Written by: Tom King
Art by: Mitch Gerads and Clayton Cowles
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 14, 2018
I'm sick of pleading my case about why I haven't enjoyed this series. If you like it so far, have a grip of what it's all about and know for a fact that Tom King is giving you everything you want from a comic and more, all the power to you! I feel differently, but this is a new issue and I will try toi remember the proverb, hope springs eternal...in the human breast and possibly in this comic reviewer. I want to like this book because then I can sit at the cool kids table and drink chocolate milk through a crazy straw and trade pogs with everyone. That is what the cool kids do, right? Well, is this my first step to a bigger and better pog collection? Let's find out...
The issue opens with Barda in labor and Scott trying to get her to the hospital. After being told they can park on Olympic a bunch of times, they get to the hospital, check in and wait and yawn and wait. That is until the Furies show up for the event.
After telling them they can't go into Barda's room, we get Scott throwing ridiculous names at Barda, a story about the Firefall of Upheria and a mini emergency when the baby's pulse seems to stop. It's just a positioning thing and I will tell you, if you go into this looking to see a pretty balls on accurate depiction of a couple having their first baby, Tom King knows what he's talking about. I have five kids...trust me. Also, trust me that I was more looking for answers and more of a story which is sadly not here.
We then get the Furies giving Scott the Fahren-Knife to cut open Barda, a very odd intercom message pointing out once again that this all is probably not really happening the way we see it and then the birth of their child. The issue ends with a Jack Kirby shoutout that had me singing the Presidents of the United States' biggest hit.
Okay, the ending is the biggest bit of an answer we've gotten yet. It makes sense from what we've seen before, but still, this book continues to be a complete bore to me and I can't wait to get to the final issue, have Tom King lift the veil and call it a night. I am throwing this out to anyone and everyone reading this...if you want to review the next five issues, let me know because, besides the art, I find this book a chore to even read, let alone review.
Bits and Pieces:
Tom King shows that he can write the hell out of a couple having a baby, Mitch Gerads continues to show he is one of the best artists in comics and I was bored the whole time. I am beyond just wanting answers to what is going on, I need something to keep my interest through an entire issue and sadly, I didn't find that here.
"The issue ends with a Jack Kirby shoutout that had me singing the Presidents of the United States' biggest hit."
ReplyDeleteLol i haven't read the issue but I think I know what you did there... you are talking about a certain Mister Miracle antagonist that Kirby introduced back in issue #8... nicely done ;)
I certainly hope so!
DeleteYou want to know what is going on when it basically tells you in the ending... I am confised.
ReplyDeletetell me what is going on then...it's ok, you can spoil it for me. And if it's the narration you're talking about, we have gotten variations of the same thing at least 20 times and they never amount to anything...like with the paranoid pill, funky flashman, etc,. etc, etc
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DeleteSpoilers of issue #7 ahead stop reading everyone who doesn't want to be spoiled!!!
DeleteSo in the past the Lump was hooked up to Scott Free and they battled in the world of Id, right? It is a plane of existence only in the mind. The Lump was set free in Volume 2 of Mister Miracle and was shown he has independence, which he used to come to Earth and create a false reality by hooking his mind up to Shilo Norman. So based on the ending of this issue where he says his child has an uncanny appearance to The Lump and all the weird glitches in reality and whatnot, I think it is safe to assume he is trapped in the world of Id and living a false reality. Sure, this is a shot in the dark and entirely speculation and maybe you came to the same conclusion, but I think the speculation gives you some possible answers.
It's true there have been references to past stories in narration, but this one actually felt more substantial. The Lump can explain everything.
Spoilers of issue #7 ahead stop reading everyone who doesn't want to be spoiled!!!
DeleteSo in the past the Lump was hooked up to Scott Free and they battled in the world of Id, right? It is a plane of existence only in the mind. The Lump was set free in Volume 2 of Mister Miracle and was shown he has independence, which he used to come to Earth and create a false reality by hooking his mind up to Shilo Norman. So based on the ending of this issue where he says his child has an uncanny appearance to The Lump and all the weird glitches in reality and whatnot, I think it is safe to assume he is trapped in the world of Id and living a false reality. Sure, this is a shot in the dark and entirely speculation but you make it sound like there is nothing to go off of when trying to figure out what is going on. Maybe you came to this same conclusion and you feel speculation isn't enough and that is entirely valid.
it's what I've been saying is going on in the book since issue #1. if it's all been that, we've now had 7 issues and 5 more that will be explained as really meaning nothing. when tom king announced at the beginning that this is in continuity, it seemed obvious this was all happening in the world of id/another reality/dream. just being able to explain it all off with lump doesn't make it good, it actually feels more like a cheap twist or cop out to me to get away with 12 issues of nothing.
Deleteplus, in the above review, i said "Okay, the ending is the biggest bit of an answer we've gotten yet. It makes sense from what we've seen before, but still, this book continues to be a complete bore to me and I can't wait to get to the final issue, have Tom King lift the veil and call it a night." i understand it could all be Lump...Why take 5 more issues to explain that it all isn't really happening????????????
DeleteAnd finally, Lump was killed in this continuity!
DeleteHow things have developed with Tom King at DC are a real shame. A good writer who has been allowed to operate with no editorial oversight. It results in indulgent, gapey, ill thought through storylines that are just tossed out without any check on how they align with what came before or after. Batman is terrible, this title not so much (thank goodness) but the hallmarks of his casual laziness as a storyteller and growing contempt for fans in my view. Time to let him shuffle off to navel gaze on someone else's buck.