Written by: Scott Snyder
Art by: Nick Dragotta
Colors by: Frank Martin
Letters by: Clayton Cowles
Cover art by: Nick Dragotta (cover A)
Cover price: $4.99
Release date: March 19, 2025
Absolute Batman #6, by DC Comics on 3/19/25, shuts down the party for the Party Animals when Absolute Batman attacks Black Mask's operation at its source.
Is Absolute Batman #6 Good?
When we last left the Darkseid Universe's version of Bruce Wayne in Absolute Batman #5, the hulking Dark Knight met with Black Mask to take possession of the millions Black Mask offered in exchange for Batman's promise to stay out of the Party Animals' activities. At the last moment, Batman sealed his fate by burning the money and telling Black Mask where he can stick his "truce." Batman endures a savage beating before escaping into the sewers below, but he believes he got the best of Black Mask by broadcasting the beating to the public. Sadly, the exposure worked in Black Mask's favor when he used the spotlight to invite all of Gotham City's downtrodden to regain their power from a corrupt city by any means necessary.
Plot Synopsis
In Absolute Batman #6, the first arc and the conflict against Black Mask come to a close. The issue begins with Bruce taking refuge in Waylon "Croc" Jones's gym. Bruce's longtime friend is unhappy that he's just now finding out that Bruce is Batman. That unhappiness trickles through the rest of Bruce's friends when word gets around. The issue switches to a flashback where young Bruce has a comforting moment looking at old photos with his mother. The photos inform Bruce's motivation to soldier on in spite of his grief over his father's death.
Elsewhere, Mayor Gordon and Martha Wayne defend themselves against chaos breaking out in the streets, spurred by crates dropping from the sky containing weapons and Party Animal masks. When a citizen puts on a mask, the built-in HUD shows targeting information and cash prizes for committing an assortment of crimes. As Mayor and Deputy Mayor, Jim Gordon and Martha Wayne have a bounty on their lives for one million dollars each.
Later, Batman convinces his friend Oswald to pilot a helicopter to Black Mask's yacht because Batman believes the yacht holds the servers sending out bounty and targeting information to the Party Animals masks. Batman leaps from the helicopter, tosses Black Mask's entourage into the water, beats Black Mask to a pulp, possibly blinding him, and blows up the yacht.
The issue ends with the Party Animals giving up the fight because there's no money in it, Agent Pennyworth giving up on his relationship with his daughter to ensure her safety, and a grotesque man refusing to give up on his plans for Gotham City.
First Impressions
As a point of personal preference, I hate Bat-God moments. For those unfamiliar, it's a moment where Batman (any version) performs a feat of agility or strength that would be impossible to survive under any plausible circumstance. You get a pretty serious Bat-God moment in this issue, but if you can look past it, Scott Snyder ends the first arc of his experimental take on the Dark Knight on a surprisingly satisfying high note.
How’s the Art?
Nick Dragotta's art continues to win over hearts and minds with an issue that beautifully captures the emotional beats between a boy and his mother while giving you brutal Bat-fights to remind you that Absolute Batman doesn't play around. Couple the excellent layouts and scene progressions with one or two moments that respectfully pay homage to Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns, and you get a visually captivating issue.
What’s great about Absolute Batman #6?
Scott Snyder's debut outing for the Absolute Cape Crusader ends on a high note by putting a stop to Black Mask's campaign of chaos with brute force, a teeny bit of smarts, and a few moments that upend the status quo from almost everyone involved in the Batman's circle. Change is good. Change that upsets the apple cart is better, but change that bristles with potential is best. Snyder nails the end of the arc where it counts.
What’s not great about Absolute Batman #6?
There's a moment of physical prowess when Batman leaps out of a helicopter that turns into the kind of Bat-God moment that will make you roll your eyes. When you see it, you can't help but say to yourself, "Come on, Man. He's clearly dead." It's okay for Batman to be impressive, but it's not okay for Batman to be ridiculous and still take the comic seriously.
About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of ComicalOpinions.com, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.
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Final Thoughts
Absolute Batman #6 ends the Absolute Batman's fight against Black Mask with twists, tension, emotional beats, and a shakeup to the status quo. Scott Snyder's script is the best in the series so far, except for a Bat-God moment that will make you groan, and Nick Dragotta's art is in top form.
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I am the only one who finds this title lower than 8 and also finds the fact that all of Bruce's friends have a "quirk" really distracting. Also now apparently they all know who he is???? I don't really find these characters compelling or even believe they are who they are. For example what's the point of calling someone Cobblepot if he barely resembles what that name references or doesn't at least contradict that character in ironic ways in this universe? It's just fanservice. Same for all the others. Yet I guess this title still sales very very well so I suppose I am alone in that. Instead of just referencing these names like BANE or JOKER and drumming up superficial drama I wish they would try to genuinely tell a story with its own unique mythology and characters here. So far the only issue I felt that was the one which was about Bruce developing his Batman persona and his relationship with his father.
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