Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Action Comics #1070 Comic Review

  • Written by: Mark Waid

  • Art by: Clayton Henry

  • Colors by: Matt Herms

  • Letters by: Dave Sharpe

  • Cover art by: Clayton Henry, Tomeu Morey

  • Cover price: $4.99

  • Release date: October 9, 2024

Action Comics #1070, by DC Comics on 10/9/24, sends Superman on a recon mission to the Phantom Zone when a trio of Kryptonians escape, but it's not what you think.

Is Action Comics #1070 Good?

After a brief pause in the series for a three-parter by Gail Simone, writer Mark Waid steps into the title to deliver the start of a new arc that's full of charm, mystery, and clear stakes. Action Comics #1070 won't blow you away, but it's a rock-solid start.

Action Comics #1070 begins with a typical day in Metropolis. Superman swoops in to prevent Jimmy Olsen from injuring himself during a tricky photoshoot, and the two discuss Jimmy's request for a birthday present. Suddenly, something streaks through the sky, blowing holes through a number of downtown builds on a quiet Sunday (when most people aren't working in said buildings).

Mark Waid does what Mark Waid does best in terms of superhero comics - get things moving with strong character moments and fast-paced action. The rapport between Jimmy and Superman in their scene verges on brotherly, and the action hits like a freight train.

Superman catches up to the destructive streak and finds there Kryptonians stitched together in a painful amalgam. Supergirl arrives to lend a hand since the one being technically has triple the power of Superman. The fight stretches into hours, and Superman knows he doesn't have enough power, even with Supergirl's help, to stop the pain-struck newcomer.

Superman devises a risky plan. He flies off to recover the only known quantity of Gold Kryptonite on Earth, hoping the exposure would shut down the amalgam's ability to absorb solar radiation and stop its attack. After a quick flight while Kara holds down the fight, Superman returns with the dangerous element.

The issue concludes with that Olsen luck kicking in at the right time, a proper host to provide the best medical care, and Superman decides to take a long overdue recon trip.

Backup Story

Mariko Tamaki pens a backup story starring Supergirl. Kara visits friends, a United Outpost on Thanagar, and more. Somewhere along the way, Kara developed the ability to mind-wipe people, and she appears to be acting out a directive to reach a destination in space from some technological mind infection.

If the description above sounds confusing, that's because the backup is confusing. The mystery is somewhat intriguing, but the story execution is sub-par.

What's great about Action Comics #1070?

Mark Waid gets the Man of Steel back to basics with a solid beginning to a new adventure. You get charming character interactions, and intriguing mystery, and quintessential Superman action.

What's not great about Action Comics #1070?

The backup is easily the worst part of the comic. That aside, Waid provides a hand-waving explanation as to why other Super Family members can't get involved in the fight, but the explanation doesn't ring true.

How's the Art?

Clayton Henry gives readers a Metropolis and characters that are bright, hopeful, and full of energy. For everyone tired of the 'D' in DC standing for Depressing, this comic is just the antidote.

About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.

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Final Thoughts

Action Comics #1070 starts a new adventure that prompts Superman to visit the Phantom Zone. Mark Waid's particular knack for quintessential superhero fare is on point, and Clayton Henry's bright, hopeful art is immaculate. But for a less-ideal backup, and one or two hand-waving plot hole covers, this issue is off to an excellent start.


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