How’s the Art?
For reasons that aren't clear, Mikel Janín and Norm Rapmund execute an art style that somewhat mimics Bruno Redondo's work on Tom Taylor's previous title, Nightwing. The figure work is decent and the interesting camera angles create maximum visual drama. That said, Janín and Rapmund, much like Redondo, have a posey stiffness during what should be dynamic action scenes.
What’s great about Detective Comics #1095?
What’s not great about Detective Comics #1095?
About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of ComicalOpinions.com, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.
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Final Thoughts
Detective Comics #1095 ties up various loose ends and dispels several mysteries, but Tom Taylor's script completes the task in the worst way possible by just handing Batman all the answers. Either Tom Taylor needed to rush through the resolutions to get things moving, or he couldn't figure out how to resolve the mysteries in a satisfying way. Either way, this issue is a dud.
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I wouldn't give this issue a 4.5 cause that would mean you think this is worse than Zdarsky's run when you gave that 5 but this is mostly a 6. I am fine with the art but I do agree with your points about his detective skills. The first issue of this run had a more intense setup with interesting Batman inner dialogue which promptly got reduced to usual short and more generic Taylor dialogue. At least I am glad Chill was not retconned and I liked what Leslie was saying to Bruce about the whole concept of Mercy and how it ties back to what Thomas did. Now THIS is completely fine revisiting the past as opposed to recent Batman issues and how they...redefined... Thomas Wayne lately. I don't think fans realise just how catastrophic they were. I haven't been a fan of this run and the whole Scarlett drama is vey unnecessary and badly written but this issue and last issue were fine.
ReplyDeleteI am however very wary about the identity reveal of the villain. Hope it isn't something ridiculous like some lost sibling or Scarlett's mom or something. The hints that a bigger conspiracy is behind all this with the Penguin segments are intriguing however.
If you're reviewing a book, at least pay attention. You say Asema bring 3 clues in the envelope, and it's just one. The second, Bruce has investigated and accessed sealed records during the days that has been in the cave. It's there, in panel, Bruce tells Leslie. As for the link with Theromise, there's a whole issue where Bruce and Damian go undercover to the prison and discover this. Is not in the envelope. And feels you give your rate based on what you haven understood, and not on what's on the book, so my review to the review: I give you one star.