Saturday, November 4, 2017
The Shadow/Batman #2 Review and SPOILERS
Admissions of Loss
Written by: Steve Orlando
Art by: Giovanni Timpano
Colours by: Flavio Dispenza
Letters by: Taylor Esposito
Published by: Dynamite Entertainment/DC Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
My review for the first issue of this Dynamite/DC series ended with a forlorn hope for better things. After an initial issue that attempted to hook me with action and mystery, but instead only managed to alienate me with a confusing in media res opening and dialogue from the Melodrama 101 handbook, I must confess my expectations for this issue were on the low side. Imagine my surprise, then, when this afternoon I read a comic book that not only was reasonably easy to follow, but also delivered a bona fide emotional punch to the gut. Yeah, I know. Let me tell you all about it…
No. 1 With A Bullet #1 Review
Bullet the Blue Sky
Written by: Jacob SemahnArt by: Jorge Corona
Colors: Jen Hickman
Publisher: Image Comics
Reviewed by: Andrew McAvoy
Sometimes comic books just capture the zeitgeist. Everything about No.1 With a Bullet appears on the crest of a cultural wave. Jorge Corona's modern style, Jen Hickman's colorful palette and Steve Wand's design layout, just grab you by the lapels and drag you into this contemporary book, while Semahn's story challenges readers, as well as the technological environment we inhabit. With a cover page and title that just beg you to read, lets see what makes this so special.
Elsewhere #4 - Review
That magnificent woman and her flying machine
Written by: Jay FaerberArt by: Sumeyye Kesgin
Colorist: Ron Riley
Letterer/Designer: Thomas Mauer
Publisher: Image
Reviewer: Andrew McAvoy
Wanna see a pioneering female aviator from earth, spearhead a fighting force of aliens armed with World War Two Nazi weapons? I promise you, she's one hell of a shot?!?! Thought you might. Let's roll.
Crosswind #5 Review
Wind of Change
Written by: Gail SimoneArt by: Cat Staggs
Publisher: Image
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 1, 2017
Review by: Andrew McAvoy
I loved Gail Simone's writing in last issue of Crosswind. In fact love was too weak a word for how I felt about it, I lurved it, I loaved it, I luffed it...two Fs. Okay, that was just a Woody Allen joke for laffs (two Fs) so lets see what issue 5 had to offer.
Friday, November 3, 2017
Injustice 2 #30 Review
Injustice 2 #30
Writer: Tom Taylor
Art Team: Mike S. Miller, J. Nanjan
DC Comics
Release Date: October 31, 2017
Cover Price: $.99
Anarchy In Themyscira
Halloween can really throw you off your schedule, so I'm just starting to catch up on the week of comics now, forgive me. As the latest arc starts its transition, into the latest conflict, I’ve noticed we’ve been checking in on Supergirl a little more often lately, and we’ll continue to do so here. So coming in hot is Injustice 2 #30, let's see what’s cooking for the last girl from Krypton this week, after being ‘captured/rescued’ on Themyscira last we left her.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Weird Science DC Comics Podcast Ep 147: DC Comics, Justice League, DC Metal and Unsore
Another week, another ton of books. While Jim has been down a bit on EVERYTHING lately, Eric tries to remain positive and Reggie and the rest of the GFC show up to do their part as well. Enjoy!
DC Comics Best Covers of the Week 11/1/17
Two Greens and a White
Some great DC Comics that came out this week, but there were even more great covers! That's because a lot of them come with alternate versions! "Variants," the kids call them, though that implies an incentivized ordering system. Anyhow, here's a list of the five best covers of the week--plus an Honorable Mention! Because I love bestowing honors as much as possible!
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Dastardly and Muttley #3 Review and SPOILERS
Infectious Humour
Written by: Garth Ennis
Art by: Mauricet
Colours by: John Kalisz
Letters by: Rob Steen
Price: $3.99
Given the distinctly uneven quality of DC’s Hanna-Barbera titles, Garth Ennis and Mauricet’s Dastardly and Muttley has been surprisingly fun. Having crossed paths with a reality-altering US military drone, their lives have become that weird mixture of absurd, terrifying and frenetic that can only really be described as ‘madcap’. The last issue ended with the President of the United Sates assaulting his political rival with a cartoon mallet live on national television, while Dick Atcherley and his dog-faced co-pilot watch on in horror. How things are going to play out is anyone’s guess. There’s only one way to find out…
Green Arrow #34 Review
Flame Out
Written by: Ben Percy
Art by: Stephen Byrne and Deron Bennett
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 1, 2017
This issue of Green Arrow begins it's run as a monthly book and while that isn't the best thing that can happen, I am hoping the extra time helps Ben Percy give us a better story. I want to like this book, but Percy's insistence on returning stories and characters is starting to really drain the fun out of it for me. Just when I think we are getting somewhere, a character like Dante rears his ugly head to set the story back a few steps. Sometimes I wonder if it's actually Paula Abdul and MC Skat Kat doing some ghost writing. Does this problem continue in this issue? Let's find out...
