Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Harley Quinn #22 Review



Written by: Stephanie Phillips
Art by: Matteo Lolli, David Baldeón
Colors by: Rain Beredo
Letters by: AndWorld Design
Cover art by: Matteo Lolli, Rain Beredo
Cover price: $3.99
Release date: September 27, 2022

Harley Quinn #22 begins a new arc with Kevin heading into the frozen North looking for the League of Assassins and a Lazarus Pit to resurrect one Harley Quinn. Who murdered her and why is the mystery you never knew was waiting for you.

Sgt. Rock vs. The Army of the Dead #1 Review



Written by: Bruce Campbell
Art by: Eduardo Risso
Colors by: Kristian Rossi
Letters by: Rob Leigh
Cover art by: Gary Frank
Cover price: $3.99
Release date: September 27, 2022

Sgt. Rock vs. The Army of the Dead #1 takes readers back to the height of WWII when Sgt. Rock and Easy Company are brought into a secret mission - find and destroy Hitler's new factory that churns out zombie soldiers.

The Human Target #7 Review



Written by: Tom King
Art by: Greg Smallwood
Colors by: Greg Smallwood
Letters by: Clayton Cowles
Cover art by: Greg Smallwood
Cover price: $4.99
Release date: September 27, 2022

The Human Target #7 returns from a lengthy hiatus to continue Christopher Chance's investigation into his murder. When Fire takes center stage in Chance's adventure, the answers come hot and heavy, including the one answer that may end it all.

Superman: Space Age #2 Review



Written by: Mark Russell
Art by: Mike Allred
Colors by: Laura Allred
Letters by: Dave Sharpe
Cover art by: Mike Allred, Laura Allred
Cover price: $9.99
Release date: September 27, 2022

Superman: Space Age #2 regales readers with an 80-page tome about life in Metropolis and Gotham during the mid-1970s.


Written by: Geoffrey Thorne
Art by: Juan Castro
Colors by: Wil Quintana
Cover art by: Dexter Soy
Cover price: $3.99
Release date: September 27, 2022

Blood Syndicate #5 brings out the big guns when Rocket and Icon arrive to stop Holocaust's takeover of Paris Island. Did you not see this coming?

Action Comics #1047 Review

Making Warworld Earth's Problem

Written By: Phillip Kennedy Johnson
Art By: Riccardo Federici, Lee Loughridge, Dave Sharpe, David Lapham, Trish Mulvihill
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: September 27, 2022

Action Comics #1047 is a bit of a cooldown issue for Superman.  Mongul is no more and with that Superman can finally return back home and not only see Lois, Jon, and all the people he's missed over that time, but he can get back to doing Superman things..... that is, until Dark Crisis rears its ugly head and snatches our Man of Steel away. Until then, let's jump into this issue and see what a post-Warworld Superman looks like and what he wants to do now that he's home. Let's check it out.

Task Force Z #12 Review

All Zombed Out

Written By: Matthew Rosenberg
Art By: Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, Adriano Lucas, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: September 27, 2022

Task Force Z #12 ends a year of zombie shenanigans with Two-Face and Red Hood, but now we've come to the end, and it's time to see if our so-called heroes will be able to stop the evil plans of Mr. Bloom and finally pull that evil weed at the root. In our previous issue, Bloom with the help of Gotham and Gotham Girl had incapacitated both Jason Todd and Harvey Dent but thankfully because of a dim-witted zombie and a well-placed bomb it looks like Red Hood will be able to get another shot at taking down our title's threat. Let's jump into this issue and see how Task Force Z ends.  

Tim Drake: Robin #1 Review

Tim Drake: Boat Guy

Written By: Meghan Fitzmartin
Art By: Riley Rossmo, Lee Loughridge, Tom Napolitano
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: September 27, 2022

Tim Drake: Robin #1 has arrived!  It's finally time to get a new Robin series where the greatest of the Boy Wonders is featured front and center once again because everyone has their favorite Robin and reasons behind it...... it really doesn't matter because no one will ever compare to the great Tim Drake.  So yeah, you can say I'm a fan, but the only problem is...... Well, problems..... we have a weird-ass creative team bringing this book to life.  Let's jump into this Robin series and see if Meghan Fitzmartin can do something with our Boy Wonder that feels like it's the actual character or if she just makes significant changes out of nowhere without having any context behind it, or if she forgets huge pieces of continuity to fit the story being told..... not to mention, let's see if we can figure out this Riley Rossmo art.  Let's jump into this issue and hope for the best.