Friday, March 29, 2024
Power Girl #7 Review
Written by: Leah Williams
Art by: Marguerite Sauvage
Colors by: Marguerite Sauvage
Letters by: Becca Carey
Cover art by: Amy Reeder
Cover price: $3.99
Release date: March 26, 2024
Power Girl #7 ends the fairytale story with a fairytale ending, pitting Supergirl and Power Girl against an evil queen possessing the power of magic and science.
Is Power Girl #7 Good?
"What the Hell is even that?!?" or something like that is what the kids today would say. Power Girl #7 is a ridiculously rushed, pointless ending to a rushed, pointless story set in a cartoon fairytale world. Whatever your expectations for Leah Williams in this series, lower them. Lower them a lot.
When last we left Power Girl and Supergirl, they clumsily deduced that a street drug called Avalon sent its consumers to a fairytale world. When Power Girl and Supergirl followed the distributors through a magical portal, they found themselves in the cartoonish (literally) world of Ferimbia without their powers.
Now, readers are treated to several pages of storybook narration explaining how a mad scientist from Earth, Avice Stanislava, found her way to Ferimbia to complete her unethical experiments in mind control based on insect behavior. Avice tricked and trapped Ferimbia's queen and siphoned off the queen's magic to enslave all adults. Wanting to expand her experiments, Avice concocted Avalon to bring humans to Ferimbia from Earth.
Meanwhile, Power Girl and Supergirl cross paths with a band of refugees from Avarice's reign of tyranny. After copious exposition and a costume change into medieval armor, Power Girl and Supergirl head off to the castle to defeat the guards and free the true queen to end Avarice's rule.
If you're wondering what this has to do with the Symbio-virus, Kelex, or any of the plot points from the beginning of the series, it doesn't have anything to do with that. What we're now seeing across almost all DC titles is a lot of rushed endings and filler issues intended to align the publishing cycles to coincide with the forthcoming Absolute Power event.
In short, DC is wasting your time and money with a lot of junk, which is probably the best way to describe this story.
What's great about Power Girl #7? To Williams's credit, she wraps up the fairytale adventure in a neat, clean, small package with a minimum of loose ends.
What's not so great about Power Girl #7? Practically everything else. Williams's plot, dialog, scene development, character work, and world-building are subpar, at best. There's no value in this comic whatsoever.
How about the Art? As strange as it may sound, Sauvage's art style appears more effective as a cartoon. You don't have to worry about pesky things like details, highlights, shadows, or impact, which are aspects frequently missing from Sauvauge's art.
About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.
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Bits and Pieces:
Power Girl #7 hurriedly wraps up the cartoon fairytale adventure with rushed scenes, semi-slapstick action, and tons of exposition. Williams was likely told to cut the story short to make way for Absolute Power, and it shows.
My friend often invites me to play four colors to train our minds together.