Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Wonder Woman #18 Review

  • Written by: Tom King

  • Art by: Daniel Sampere

  • Colors by: Tomeu Morey

  • Letters by: Clayton Cowles

  • Cover art by: Daniel Sampere, Tomeu Morey (cover A)

  • Cover price: $4.99

  • Release date: February 19, 2025

Wonder Woman #18, by DC Comics on 2/19/25, marks the beginning of the end for the Sovereign when Diana makes her final attack on the White House.

Is Wonder Woman #18 Good?


When we last left Diana in Wonder Woman #17, readers received another Wonder Girl-centric issue. The Amazonian sidekicks (and Cheetah) attacked the Sovereign's compound on the shores of the Potomac River. Every member of the Sovereign's personal Legion of Doom was dealt with by the expert teamwork of the Wonder Girls. The issue concluded with the Sovereign fleeing to his last, safe refuge - the White House.

Plot Synopsis

In Wonder Woman #18, the Sovereign's endlessly tedious narration continues. Diana casually walks up to the outer gates of the White House while the Sovereign, the President, and Grail watch through the Oval Office windows.
First, Diana is met by gunfire from soldiers with advanced weaponry. She deflects the artillery easily.

Next, Diana encounters Sgt. Steel, who tells Diana to stand down because he's holding Amazons at gunpoint in ten locations around the country. Diana informs Steel that the Justice League has already rescued the Amazons. She makes her point by ripping Steel's new robotic hand off.

Then, Diana is confronted by the American government's latest metahuman creation, the third General Glory. Diana knocks him out with one punch.

Finally, Grail comes out to meet Diana on the White House lawn. Before Grail can lift a finger, Cheetah emerges from a nearby hiding spot and attacks Grail, allowing Diana to bust through the White House's front door unimpeded.

First Impressions

Slow, tediously narrated, and uninspired. Wonder Woman #18 is Tom King's latest attempt to show everyone that Wonder Woman is the best of us by dismissing every challenge with little more than a hand wave and ignoring several plot points that got us here. Well, at least King is consistent.

How’s the Art?

Daniel Sampere's art is gorgeous. If there's one trick Tom King does well, it's hiding his poor story ideas behind the best artists around. Sampere's painterly style is as close as you can get to a work of art on every page, so you can count on jaw-dropping visuals.

What’s great about Wonder Woman #18?

Diana's slow walk to closure is a good thing on two fronts. First, the Sovereign's destruction is nearly complete, and that's a good thing because nobody wants to listen to that narration anymore. Second, every step closer to closure is a step closer to ending this arc that's dragged on way too long. We'll take the wins where we can find them.

What’s not great about Wonder Woman #18?

All the same criticisms from the previous seventeen issues still apply. The Sovereign's narration is painfully overwritten. Tom King's voice for Diana is woefully out of place. Most of the plot points that set up the arc, in the beginning, have all been abandoned, and King's pacing makes the reading experience a chore.

About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.

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Final Thoughts

Wonder Woman #18 signals the beginning of the end for the Sovereign. Tom King's arc is thankfully drawing to a close with dreary pacing, ponderous narration, and a gaggle of inciting incidents that go nowhere. If not for Daniel Sampere's glorious art, this series would be D.O.A. 


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  1. Is it just me who thinks nothing happens. It starts with Diana at the White House gates and ends with her at the front door. King did the same thing with his Batman assault on Arkham Asylum during his Batman run.good review.

    1. No it's not just you, sadly this happens a lot with King written issues, a lot of words that amount to a miniscule amount of plot progression while at the same time torturing the reader with tortured narrations and word plays.
      I genuinely have nothing against this writer personally and am only criticising the writing quality, sadly it's not good at all.

  2. I haven't mentioned it much in my previous wonder woman comments because the review mentioned it before multiple times but now that everything is just a repetition that I already criticised again and again and againnnn, it bears mentioning now: seriously what is going on with the whole Amelie situation??? Like I said you already mentioned this in your reviews of this series as a whole but this issue I was reading the front lawn crawl scene and I was so bored out of my mind that suddenly it hit me all over again! How wild is it that they have been fighting for almost a good 20 issues by now and no one really cares what was the whole catalyst of this situation even when they have been hunting down Amazons!!! You know, to help clear up the names or enlightening the public and perhaps for the poor readers no?! Alright... I have a feeling it will be revealed that Diana knew the whole time what really happened along with several other heroes and they just hadn't revealed yet which I don't know what would be worse: the fact that they might know and didn't do anything to resolve the Amazon conflict sooner so all this fighting didn't happen when it most certainly will not be part of a clever and sensical plan to hold it off this long and is only because of either forgetfulness or trying to create intrigue unsuccessfully OR that they genuinely didn't care to investigate the incidence...

    (btw no matter how many times they keep saying it, it does not and will not make sense why Diana had to submit to Sovereign in order to save Cheetah especially now that we saw what the Amazons are capable of and were not in any danger whatsoever. You can't just state sth you want the readers to believe and then expect them to just accept it. You have to put in the work to actually back it up. Also i am pretty sure it was stated several issues back that the Lasso of Lies worked on everyone except Diana and Cheetah and I mentioned then how disrespectful and ridiculous that was and no one would buy that but it was kind of retconned this issue to have another exception lolll but it still doesn't solve the problem with that statement to just add another exception. There still would be a lot of people left in history who obviously would resist that lasso wayyy better than Diana). An accurate review even though I still think the score is wayyy too high for this series.

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