Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Batman #152 Comic Review

  • Written by: Chip Zdarsky

  • Art by: Mike Hawthorne, Adriano Di Bendetto

  • Colors by: Romulo Fajardo Jr.

  • Letters by: Clayton Cowles

  • Cover art by: Salvador Larrocca, Matt Herms (cover A)

  • Cover price: $4.99

  • Release date: September 4, 2024

Batman #152, by DC Comics on 9/4/24, sends Batman and Catwoman on the most unusual game of tag while they try to recover Amanda Waller's Mother Box on Czarnia while chased by the Suicide Squad.

Is Batman #152 Good?

Chip Zdarsky's time on Batman may be drawing to a close, but he's doing his darndest to make the remaining issues as wild and full of crazy action as possible. Batman #152 may not be the most meaningful Absolute Power tie-in or the smartest, but what it lacks in sense, it makes up for in over-the-top action.

When last we left the Caped Crusader in Batman #151, Batman and Catwoman infiltrated a U.S. military base to find and steal the Mother Box Amanda Waller is hiding. Their plan mostly works, but what they didn't expect is that the Mother Box's portal tech opens a gateway to Czarnia, where the graves of Waller's deceased family are resting inside a protective dome. Further, members of the Suicide Squad guard the plots with orders to kill anyone who arrives who doesn't have the last name of Waller.

In Batman #152, the Absolute Power tie-in arc continues. Batman and Catwoman begin a deadly game of Tag to escape the Suicide Squad, composed of Gunsmith, Black Alice, Deadeye, and a partially cybernetically reconstructed Bizarro, within a small space.

Batman uses every tool in his utility belt to evade getting shot or worse, while Catwoman races to disarm the time on the encased Mother Box. Unfortunately, Catwoman isn't fast enough, and the timer goes off. Strangely, the timer doesn't explode but instead removes the mausoleum over the Mother Box.

If it wasn't clear by now, Chip Zdarsky attacks this issue with frantic action and a high pace. You have to suspend an unreasonable amount of disbelief to accept that Batman escaped capture or death by the likes of Bizarro and Black Alice in a space the size of a typical suburban backyard, but here we are. To be fair, Zdarsky compensates that disbelief with the fast-paced action reasonably well.

Batman holds his own against the Suicide Squad long enough until everyone realizes the true threat of the Mother Box's timer. Removing the force field allowed several lethal swarms of Czarnian insects to get in, and exposure of the Mother Box allowed its presence to be detected by the last person Batman wants to see... Darkseid.

That's right. Chip Zdarsky goes from unreasonable suspension of disbelief to "Aww, come on! Really!? You're pulling the Darkseid card now?!?" this issue quickly becomes the comic equivalent of "everything and the kitchen sink" to distract away from the super-thin plot.

The issue ends with one Squad member dying, but not by Suicide, Deadeye finding out just how heartless his aunt, Amanda Waller, really is, and Batman taking a moment to get his act together.

What's great about Batman #152? Readers who are fans of mindless, kinetic action will probably get a kick out of this issue. Chip Zdarsky crams every zig, zag, and attempt at a wow moment that can be squeezed into this issue to make it as entertaining as possible. Does this tie-in matter to the Absolute Power event? Not much beyond the recovery of the Mother Box, but it's not the worst tie-in.

What's not great about Batman #152? As mentioned, you have to suspend enough disbelief to believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy all at once. Fast-paced action is good when integrated into a solid story, never as a substitute. Zdarsky invokes more Bat-God nonsense to try and convince you that Batman can get out of any situation, and it just doesn't fly here.

How's the Art? Mike Hawthorne and Adriano Di Benedetto deliver perfectly decent visuals to sell Zdarsky's script as much as possible. The action is certainly engaging, and the more absurd moments are almost made believable by the choreography.

About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.

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Final Thoughts

Batman #152 is a thrill ride of nearly silly proportions. Chip Zdarsky throws everything and the kitchen sink at Batman to get the Caped Crusader out of the painted corner Zdarsky put him in. At least the art team does their level best to sell the action and cover for the paper-thin plot.


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  1. I don't agree with the rating here, it should be wayyyy lower. Not only Zdarsky threw everyone at Batman, but he didn't make the fight enjoyable. There is nothing clever about how he defeats them, he just evades them by jumping here and there and mostly dodging and that's why it doesn't make sense. It's one thing if Batman used strategy to counter these many OP characters, but he mostly just moves here and there and throws a punch or two. As a result I don't care about anything happening here and it's boring cause none of the opponents seem different from another, they are just there to be punched and take up panels.

    Another negative point is the inclusion of Catwoman. What's the point when nothing substantial is going to come out of it?? Any kind of significant progress in favor of them or against them is just going to be ignored by the next writer to keep them in this constant limbo of nothingness, robbing them of any impact with their moments. I don't care what kind of platitude Selina gives Bruce here, it is empty and shallow since they are nothing more than just something to dangle in front of the readers and shippers to screenshot and post on social media. There is no story progress here. ( I feel the same with Spiderman and any relationship he has cause the next writer is just going to introduce someone else to be promptly forgotten. Marvel has this problem with its characters more than DC. At least DC tries to maintain a kind of history with characters sometimes....maybe...a lot of times with stuff that it should have let go cause they were horrible additions...sigh but still sometimes...). I wish they would just commit to them separating for real or marrying but they want to have it both ways and make it shallow. If it was like most realistic relationships, by now they would have decided already.

    Another negetive point: It is mostly subjective but I really dislike the art. It looks half done and the coloring is weird.

    Side note: Absolute Power issue 3 makes the ending of this issue hilarious cause here is Batman taking a walk on a beach somewhere, meanwhile the rest of the heroes at that exact time are battling Jon and Brainiac Queen within an inch of their life lollll. Jon is screaming in agony and everything and Amazos are chasing heroes down, Hal Jordan managed to procure valuable weapons while imprisoned and tortured and powerless, Clark talked a whole room of powered magicians down while non powered and worried about his son being tortured and puppeteered against his will, Barry is running as much as he can to evade capture and help for some days now at least, it is very much an ongoing battle happening for some hours or so non stop but at least Batman got to walk along a beach cause he fought some villains. Lol

    1. Btw I just listened to Jim and Eric's review of this issue. Their review was on point!( and I am not saying that just cause they didn't like this issue) I didn't know we would agree this much!