Deadman #1 Review and **SPOILERS**
No Dignity in Death
Written, Drawn and Colored By: Neal Adams
Lettered By: Clem Robins
Cover By: Neal Adams
Cover Price: $3.99
On Sale Date: November 1, 2017
Oh boy…ohboyohboyohBOY! Ever since we closed on Neal
Adams’ The Coming of the Superman, I
have been dying to read his next vanity project. And here it is! Of course,
while Neal drew Superman plenty of times in the 1970s, he is really known for
his work on Deadman. I think it’s because the character lends itself to his
long, tortured-looking faces. And I’m sure the art will be swell—but I’m
looking for the bonkers comic book madness! If you want to hop on this ride,
take a big swig of cough syrup and dive right into my review of Deadman #1, as follows!
Deathstroke #25 Review
Heroes and Villains
Written by: Priest
Art by: Carlo Pagulayan, Norm Rapmund, Trevor Scott, Jason Paz, Jeromy Cox and Willie Shubert
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 1, 2017
Deathstroke has finally gotten to issue #25 and that means...Extra Sized Anniversary Issue! Not really sure what the Anniversary really is for these issues, but at least I like this one so I'm getting more of a good thing! The Defiance Squad story has been good so far and while some are just waiting for Deathstroke to turn heel, I just am along for the ride. So, is this issue worthy of all those extra pages? Let's find out...
Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands #1 Review and **SPOILERS**
Black is Back
Writer: Tony Isabella
Artist: Clayton Henry
Colorist: Peter Pantazis
Letterer: Josh Reed
Cover: Clayton Henry with Tomeu Morey
Cover Price: $3.99
On Sale Date: November 1, 2017
Well, well, well! After several years of a fairly
public and definitely one-sided battle between Tony Isabella and DC Comics, it
seems all has been forgiven by both parties and Tony is back to writing the
character he created! I presume a forthcoming series on the CW likely has
something to do with this. Whatever the case, I’m glad to see Black Lightning
back in the DCU fold, I’ve long liked this character and definitely missed his
presence. So let’s take a look at the first of six issues of Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands, and
read my review of the same, right now!
The Jetsons #1 Review
Meet George Jetson...
Writer: Jimmy Palmiotti
Artist: Pier Brito
Colors: Alex Sinclair
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Cover Artists: Amanda Conner & Paul Mounts
Release Date: November 1, 2017
Cover Price: $3.99
Review by: Ryan Douglas
Artist: Pier Brito
Colors: Alex Sinclair
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Cover Artists: Amanda Conner & Paul Mounts
Release Date: November 1, 2017
Cover Price: $3.99
Review by: Ryan Douglas
So I skipped out on the Booster Gold/The Flinstone's annual, which featured the Jetson's backup story leading into this mini-series. Did I have some excitement when I heard this was to be a thing? No. Intrigued? Yes. Let's find out if I'll regret agreeing to review this.
Justice League #32 Review
Bloodsport...Just Not as Good
Written by: Robert Venditti
Art by: Liam Sharp, Adam Brown, Richard Starkings and Comicraft's Jimmy Betancourt
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: November 1, 2017
It's part two of the Bats out of Hell story and while I was not a fan of the first part (in Flash #33), I am more excited for this one. Why? Because of Liam Sharp on art and Robert Venditti writing. Okay, it's more for the former, but we'll go from there. So, is it any good? Let's find out...
Superman #34 Review and *SPOILERS*
The Fury of Lois Lane
Art By: Ed Benes, Doug Mahnke, Jack Herbert, Dinei Ribeiro, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: November 1, 2017
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
That two week wait was too much to get back to this story that is finally dealing with the God of Apokolips concept we started way back during the Darkseid War in the New 52, where Lex Luthor was given his power suit by the people of Apokolips so that he would be their new ruler........ Yeah, he didn't really fulfill their dreams or anything like that since he just kind of abandoned them, but now they've brought him back and now it's up to Superman to save him........... The question though, who's going to save Jon and Lois, who were transported to Apokolips as well as the Man of Steel? Let's jump into this issue and see what Tomasi and Gleason have up their sleeves for us and Apokolips. Let's check it out.
Green Lanterns #34 Review and *SPOILERS*
Life's A World Full Of Underground People........ Dig It
Art By: Ronan Cliquet, Hi-Fi, Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: November 1, 2017
Release Date: November 1, 2017
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Alright, let's get back into Tim Seeley's new arc as new writer of the Green Lanterns, where last time we left them, our Lantern heroes were trying to save a newly discovered underground people of the planet Mol from their sun going supernova and if that wasn't enough pressure, people from Abin Sur's home planet of Ungara have come to see the Green Lanterns of this sector in action. Things seem pretty decent for our heroes even though they're being pushed to their limits, but none of this is as stressful as them trying to find jobs on Earth. That's right, we have a whole shit ton of things going on in this arc already and if all of that wasn't enough for you, we also have Simon and Jessica being separated as Jessica tries to keep the whole of the planet from crushing the "Molites", while Simon sees if the Ungarans are alright after they got too close to the supernova and the Regent's daughter was injured. Let's jump into this issue and see if our heroes are able to come out on top and maybe find out how their job search is going. Let's check it out.
