Thursday, August 15, 2024

Action Comics #1068 Comic Review

  • Written by: Gail Simone

  • Art by: Eddy Barrows, Danny Miki

  • Colors by: Rex Lokus

  • Letters by: Dave Sharpe

  • Cover art by: Eddy Barrows, Danny Miki, Tomeu Morey

  • Cover price: $4.99

  • Release date: August 14, 2024

Action Comics #1068, by DC Comics on 8/14/24, brings Superman's first challenge from the Gorathians to an end before starting the next challenge to save multiple cities at once.

Is Action Comics #1068 Good?

When last we left the Man of Steel in Action Comics #1067, we visited Superman during the early days of his career when an alien force of Gorathians arrived on Earth after a peaceful alien sought out Superman for help. The challenge? Participate in gladiatorial combat for the fate of the world. Superman won the fight against a massive beast, but the Gorathians didn't appear to lose gracefully, when they dropped a Navy aircraft carrier on the city.

The backup story by Rainbow Rowell sets Lois and Clark against each other when Lois questions Clark's ability to be a good reporter with his duties as Superman.

In Action Comics #1068, Superman races against time and gravity when the Gorathians release their gravitational hold on the aircraft carrier. Superman uses his super speed, icy breath, and miraculous strength to slow the carrier's descent and redirect its fall to the nearby harbor. Despite catastrophic damage in all directions, no lives are lost.

To Gail Simone's credit, Superman's victory in the first challenge is the rousing stuff Superman was made for. You can't simply pick up a carrier from a single spot without falling apart under its own weight, so Simone dreams up a bit of believable science and quick thinking for an exciting rescue.

Superman emerges from the water but passes out due to the exhaustion and strain of getting crushed by an aircraft carrier. Sadly, there's no time to rest when Superman, Lois, and Jimmy are teleported to the main Gorathian ship for the second challenge - a contest of speed and wits. Superman has to save the bottled city of Kandor from destruction by multiple robotic arms geared with deadly weapons. If he loses, Kandor will be destroyed, and the Gorathian cannons will obliterate Paris and a second, unnamed city (Tokyo?).

Gail Simone isn't pulling any punches with the stakes or the pace. In a bid to ensure victory while still appearing legitimate, the Gorathians give Superman a nearly impossible task that has to be completed in seconds, which elevates Superman as a true hero and gives readers something to root for.

The issue concludes with a smart use of fabric, an unexpected call, and kryptonite versus lead.

Overall, Simone gives readers all the elements of a rousing Superman adventure with herculean saves, high stakes, evil villains, and a strong cliffhanger. 

How's the Art? Eddy Barrows and Danny Miki excel with the character designs and action sequences to amplify Simone's script to super levels. The super action looks super (as it should), and Rex Lokus's coloring is fantastic. 

That said, the facial expressions of Lois and Jimmy look strangely exaggerated, especially Jimmy. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

Backup Story

In Part 2 of Rainbow Rowell's tale, the "conflict of interest" argument bleeds into Lois and Clark's personal life. They decide to settle things the next day in Lois's office. Lois decides to take Clark off the Metro Beat completely, demoting him to general interest pieces. Fully emasculated, Clark fulfills his obligations. One day, Jimmy receives an alert that Atomic Skull broke out of prison. Superman charges to the rescue and finds himself distracted by having to save Jimmy and Mariposa (his replacement) during Atomic Skull's destruction. I don't know what Rainbow Rowell is getting at here. Clark/Superman handled the Metro Beat for years under Perry White without issue. Rowell uses Lois to assert her authority to correct a problem that hasn't existed before now, so it's unclear if there's some bait-and-switch happening or if Rowell doesn't understand how Clark fits into the Daily Bugle. Either way, this backup story feels way off.


About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.

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Final Thoughts

Action Comics #1068 continues Superman's contest of champions with Earth's survival as the prize. Gail Simone's tale keeps the pace, energy, and smart action high for a rousing tale. Plus, the art team's execution is generally on point, except for wonky faces on Jimmy. That said, Rainbow Rowell's backup story is a bizarre headscratcher.


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