Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Superman #17 Comic Review

  • Written by: Joshua Williamson

  • Art by: Jamal Campbell

  • Colors by: Jamal Campbell

  • Letters by: Arian Maher

  • Cover art by: Jamal Campbell (cover A)

  • Cover price: $4.99

  • Release date: August 21, 2024

Superman #17, by DC Comics on 8/21/24, continues the Absolute Power tie-in when Superman and Zatanna travel to the JLD headquarters to find a book that leads to the bar that contains the map.

Is Superman #17 Good?

Okay, Superman #17 is not bad and possibly one of the better Absolute Power tie-ins. Joshua Williamson takes Superman on a magical mystery tour with Zatanna's help, where we get a glimpse of the mystical highways and byways of the DC Universe. Therefore, the issue is at least novel.

When last we left the Man of Steel in Superman #16, Conner Kent escorted the gravely wounded Superman to the Fortress of Solitude for medical attention, prompting the few remaining heroes who haven't been captured by Amanda Waller to use the Fortress as a safehouse. Superman recovered enough to speak with the refugees when he learns Zatanna has an idea about using mystical pathways to reach other heroes outside Waller's view. Meanwhile, Lois Lane donned power armor to rescue Jimmy Olsen and her friends in Metropolis.

In Superman #17, we begin with a brief flashback prologue depicting the original Superboy's run-in with Kid Warlock in Smallville, underscoring the young Kryptonian's increasing dislike for all things magic.

Now, still reeling from the attack on the Fortress of Solitude in Absolute Power #2, Superman and Zatanna enter the Justice League Dark's headquarters on a special mission - to find the Map of Mordru, which shows the reader the location of all Dark Roads for travel between points unseen. As they walk, Superman lets loose his frustration over his defeat at the Fortress and Jon Kent's conversion into a mind-controlled cyborg.

Joshua Williamson does a decent job of setting up Superman's state of mind, which establishes the motivations for his decisions throughout the rest of the issue. Longtime readers already know Superman is not fond of magic, but new readers will pick up that important tidbit with the opening scenes.

Elsewhere, Lois Lane rockets to Lena Luthor's apartment in one of Lex's power suits. There, Lena, Silver Banshee, Jimmy Olsen, and the partially-mind-wiped Lex are waiting for Lois to discuss how she got the suits and what to do next. Mercy arrives to deliver the bad news that Superman was indeed shot. In a brief lead-up to this scene, Amanda Waller dresses down Peacemaker for letting Lex escape by a "mysterious" person wearing power armor.

The preceding scene almost works. Lois flies around Metropolis like Iron Man without a helmet, so she should be imminently spottable and easy to identify. Why would Jimmy or anyone else be shocked that Lois would use a tool at her disposal to help her allies? The tone and purpose of this scene are just odd.

Back in the secret halls of magic, Zatanna and Superman enter a pathway used by Swamp Thing that passes through the Parliament of Trees, and they find a group of Waller's stormtroopers burning everything down. After a brief scuffle, our heroes race to a particular tree where Zatanna has hidden a book that transports the readers to the Oblivion Bar.

The issue ends with new acquaintances, old enemies, and a deal with a devil named Neron.

What's great about Superman #17? Frankly, the magic side of the DC Universe doesn't get nearly enough attention, so this issue succeeds as a decent tie-in to Absolute Power and a spotlight on the sadly underutilized magic side of the world. Williamson's script is generally solid, even if this issue is technically a transition chapter.

What's not great about Superman #17? In addition to the odd scene involving Lois in the power suit, the timing of this issue feels off. We're at least halfway through the main event, and we still haven't reached the point where Superman can use the Dark Roads to rescue refugees from Waller's attack.

The issue feels like it's behind the main plot and inconsequential in how it contributes. That may or may not be Williamson's fault, but it almost feels like you could skip this tie-in and not miss anything.

How's the art? Jamal Campbell brings his A-Game to this issue with powerful figure work, mystically engaging set designs and strong dramatic elements. On the whole, this issue looks great.

About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.

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Final Thoughts

Superman #17 is one of the better-crafted Absolute Power tie-ins because Superman and Zatanna take a walking scavenger hunt tour of the criminally underused magic side of the DC universe. That said, Joshua Williamson's script reads more like a transition issue that only serves to get our heroes from Point A to B, which isn't bad, but it doesn't read as important.


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