Saturday, January 29, 2022

Teen Titans #6 (2003) Mini Review


War and Peace

Written by: Geoff Johns
Art by: Mike McKone
Cover Price: $2.50
Release Date: December 10, 2003

Wonder Woman shows up at Titans Tower to take Cassie home and it ends up being a Teen Titans vs the JLA throw down! While Starfire and Diana fight, it’s pretty much mentor vs protege until Nightwing shows up and puts them all in their place… because he is awesome! The Justice League (again) tells the Teen Titans they will let them forge their own path and everyone goes home after a crazy first weekend. Meanwhile, Tim Drake has verified that Conner is half Lex Luther DNA which doesn’t make Connor happy at all, and the secret emailer “Snapdragon” is revealed to be… you’ll just have to read the issue for that huge reveal! The issue was pretty much fighting and talking and then talking and fighting, but it was nice to see the Teen Titans stand up for themselves as a team, but also as friends. Bart is the star of the book so far and I am loving him as the self-appointed Kid Flash. 

Final Score: 8.8/10

If you would like to hear us discuss this issue in more detail, head over to - Teen Titans (2003) was our book of the month for January 2021!

The Peacemaker #4 (1967) Mini Review


Peace Sells...

Written by: Joe Gill
Art by: Pat Boyette
Cover Price: 12 cents
Release Date: September 1967

Though the cover claims this is an origin issue, the origin parts are pretty much Christopher Smith reminiscing about all those times he kicked ass “for peace”! What we do get in this issue, though, is tough-as-nails assistant Nora O’Rourke (complete with a black eye) showing up and immediately getting caught up in the Peacemaker life. They get shot at by a sniper and then bombed and captured by a terrorist within seconds of Nora finding out that Christopher is indeed Peacemaker. The issue veers a bit close to Iron Man’s origin when the terrorist, Colonel Uz, forces Peacemaker to repair stolen weapons for resale, but what better way for Peacemaker to gum up the works. Reading this now, it comes off a bit more fun than it was probably intended to be, but with the John Cena character going so over the top, it actually works! The art holds up well and the story doesn’t feel as dated as other late 60s comics I’ve read. There are always bad guys and as the great philosopher Dave Mustaine asked, “Peace sells, but who’s buying?”

Final Score: 8/10

If you would like to hear us discuss this issue in detail, head over to where it was featured in our January 2021 DC Comics Back Issues Podcast

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Human Target #4 Review

When Everything Goes Right, Something Is Wrong

Written by: Tom King
Art by: Greg Smallwood
Colors by: Greg Smallwood
Letters by: Clayton Cowles
Cover price: $3.99
Release date: January 25, 2022

Human Target #4 takes Christopher Chance on a superhero ride along as the next stop in his own murder investigation sends him to the head of Kord Industries. When Ice and Blue Beetle give Chance a look into the daily lives of superheroes, what else does he see that the former teammates may be hiding?

Detective Comics #1050 Review

Detective Comics #1050 Review

Detective Comics #1050 Review

Tower Heist

Writer: Mariko Tamaki
Artist: Ivan Reis
Cover Price: $5.99
Release Date: January 25, 2022

It's time again for the weekly Shadows of the Bat / The Tower story, and I keep making fun that it's the story so nice they named it twice, but that is the theme for me reading and reviewing it.  I don't know what story Mariko Tamaki wants to tell.  Who are the real villains?  What is their plan?  Is it about the revolving door of mental health treatment?  Is it just a bad guy looking for the big score?  Why does Mayor Nakano keep messing up, and how can he possibly keep his job?  Those are just some of the questions that go through my head each week reading this story, but it all comes down to two simple questions.  Is it a good story, and is it worth buying? 

Wonder Girl #7 Review

A Race To The Finish

Written by: Joëlle Jones
Art by: Leila Del Duca
Colors by: Jordie Bellaire
Letters by: Pat Brosseau
Cover price: $3.99
Release date: January 26, 2022

Wonder Girl #7 completes the inaugural run of the latest Amazon to join the Wonder Woman pantheon with a titanic battle at the gates of Mt. Olympus. When the dust settles, one of the key characters will perish. But who?

