Thursday, February 13, 2025

Green Lantern Corps #1 Review

  • Written by: Morgan Hampton, Jeremy Adams (story assist)

  • Art by: Fernando Pasarin, Oclair Albert

  • Colors by: Arif Prianto

  • Letters by: Dave Sharpe

  • Cover art by: Fernando Pasarin, Oclair Albert, Arif Prianto

  • Cover price: $3.99

  • Release date: February 12, 2025

Green Lantern Corps #1, by DC Comics on 2/12/25, follows John Stewart and the renewed Green Lantern Corps as they deal with threats around the galaxy due to an Emotional Spectrum running wild.

Is Green Lantern Corps #1 Good?


When we last left the reformed Green Lantern Corps in Green Lantern: Fractured Spectrum, Nate Broome, aka Sorrow Lantern, stole an early version of the Book of OA from Guy Gardner. The ancient tome carried the instructions for creating a Power Battery. If Broome succeeds in building a Sorrow Battery for his powers, born of a fracture in the Emotional Spectrum, he will fracture the Spectrum permanently. The reformed Corps departed with a new mission - find the components Broome needs to build a Sorrow Power Battery before Broome does. Little do the Lanterns know that the Sorrow Lantern answers to a greater power - Starbreaker

Plot Synopsis

Green Lantern Corps #1 begins with longtime Justice League space villain Kanjar Ro intercepting a freighter to raid the ship for goods and sell its passengers into slavery. His act of piracy is quickly thwarted when the Green Lanterns, led by John Stewart, arrive to arrest him.

Later, John speaks with Jo Mullein on OA as he brings Kanjar Ro in for processing. Jo notices John is troubled, but he's not ready to talk about it. After John drops Kanjar Ro off at the Sciencells, he answers a summons to the Duty Room for a new mission. A large spike in Fear energy is detected on Tamaran, and John is assigned to squelch the flare-up. He's ordered to take a team with him, including the recently reformed Sinestro.

When the team arrives on Tamaran, they find Queen Blackfire battling a giant yellow construct of their god, X'Hal. At first, Blackfire resists help from the Green Lanterns due to their ruined reputation, but she ultimately accepts when the construct proves uncontrollable. While John and the team contain the construct, Sinestro searches for the person overcome by fear great enough to manifest yellow construct powers. 

Sinestro finds a Tamaranian woman named Vexar'u, who is a fervent acolyte of X'Hal, overcome with the fear that she is not worthy to survive the prophesied return of her god. Sinestro talks her down and shows her how to overcome her fear with will. The construct disappears, so the crisis is averted, and Vexar'u proves she has the will to overcome overwhelming fear and become an excellent Green Lantern candidate. 

The issue ends with the team returning to OA with a new Lantern for a new mission. Next up, John has to help the surviving refugees from a shattered Thanagar, and he's ordered to work with their ambassador and former lover of John, Shayera Hol, aka Hawkgirl.

First Impressions

Green Lantern Corps #1 is perfectly fine. It's not the best Green Lantern comic you'll ever read, and there isn't inherently anything wrong with it. As a member of Weird Science's Get Fresh Crew put it, Green Lantern Corps #1 is "a good supplementary book," for the ongoing Green Lantern comic starring Hal Jordan.

How’s the Art?

Admittedly, the art by Fernando Pasarin and Oclair Albert is impressively detailed. In particular, the visit to Tamaran looks impressive. There's a lot of movement and energy happening behind and around the foreground characters to give you the impression of busyness and life as the scenes play out.

What’s great about Green Lantern Corps #1?

If it wasn't obvious from the description, it appears Green Lantern Corps #1 starts an episodic model for the series, and that may be a good thing if you prefer to think of Green Lanterns as space cops. Problems are happening all around the galaxy, so it makes sense to reboot the Corps with a series that gets the Lanterns back to their roots as patrollers of the spaceways. The one-and-done nature of John's mission is a perfectly serviceable mix of action, mild tension, drama, and an appropriate level of wit.

What’s not great about Green Lantern Corps #1?

It seems like an odd creative choice to put the Sorrow Lantern's threat to the side when the risk of destruction is so great. Yes, problems are popping up across the galaxy, but wouldn't it make more sense to have all hands on deck to address the highest-priority mission? When you create a supplemental title, you run the risk of assuming a position of less importance. That's what it feels like is happening here.

About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.

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Final Thoughts

Green Lantern Corps #1 is a decent beginning to a new series that follows the renewed Green Lantern Corps as they undertake monthly missions to protect the galaxy. Morgan Hampton and Jeremy Adams's script is a solid complement to the ongoing Green Lantern title, and Fernando Pasarin and Oclair Albert's impressively detailed artwork is excellent. That said, the big threat of the Sorrow Lantern, established in the previous one-shot, takes an odd back seat.


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  2. Is this a bot? Are they ok??😅

  3. Tamaran? Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the recent Tales of the Titans miniseries (or maybe it was the main Titans series) establish that Tamaran was destroyed decades ago? So when/how did it come back? Did I miss something? Is Jeremy just ignoring what was established in Titans? And yes I know Tamaran was in the Ghost Sector but that was before Titans retroactively established that it was destroyed.

    1. In all fairness, it seems when Tom Taylor was writing Titans, he even ignored the Tales miniseries especially concerning Raven and Starfire. In Titans he gives Kory and a new origin where it wasn't her sister who betrayed
      Their planet but a random cult leader instead which really should have been in Tales anyway which instead felt like a Pre-Flashpoint Starfire history recap. Despite the hype they got, DC doesn't really seem to care or at least know what to do with the Titans.

    2. Was there even that much hype? DC tried to make them a thing, but I feel like most people didn't buy them as a serious successor to JL. Now titans from before new 52? Sure maybe but this version? Nah. I would sooner see JSA as a successor than them.

    3. In response to myself (lol) : actually I take it back, Since new 52 I don't even like the JSA anymore either and don't think hey had a good run so no, even they aren't a possible successor anymore, sigh.

  4. I'll me that was the whole problem with the attempt. No group should be the successor to the JL. The Titans are the Titans, and when done well the Teen Titans are the Teen Titans. Let each group be what the group was meant to be. Swapping disconnects the group from what (can) make them interesting. For Titans, the strenght is built into the relationship between the characters. That kind of relationship can't shine on a JL type mission.

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  6. Great review of Green Lantern Corps #1! The storyline is thrilling, with strong character development and stunning artwork. It's exciting to see the Corps back in action, and I can't wait to see where this new arc goes! #GreenLantern #Comicsabogado dui manassas va
