Written by: Liam Sharp
Art by: Liam Sharp, Romulo Fajardo Jr, and Alw's Troy Peteri
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: February 21, 2018
Review by: Matches Balone
First off let me start by saying how excited I am to be writing a comic book review. I'm a huge DC Comics fan and a proud member of the Get Fresh Crew "WHOOP WHOOP!!!" so I am extremely grateful that I get to start my "comic book career" right here with Weird Science DC. Anyways enough with the pleasantries let's get down to the nitty gritty...
"The Brave and The Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman" is a six issue mini-series by writer/artist Liam Sharp. Right off the bat, I have to say the art looks incredible. I wasn't a fan of his art in the first Wonder Woman Rebirth arc and I'm not exactly sure why, but it just never clicked with me. This second time around either I've softened up to his art style or he's perfected his craft, either way, I love it.
You get some awesome shots of cool looking characters from this new magical world. From the main character Cernunnos to the Captain of the Army, to just some common citizens, this world looks epic and I am defiantly interested in seeing more of it. On the other side of this story, everything we already know and love looks fantastic as well. Wonder Woman looks beautiful, Batman looks incredible, and supporting characters like Steve Trevor and Alfred look great. I'm loving the visuals, and I even love the lettering of this book.
Now the story was a bit of a surprise to me. First off, I'm not a big fantasy guy. I don't hate the genre, it's just not my cup of tea, so going in I wasn't expecting to like the story, but so far I do. Here's The rundown...There's a land called "TIR NA NOG" where two races, the "DE DANANN" and the "FOMORIAN" live in turmoil. Cernunnos, the God of Fertility and Hunt goes out to get help from Wonder Woman to bring peace and harmony to "TIR NA NOG." On the other side, Batman starts investigating the Irish quarter of Gotham because the people seem to be haunted. Batman doesn't find anything, but can sense something is off. Wonder Woman and Cernunnos arrive at "TIR NA NOG" where they're stunned by the news that the king is dead. The Captain of the Army is going to hang a boy who was found alone with the dead king since he suspects the boy to be the murderer. Wonder Woman demands an investigation must happen to find out what really killed to the King.
Meanwhile, Batman is overwhelmed by great terror when he sees ghostly images of creatures that I assume are from "TIR NA NOG." The story was decent given the fact that it's the first issue. It's mainly set up for the new world, it's characters, and what the heroes are up to. The murder mystery and the creatures slipping into the heroes' world has me intrigued, but I'm not liking the fact that Batman and Wonder Woman are in different sides of the story. I'm hoping by the next issue they'll team up together and not be part of a story where they are tackling a problem from two different ends without knowing of the other's involvement.
Bits and Pieces:
Overall this is a good start. It gets a little hard to read with all the weird names and some of the dialects from the Narrator and Cernunnos, but it's still a good read. Plus, the art is fantastic all by itself. I think there's enough between the art and the story to warrant people to pick up the issue and stick around for the second one.
Nice review, Matches! I might go 7.5 or 8, but that may be because I love Liam Sharp's art so much. If the story develops like I hope it will, my scores will probably continue to rise.