Artist: Sean Izaakse
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Release Date: May 23, 2018
Cover Price: $3.99
Review by: Dispatchdcu (check out all of his awesome reviews!)
This is issue appears to kick off another story arc, which is a bit confusing to me since I thought Marvel books were closing down for “Fresh Start”. But anyway, the Champions are still plowing through and I must say, I’m enjoying the team more with RiRi and Nadia on it. Personally, the team feels more legit with them on it. But, that’s just me.
The story opens with some weird spirit woman surrounded by spirit animals ( I think ones a weasel) talking to some little girl. They are both attacked by these big robot bee looking things that shoot lasers at them. The robots shoot at the spirit and the girl tries to save it blowing everything up creating a big crater. Right before the robot worker bees attack, we are led to believe the spirit and the girl bonded together.
The story flashes ahead roughly a day to the Champions battling the same flying robot battle bees. Nova gets hit bad and falls into the ocean. Viv (Visions daughter) takes off after him. Wasp ( Nadia) with Cho Hulk and Miles Spidey take out a couple of the robots while RiRi (Ironheart) and Ms. Marvel try to land their jet safely when some Magento-ish looking dude calling himself “the Master of the World” shows up demanding the Champions to explain themselves.
They’re ready to battle each other until MotW (names too dang long) tells the Champions he’ll help them with their friend and he never intended to harm anyone. They give him the benefit of the doubt and listen to his sales pitch. Who knows, maybe they’ll win a free cruise? (Joke)
Turns out, MotW is 40,000 years old and stumbled onto a crashed vessel of the Plodex, which are an advanced alien race. They saved him and genetically upgraded him. Seriously, when am I going to stumble onto an ancient alien race already? When is it my turn?
Well, the rest is history. MotW’s main goal is to a two step plan. Step1: save the polar caps from melting. Step 2: take over the world... yup.... sounds more like a Captain Planet villain to me. Obviously something is up and RiRi can certainly figure that out, which honestly helped me point her in the direction of leading this crew for the future. I know Ms. Marvel tried and all. Heck, she even took them on a camp out. But, RiRi just feels like a leader. Maybe it’s the armor talking, but I’m up for her to have a chance. Plus, she’s got a ton of experience as well.
Anyway, the Champions go check out the front gate where they hear protesters. One of the protesters tells Hulk that he’s missing his friend, which was the girl from last night the readers saw talking to the weird floating spirit weasel lady. We end the issue with MotW denying ever knowing anything about this girl and Carol Danvers literally drops on the scene with Alpha Flight! And of course, MotW tries to play it off like he’s been besties with the Champions for years.
Personally, I want to like this book. It’s fun. It has little quips here and there and could really evolve some of these younger characters. The art is good and nothing is ever too heavy to understand. My problem is still placing where this book should go. Is it for kids, teens, or adults? And this is important to me. It changes how I want to read it and score it drastically.
For example, you can’t read Scooby Doo Team up the same way as Detective Comics. Going in to Scooby Doo, my expectations are mainly for fun, continuity is not important, and my kids can read it without worrying about death and destruction. I can be more relaxed about the little nuisance in the title. These books can still be in continuity but I take them with a grain of salt.
And yes, I know it says “Rated T+” which means it should be for teenagers on up but when I read this it feels more for a little kid at times. That’s kind of my point. I feel like the writer jumps around on its viewers. If it’s rated for teens , then show some more action and more of the “extras”. But then in other issues we get very little of that at all.
If I had to rate this issue based on what its viewership is “supposed” to be (teen), it’s a lower score because I feel they are holding back. If I base it on where I think it should be, for younger kids, I think it’s a fantastic read, entertaining enough, humorous, and a ton of fun. But if you’re expecting more “stuff”, this book ain’t for you.
If you like what you heard, love talking all types of comics, and are interested in joining a comic chat group, hit me up at dispatchdcu@gmail.com or @dispatchdcu on twitter. Catch you all later! Peace
If this book is to continue through “Fresh Start”, which I don’t know if it is since I don’t like to read solicits, it needs to figure out its target audience. I get a different feel than the rating... that’s all I’m saying. If the creative team is listening, I’d make it for the younger crowd myself. Give the little ones a hook and something to grow up with. Better yet, have the comic grow up with them. Wouldn’t that be a great idea for a “Fresh Start”... a comic that grows with its audience from the start.
Bits and Pieces:
My boys want to read comics with action and adventure but they don’t want to be scared or look at blood and guts. They want to love Champions, as well as I, I think you just need to hit a true target audience.
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