Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Nightwing #123 Review

  • Written by: Dan Watters

  • Art by: Dexter Soy

  • Colors by: Veronica Gandini

  • Letters by: Wes Abbott

  • Cover art by: Dexter Soy, Veronica Gandini (cover A)

  • Cover price: $4.99

  • Release date: February 19, 2024

Nightwing #123, by DC Comics on 2/19/25, sends Nightwing to investigate a distress call from the Flyboiz, and he finds monsters waiting.

Is Nightwing #123 Good?


When we last left the world's greatest Robin in Nightwing #122, Nightwing pleaded his case to the Mayor that the simmering gang war was orchestrated by Olivia Pearce. Why? Olivia Pearce was a member of a crime circus that Batman and Robin broke up many years ago. Pearce's motivations aren't clear, but revenge is a good candidate. The issue ended with Nightwing leaping into action to get proof from a nearby explosion and one of the Flyboiz activating a distress call.

Plot Synopsis

In Nightwing #122, Nightwing finds his promises put to the test. Bosogni steps up to begin his campaign to replace Mayor Grayson-Lin, putting pressure on the Mayor to redouble her efforts to stop gang violence. The one person willing to make her efforts successful is Olivia Pearce of Spheric Solutions.

Meanwhile, Nightwing visits the Teddies to assure them that he's doing everything possible to clear their names in the recent outbreaks of violence. He pleads for more time to clear their name, assuring them that the Flyboiz are not trying to start a war.

Later, Oracle relays the distress call issued by one of the Flyboiz in the last issue. Nightwing traces the signal to an underground bunker that doesn't appear on any city map. He finds several dead Flyboiz mutated to monstrous levels. Inside, Nightwing deduces the bunker was used to house bodies of people infected by a Chemo attack from a 2006 storyline. When the Flyboiz moved into the bunker, with the help of Spheric Solutions in exchange for a "favor," exposure to the Chemo infection radically altered the Flyboiz mutations, turning them into monsters. 

The issue ends with Nightwing promising to help the remaining Flyboiz who haven't been infected, while Mayor Grayson-Lin makes a Faustian bargain with Olivia Pearce to uphold her promise to protect the city.

First Impressions

Generally, Nightwing #123 is fine for what it is, but Dan Watters has dragged the series so far off the main path that the plot has gotten lost in the background. In isolation, this issue is fine. The lack of focus in the arc is the killing flaw.

How’s the Art?

Dexter Soy's art is a super-strong fit for nighttime heroics, shadowy investigations, and superhero gadgetry. As a bonus, Soy's monster designs look great. That said, Veronica Gandini's coloring lacks polish and finesse, giving the visuals an unfinished, digital veneer.

What’s great about Nightwing #123?

Dan Watters puts Nightwing through his paces by fighting a city at the breaking point with action and commendable detective skills. In almost every way, Nightwing #123 is a better Batman comic than the ongoing Batman series, which shows Dick learned the lessons from his mentor well.

What’s not great about Nightwing #123?

At this point, the series is dealing with a side quest of a side quest. Does anyone remember how this arc started or when we'll eventually get back to the Cirque du Sin? There's nothing wrong with taking a tangent to fill out the background or add supporting information, but Watters has lost the plot... literally.

About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.

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Final Thoughts

Nightwing #123 is a perfectly good Batman story without the Batman. Dan Watters uses a quality of action and detective work to present a solid DC tale, and Dexter Soy's artwork is excellent. That said, Watters has lost focus on where this arc is headed, so readers may lose interest.


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  1. I don't mind the focus shifting, what I do mind however is the fact that almost every single character here gets a "nuanced" take unless they are a cop (with the exception of maggie sawyer for reasons) at which point then there is nothing more to dig deeper about or understand about them and they are just corrupt plain and simple and you shouldn't expect anything more comolex because "hey it's bludhaven, the police were always horrible and Nightwing dragging them alongside a highway and injuring them is no big deal and actually cool ( to be clear, said tense relationship and downright antagonistic actions toward the police always made more sense for Batman than Nightwing and was always an interesting difference between them where you could see where both were coming from, my issue is that I feel like Nightwing would have a looot more to say about the police force than shown here by just beating them up or berating them cause he used to BE a cop) no no don't look at certain police officers that were good guys within the force in the previous runs or the fact that the main character was a cop for a long time nopeeee nothing to see here do you even read comics?". I wouldn't mind it much if they didn't keep distancing Grayson from his past as a cop as if it was sth to be ashamed of and to atone for. It's just boring at this point, I would have much preferred the conflict of interests if Nightwing was a cop still. ( the force, the vigilantes, Barbara, Bruce, the city officials and here the mafia, just imagine how much more complex it would have been if Nightwing was still working as a police by day and by night trying to help the more layered parts of the city like these certain gang members who might want to get clean and how that would conflict his loyalties and the line he is willing to cross. He would have to grapple wih the morality of being both a cop and a vigilante and whether he is going too far or not etc)

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