Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Infinite Frontier #1 Review


Multiverse of Mystery

Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artist: Xermanico
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: June 22, 2021

A lot of people told me that they may not check Infinite Frontier out and that bugs and perplexes me.  This book should show us the new direction the DCU is taking since opening up the timeline and creating the new Omniverse after Death Metal.  I don't blame them, though, but rather DC Comics and their strange ways that only confuse their fans. So why read Infinite Frontier when it's obvious all the books are just heading back to the future of Future State?  DC has been calling Infinite Frontier an "Event" to make it big, not realizing that people are still suffering from event fatigue after Death Meatal and Future State.  Also, many people don't know what this book is, and the cover made some assume it's some sort of DC Secret Wars thing at best or Convergence Part Deux at worst.  Yes, that is shade at you, Manship!  So, let's all settle down and get to the reading and reviewin' and see what Infinite Frontier is and if it's worth checking out.

One of the biggest things about this issue is that after Death Metal, everyone knows about the Multiverse.  Sure, some people are fighting the idea and calling it a conspiracy theory, but the truth is out there.  How the Multiverse has changed and continues to do so is what our heroes, especially Barry Allen, are trying to figure out.

This issue has a lot of fantastic characters... Captain Carrot, Calvin Ellis, even Flashpoint Thomas Wayne, but everything feels thrown together a bit.  We still have many issues to flesh things out, but this felt more like the #0 issue again rather than a big step forward.  Joshua Williamson is throwing mysteries at the reader, and without much footing (this is supposed to give us the blueprint), it can be a bit overwhelming at times.

It also can be exciting, though, and seeing the Justice League Incarnate investigate Thomas Wayne, Barry Allen break through to Earth Omega, and Roy...well, I won't spoil anything with Roy, feels big. I hope Williamson can build on this and stick the landing, something he struggles with a lot. If you disagree, tell me about the Forever Force, Paradox, the Force Quest, etc...

The book has many fan service moments that will make the reader smile, but some are too quick and bring up more questions than answers.  I love seeing Obsidian and Alan Scott hanging out, and I am very concerned about Jade, but Mister Bones and the DEO?  That is so played out by now and just having him involved lessens it all over again.  I enjoy seeing Cameron Chase, but who keeps rehiring Bones?!?!

Most people will be talking about the ending of the issue, and it looks fantastic but is cliffhangery (tm pending) confusing, and I need to see more. 

Bits and Pieces:

Infinite Frontier #1 feels big, but a lot of that isn't because of the actual story, but the shock and awe of the moments.  That said, those moments grabbed my curiosity, but I will need some more explanation and story for Joshua Williamson to get my attention going forward.



  1. So was that supposed to be Terry Long in the diner at the end of this issue? Don't tell me he's back from the dead. 🤣
    Also, has Hawk become Extant again? 🙄

    1. Terry Long doesn't own the bearded ginger look...... I'm sure there's about five or six other people out and about rocking that style.

    2. The Extant stuff threw me off, but this is open timeline shenanigans!
