Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Batman And Robin #14 Comic Review

  • Written by: Phillip Kennedy Johnson

  • Art by: Javi Fernandez

  • Colors by: Marcelo Maiolo

  • Letters by: Steve Wands

  • Cover art by: Javi Fernandez, Dave McCaig (cover A)

  • Cover price: $4.99

  • Release date: October 9, 2024

Batman And Robin #14, by DC Comics on 10/9/24, finds Bruce and Damian attending a fundraiser in support of a family friend, but the night is interrupted by the deadly arrival of an old enemy.

Is Batman And Robin #14 Good?

On first readthrough, Batman And Robin #14 is not bad, barring an odd bit of character work that won't sit well with longtime readers. Phillip Kennedy Johnson takes over for Joshua Williamson with a new arc that puts the father/son crime fighting team at the heart of a mystery that feels like a return to form. Batman And Robin #14 begins mid-battle as the dynamic duo chase down a group of cars set to explode on one of Gotham City's bridges in the name of The Order of the Green Knight (you'd have to read the current Poison Ivy ongoing to know who that is). Of course, Batman And Robin save the bridge and the bystanders in spectacular fashion.

Right off, Phillip Kennedy Johnson is off to a good start. The chase scene and its crescendo are the stuff that makes superhero comics gloriously fun, so Johnson sets a tone of high adventure. Back at Pennyworth Manor, Bruce debriefs Oracle and preps Damian on the fundraiser father and son will attend later that night to support a good cause. Bruce is eager to see a family friend, Dr. Bashar, who was elected the head of the Sacred Heart Medical Center. Damian, however, would rather go patrolling again, and he spares no opportunity to whine, put, complain, and grumble about it. Johnson's scene between Bruce and Damian may annoy several longtime fans of Damian due to how much his personality reads as a step backward. Damian first came on the scene as a rambunctious brat, but a lot of work has gone into maturing his character and softening his irritating edges. Here, Johnson roughs up those smooth edges to present a Damian who's as stubborn and whiney as he is capable. During the fundraiser, Bruce makes the rounds to greet attendees and make introductions. Damian, however, is incensed at having to sit at the children's table. After Damian angers Bruce by making rude comments to some guests, Bruce receives a transmission from Oracle that someone is shooting in Sacred Heart's basement. Bruce orders Damian to stay behind to protect the attendees while he races to the lower levels to investigate. Suddenly, the power is cut. Damian notices someone blocking the door to prevent escape. The issue ends with armed intruders, darkness, an oil fire where one shouldn't exist, and a terrifying face from Bruce's past.

What's great about Batman And Robin #14?

Phillip Kennedy Johnson gets Batman and his son back to basics with a tried and true crime mystery, starting with a peak Batman rescue sequence. Gotham City and the characters who live in it feel authentic, and the setup is as classic a start to a Batman mystery as it gets.

What's not great about Batman And Robin #14?

The drawback of this issue is the dialog and character voices, especially for Damian. Johnson's dialog between Bruce and Damian after the opening rescue scene feels stiff and oddly paced. Also, Damian's voice and personality come across as a step backward from his development over the last few years.

How's the Art?

The artwork by Javi Fernandez and Marcel Maiolo is perfectly fine. Fernandez uses an above-average amount of blur filters to disguise the lack of detail in the backgrounds throughout most of the pages, but it helps to give Gotham a damp, murky atmosphere.

About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.

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Final Thoughts

Batman And Robin #14 is a perfectly fine start to a new Batman and Robin adventure with a new creative team. But for a step backward in Damian's character growth, the setup and new villain introduction are well done. Overall, the new creative team is headed in the right direction.


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