Harley Quinn #11 Review

Choo-Choo Goes The Cuckoo Train!

Written by: Stephanie Phillips
Art by: Riley Rossmo
Colors by: Ivan Plascencia
Letters by: Deron Bennett
Cover price: $3.99
Release date: January 25, 2022

Harley Quinn #11 gives Harley an impossible choice - save Gotham from a bomb-strapped train or save Kevin from getting turned into roadkill. In between lectures about the percentage of women in STEM fields and the basics of Kantian ethics, Keepsake may finally get his revenge.

DC vs. Vampires #4 Review


A Vampire Walks Into a Bar...

Writer: Matthew Rosenberg, James Tynion IV
Artist: Otto Schmidt
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 25, 2022

DC Vs. Vampires was one of the books in the running for my 2021 Book of the Year after only three issues.  I realized that was ridiculous, so here we are in 2022, and we shall see if it's the Year of the Vampire for me.  Am I allowed to say a book with some of my favorite heroes being killed or turned into undead monsters is fun?  Well, it is, and I'm here for it!  The last issue's cliffhanger put the target on Batman, and while the reader knows that's complete BS, the Justice League may not, and that's what sets up the "stakes" for this issue.  Let's jump in...

Aquaman / Green Arrow: Deep Target #4 Review


Not So Deep

Writer: Brandon Thomas
Artist: Ronan Cliquet
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 25, 2022

Aquaman / Green Arrow #4 needs to do a whole lot, least of all, show me why I should be reading it.  Honestly, if I weren't reviewing this book, I would have dropped it after issue #1, and it's gotten worse since.  However, every issue is a chance to turn things around, so let's see if Brandon Thomas can do that here.

Superman & Robin Special #1 Review

The Boys Are Back In Town

Written By: Peter J. Tomasi
Art By: Viktor Bogdanovic, Matt Santorelli, Ivan Plascencia, Matt Herms, Tom Napolitano
Cover Price: $5.99
Release Date: January 25, 2022

Just in case you were hungry for more Super Sons action, you get the Superman & Robin Special that will put Jonathan Kent and Damian Wayne back together again for an oversized adventure. Also, if you're worried about when this all takes place, what with Jon and Damian having their own current adventures going on, don't worry there are plenty of editors notes letting you know that it all makes sense, but really, I don't think anyone who wants more Super Sons is really going to care. Let's jump into this issue and check it out.

Action Comics #1039 Review

Action Comics #1039 Review

The Will To Survive

Action Comics #1039 Review
Written By: Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Shawn Aldridge
Art By: Riccardo Federici, Lee Loughridge, Dave Sharpe, Adriana Melo, Hi-Fi
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: January 25, 2022

The Warworld saga continues this issue where previously we saw Superman and the Authority fail terribly at their invasion of this world and their attempt to free all of Mongul's slaves. Because of this failure, our team has become slaves themselves, and now in this darkest of places, it's going to be up to Superman to be that shining beacon of hope that lights up everyone else and hopefully get everyone he came to save on his side where they may all free themselves from their captor... That is if they survive at all. Let's jump back into this story and also see a Martian Manhunter backup. Let's check it out.

Justice League #71 Review

Move On, Nothing To See Here

Written By: Brian Michael Bendis, Ram V
Art By: Phil Hester, Eric Gapstur, Romulo Fajardo Jr., Josh Reed, Sumit Kumar, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: January 25, 2022

The Royal Flush gang have upped their normal heists and as we saw in the previous issue, they plan on taking over the Fortress of Solitude... But to what end? That's what we'll find out in this issue as Brian Michael Bendis continues to use this title as a way to build up Checkmate and Naomi.... and his previous Superman/Action Comics villains while leaving the actual League looking like a bunch of nothings. Let's see if the explanations here make anything we've gotten look like they were worth the read. Also, we continue our JLD backup.

