Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Gotham City Sirens #1 Comic Review

  • Written by: Leah Williams

  • Art by: Matteo Lolli

  • Colors by: Triona Farrell

  • Letters by: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou

  • Cover art by: Terry Dodson, Rachel Dodson

  • Cover price: $3.99

  • Release date: August 7, 2024

Gotham City Sirens, by DC Comics on 8/7/24, sends the streets of Gotham City into chaos when shirtless cowboys on horses and four runners engage in streaming shenanigans.

Is Gotham City Sirens #1 Good?

Oy! Whatever you thought you were going to get out of Leah Williams's next bimbo-inspired adventure, it's worse. Fresh on the heels of the X-Terminators at Marvel (aka the "X-Bimbos"), Williams tries her hand at repeating the recipe at DC Comics with the Gotham City Sirens (aka "Gotham City Bimbos"), and it's just as loud, obnoxious, and annoying as you'd expect. The issue begins with Jaina Hudson, aka White Rabbit, running through the back alleys of Gotham as she's pursued by a posse of shirtless, masked cowboys on horseback. Jaina splits herself into the White Rabbit persona to evade getting captured as she ducks into an alley and scurries up a fire escape, where she runs into Catwoman. From the first scene, you know this title is in trouble. You're not given any setup or introduction to Jaina, so new readers will have to do some research to figure out who she is. The cowboy posse looks as ridiculous as it sounds, and the choreography is confusing. Elsewhere, Harley Quinn takes her hyenas into the local park to answer the call of nature. Suddenly, a herd of bison stampedes past the park, chased by two cowpokes on four runners. One of the cowpokes almost runs Harley over, so she jumps on and tosses the rider off onto his partner's ride. Harley eventually forces the second rider to crash his vehicle, but before Harley can interrogate them, they "log off" their avatars, leaving the two dead bodies. At this point, you'd rightly wonder what in the heck is going on. The chase scene on the four runners is poorly choreographed, it's impossible to believe a herd of bison runs down the middle of a Gotham street without anyone besides Harley noticing, and the "logging off" scene is confusing in a slapstick kind of way. Later, we see news reports of people rioting over the release of the latest flavor of XO Punch Energy Drink. We see Poison Ivy examining the chemical compounds of the drink in her lab for reasons not explained while she orders the death of two random men by a giant Venus fly trap. Suddenly, Harley bursts through the door, dragging the two dead cowpokes, to tell Ivy about the bison herd experience and that something "funny" is going on. Soon after, Catwoman arrives with Jaina Hudson with a story about being asked to participate in a game. The issue ends with a weird ranch, live streaming, and a joke with a bad Punchline. Overall, this comic is a confusing mess. It's nothing but a collection of loud, obnoxious personalities engaged in weird, confusing, unexplained developments. If you were expecting something better, I don't know what to tell you because this is exactly the type of story that would come from a writer with a bimbo fetish. Unless you're super into the bimbo brand of storytelling, especially when it doesn't try to make sense, pass on this comic.

About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.

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Final Thoughts

Gotham City Sirens #1 is a mess from start to finish. Things happen out of the blue, the plot is a jumbled collection of weird occurrences, and the action choreography is terrible. The original announcement made it sound like this miniseries is filling space until the majority of titles reset themselves in October, but the only thing this issue should fill is the bottom of a birdcage.


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  1. I agree 100%. The art is interesting, but the story is a jumbled mess. At least DC understand that a 4 issue run is optimistic. Its only $4 but I would hate to be a young kid with an odd or allowance buying something like this. I don't think I will continue. Comics cost too much and I would rather check something else out.

  2. any appearance by the outstanding Poison Ivy makes for a good read. Hopefully the writers let her take the lead as she is the greatest villain in the DC world
