Writers: Jerry Siegel, Gardner Fox, Mort eisinger, Joe Samachson, Manly Wellman
Pencilers: George Papp, Cliff Young, Bernard Baily, Howard Sherman, Paul Norris, Mort Meskin
Inkers: See Pencilers
Cover Price: 10¢
Release Date: April 1st, 1942
This issue of More Fun Comics really shows what was so great about classic comics from way back in the day. There's a pirate ship going around with its crew robbing and murdering all over the place and the cops can't seem to catch up with them. But a grown ass man and a child dressed up like Robin Hood stop them using a futuristic speed boat. Then a magic man named Doctor Fate takes on criminals pretending to be wax statues. There's plot holes, there's ridiculousness, and it's all just so good that the faults we would hold against today's comics don't even matter.