Written By: G. Willow Wilson

Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 14, 2019
I wish I could say I have been a fan of this book since G Willow Wilson took over, but I can't. I tried to be patient as she struggled to find her footing with Diana, but eventually, I stopped reading it and we even dropped it from the podcast. Well, I'm back! I am all caught up and ready to see if G Willow is ready to take the next step and get people buying and talking about Wonder Woman again. Let's get to it...
The issue opens with Diana talking to her mother and it's all about the importance of children to their parents and vice versa. No, not the body-switching movie though I could go with some Judge Reinhold right about now! That is interrupted with the announcement that the portal between Themyscira and Earth is stable and Diana will try it out as a test dummy of sorts.
When I said that people need to talk about this book more, this is the stuff I mean. We have waited a long time for Diana to get back to Themyscira and now that she has...I worry nobody cares. This is a huge thing, not only for Diana and her fans but the DC Universe in general. Why isn't it more of a big deal?!?! I really don't know how everyone feels, but it just doesn't have any sizzle. The characters seem to be going through the motions here and I just can't get excited about that. After Maggie decides to stay behind, Wonder Woman and Atlantiades head off with a promise to Isadore...and that is something I am excited about!
We get to see Steve Trevor and Aphrodite for a second before Diana is back and getting all smoochy face with her boyfriend. While Atlantiades throws shade, Diana gives out introductions (it's odd here since I thought that they met Steve in Summergrove earlier, even if it was just trickery) and then she is off once again.
Diana goes off to tell Veronica Cale the great news about her daughter and if you have been reading this book since Rebirth, you have to love this extended scene. Of course, we get the "I still hate you" talk I expect from Veronica, but when she is reunited with Isadore it is a great scene I've been waiting years for. The issue then ends with the Year of the Villain stuff with Cheetah and while it felt a little odd at first, it certainly ended with a bang!
This issue had a huge bit that I've been waiting a real long time to see, but it was wrapped up in a forgettable and somewhat boring story. That's just crazy because Wilson is tying up a lot of Greg Rucka loose ends here, but most of it isn't hitting with me. The art is really good in this issue and I am still holding out hope for this book, but things need to amp up quickly.
Bits and Pieces:
Everyone who has been reading this book since Rebirth started will probably have a smile on their face reading this issue. Well, maybe not the entire issue as things slog along to get to the big parts. This book is missing something and I hope G Willow Wilson figures out what it is before it's too late.
Thank for the review. Sadly, I think you answered your question in the review. This series had a good if not great start with good ideas but it has been losing its momentum ever since due to multiple factors: odd execution, stories stretching on for too long, underwhelming new additions like Silver Swan for example, and one too many lackluster stories in-between then and now for anyone outside of hardcore WW fans.
ReplyDeleteYep...really a shame how little there is to care about one of the best heroes in comics