Robin #10 Review

Family Reunion..... Of The Mind

Written By: Joshua Williamson
Art By: Roger Cruz, Norm Rapmund, Luis Guerrero, Troy Peteri
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 25, 2022

At the end of our previous issue of Robin, we saw Connor Hawke win the tournament of Lazarus, which ultimately meant that he would become a host for a demon that would destroy the world. Obviously, Damian Wayne couldn't let that happen and with the help of his newfound friends, they beat back the demon and made sure that the world could keep on spinning. This didn't make the architect of the end of the world, Mother Soul all that happy and it looked like she sent her Great-Grand-Son Damian back in time to witness a time before Ra's Al Ghul had discovered the Lazarus Pits. Let's jump into this issue and see if this is time and space or all of the mind.  

The Flash #778 Review

Making A Connection

Written By: Jeremy Adams
Art By: Fernando Pasarin, Matt Ryan, Brent Peeples, Jeremy Cox, Peter Pantazis, Matt Herms, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 25, 2022

Oh, that Eclipso is at it again and it's up to our Scarlet Speedster to take him down..... it's just too bad that Eclipso has skedaddled off to Gemworld to use the harmonics of that world to spread his influence throughout the Multiverse and not even having the Justice League Dark, Amethyst and Dark Lord Opal on Wally West's side seem to be able to turn the scales. Also, back in Central City, Irey West has befriended Animal Man's daughter, Maxine and the two are getting their rebellious streak on but maybe they've also bitten off more than they can chew when they decide to sneak out of their houses. Let's check this out.

Teen Titans Academy #11 Review

Teen Titans Academy #11 Review

Fight The Future

Teen Titans Academy #11 Review
Written By: Tim Sheridan
Art By: Rafa Sandoval, Jordie Tarragona, Brent Peeples, Alex Sinclair, Jeremiah Skipper, Matt Herms, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 25, 2022

Let's head back to school to see if the Titans, the Teen Titans, and a whole academy of the next generation of heroes can take on Red X and the son of Satan, Nevermore. Previously, we saw Red X go all crazy and kill Psimon, who was trying to recruit some kids to be his new Fearsome Five and that was the less important part because, on top of that, Raven's visions of the coming doom started coming true as Dane, The Nevermore started the process of ending the world. Let's jump into this issue and see if the world can survive another day and if we can avert what we saw in Future State. Let's check it out.

Deathstroke Inc. #5 Review

Deathstroke Inc. #5 Review

Deathstroke Inc. #5 Review

Low Society

Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artist: Paolo Pantalena, Howard Porter
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 25, 2022

Deathstroke Inc. is an odd book.  Even the name, at this point, is misleading, and while my biggest complaint is the storytelling is too scattered, it somehow manages to keep me interested.  It's not my favorite book, not even close, but it always feels on the verge of becoming very important in the overall Infinite Frontier story.  Of course, having Joshua Williamson writing it and heading towards the Shadow War crossover with Batman and Robin doesn't hurt.  So, after the last issue's crazy cliffhanger, what do we get this month?  Let's jump in and find out...

Task Force Z #4 Review

Task Force Z #4 Review

I Knew Everything.... Until I Didn't

Task Force Z #4 Review
Written By: Matthew Rosenberg
Art By: Eddy Barrows, Kieran McKeown, Eber Ferreira, Dexter Vines, Adriano Lucas, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 25, 2022

Let's continue to get our zombie on as we get back to Task Force Z, where previously we saw Jason Todd uncover the mysterious leader of the group who turned out to be Two-Face. Yeah, it was a big reveal if not a tad confusing but now it's time to see if it all makes sense for the big picture...... and maybe with that explanation, we will get the big picture. Let's jump into this issue and see if Jason Todd can uncover the truth and hopefully survive long enough for it to mean anything. Let's check it out.