Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Wonder Woman #17 Review

  • Written by: Tom King

  • Art by: Daniel Sampere

  • Colors by: Tomeu Morey

  • Letters by: Clayton Cowles

  • Cover art by: Daniel Sampere, Tomeu Morey (cover A)

  • Cover price: $4.99

  • Release date: January 22, 2025

Wonder Woman #17, by DC Comics on 1/22/25, continues the methodical destruction of Sovereign's power when the Wonder Girls are sent to destroy Sovereign's personal Legion of Doom.

Is Wonder Woman #17 Good?


When we last left Diana in Wonder Woman #16, Detective Chimp presented his best Columbo impersonation to uncover the truth behind Steve Trevor's shocking yet senseless murder. The investigation eventually led to exposing the Sovereign's secret dealings for control of the country. The issue ended with Clark Kent showing up on the Sovereign's doorstep for a surprise interview.

Plot Synopsis

In Wonder Woman #17, the next phase of the Sovereign's downfall commences. In yet another Wonder Girl-centric issue,  Diana's family attacks the Sovereign's safehouse near the Potomac River.

First, Donna Troy ambushes Giganta as the latter ends her shift in the Sovereign's round-the-clock protection detail. Giganta immediately grows large, destroying most of the mansion in one fell swoop.

Second, Yara Flor finds Silver Swan in the rubble. Yara gives her opponent a polite invitation to surrender, but Silver Swan refuses and launches into an attack.

Third, Cassie Sandsmark infiltrates what's left of the mansion to surprise Angle Man by punching him through a wall.

As each fight progresses, each Wonder Girl finds herself momentarily outmatched by the superior weapons and strength of their respective opponents. The tables turn when each Wonder Girl switches opponents to defeat the Sovereign's allies. Meanwhile, Grail escorts Sovereign through an underground escape tunnel to the last place he can hide - the White House.

Throughout the issue, Diana narrates her recollection of her first meeting with Steve Trevor as she carves a statue in his honor.

First Impressions

Well, it's nice to see the Wonder Girls given something to do besides stand in the background, which is the exact same praise I gave when Tom King delivered the almost identical story structure in Wonder Woman #15. In other words, more Wonder Girl action is cool, but this issue feels like a copy/paste.

How’s the Art?

Daniel Sampere's art is the only reason this series is still hanging on by its fingernails. Sampere's jaw-dropping mix of hyper-detailed characters with photo-realistic features can't be beat. If you like art that has a comic book feel but is as gorgeous as a painting, Wonder Woman #17 is a treat.

What’s great about Wonder Woman #17?

More Wonder Girls in action is a good thing. To be fair, Tom King doesn't do much with them other than use them as Diana's stick to exact her revenge against the Sovereign, but something is better than nothing.

What’s not great about Wonder Woman #17?

All previous criticisms still apply to this issue. Sovereign's narration is mind-numbingly tedious. The pace of the story is, to be generous, floundering. The setup for the story, Amelie's massacre of a bunch of men in a pool bar, is nowhere to be found. And the outcome of this story's destination is already set, so there's a complete lack of surprise.

When you know where you're headed, the writer has to rely on surprises and misdirects to hold the readers' attention. In this case, King isn't doing anything but going through the motions, so the plot fails to give the reader any reason to care.

About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.

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Final Thoughts

Wonder Woman #17 delivers another Wonder Girl-centric issue as Diana exacts her revenge against the Sovereign for the death of Steve Trevor. Tom King's script structure, although a direct copy/paste from issue #15, does well to give the Wonder Girls a moment to shine. However, the pre-determined destination and the Sovereign's grating narration make this issue a slog.


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  1. Great review of Wonder Woman #17! The storyline and character development sound captivating. I love how you highlighted the depth of Diana's journey and her struggles. Definitely adding this issue to my reading list—thanks for the recommendation!abogado dui harrisonburg virginia