Bane: Conquest #7 Review and *SPOILERS*
Snake-Baby's Day Out
Art By: Graham Nolan, Gregory Wright, Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 1, 2017
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
In the previous issue it seemed that we were finally going to get some direction in this maxi-series when Bane started going after the Naja-Naja, who is the leader of Kobra and was going to use that leader as a way to bring the cult organization crumbling down by making it leaderless...... Too bad that Kobra is one tough ambre of an organization and it seemed like our venom-ed up main character may have bit off more than he could chew. Let's jump into this issue and see if the Naja-Naja slithers out of Bane's hands or if he completes his task and successfully cuts the head off of the snake. Let's check it out.
Nightwing #32 Review and *SPOILERS*
Blockbuster's Brood
Art By: Scot Eaton, Miguel Mendonca, Wayne Faucher, Diana Egea, Chris Sotomayor, Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: November 1, 2017
Release Date: November 1, 2017
*Non Spoilers and Scores At The Bottom*
Raptor's in town for a few days to kill and as we've seen recently, he's changing up his game from being the modern day Robin Hood to straight up sacrificing anyone he can in order to achieve his mission....... which may just happen now that he's teamed up with Pigeon to not only take Nightwing down, but Blockbuster as well. Let's jump into this issue and see if the Run-Offs are any help as Dick Grayson is confronted by Raptor while he's working at Roland Desmond's casino. Let's check it out.
Batman #34 Review and *SPOILERS*
......Silent Army of The Pit
Art By: Joelle Jones, Jordie Bellaire, Clayton Cowles
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: November 1, 2017
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
In our previous issue we saw Batman and Catwoman kill a horse........ also, we saw them enter a forbidden land, which supposedly means death for anyone...... and inside this land we found Talia Al Ghul...... spending her time having orgies. Really though, the most interesting part of last issue was the Robins finding out about Bruce's marriage proposal so hopefully we get more of that because the rest just seemed to be underwritten, extended nonsense. Let's jump into this issue and see if that changes or not. Let's check it out.
Cyborg #18 Review and *SPOILERS*
Wrap Up
Art By: Will Conrad, Cliff Richards, Ivan Nunes, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 1, 2017
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
This leg of the Cyborg series is finally coming to an end and............. it's about goddamn time because we've been dealing with the same nonsense for eighteen issues now, plus a Rebirth! So yeah, in our previous issue we saw Cyborg defeat both the Digital Universe's Anomaly, plus our own, who was then transported away by that higher being, who disguised himself as the blind jazz man Blue, but things weren't all pinatas and RC Cola because while our hero and his friends were saving the day in the Digital Universe, Anomaly's cybernetic soldiers were causing a ruckus in the real world, where they threatened to destroy all of humanity if their leader wasn't given back to them. Let's jump into this issue and see if this story can be ended right or if it's just more of the same that we've gotten for so long now. Let's check it out.
Batman White Knight #2 Review
Free at Last
Written by: Sean Murphy
Art by: Sean Murphy, Matt Hollingsworth and Todd Klein
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 1, 2017
I really enjoyed the first issue of White Knight. I know that Eric had issues with Sean Murphy grabbing too much from Batman Pop Culture, but that didn't bother me at fact, I kind of liked it. So, going into this week, this was the book I was most looking forward to reading. Was it good? Let's find out...
Batman: The Devastator #1 Review
Written by: Frank Tieri and James Tynion
Art by: Tony S. Daniel, Danny Miki, Tomeu Morey and Tom Napolitano
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: $3.99
These Dark Knights one-shots have been decent enough diversions, but I can't say they have been must buys. While we get some background on these perverted Batmen from the Dark Multiverse, I haven't read anything that has impacted my enjoyment of the overall event. On the other hand, they haven't hampered it too much either, so I guess I am pretty middle of the road with these so far. I have been interested to see what's what with the Devastator and actually grabbed it from Eric to review. Was that a good decision on my part? Let's find out...
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Packs of the Lowcountry: Kickstarter Review
Monster Mash
Written by: John Dudley
Pencils/Inks: Don Cardenas
Letters: John Westhoff/Don Cardenas
Colors: Mark Dale / Kelly Fitzpatrick
If you are susceptible to post Halloween blues, then a Kickstarter OGN project going live from 1st November might be the tonic you are looking for. Packs of the Lowcountry is an ambitious independent comic project which tackles high concept ideas. Set 16 years after an alien invasion, the Southern states are now filled with wolf-like marauders, denying safe haven to the book's makeshift team of adventurers.
PREVIEW: Green Lanterns #34
Art By: Ronan Cliquet, Hi-Fi, Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: November 1, 2017
“WORK RELEASE” part two! Finding new jobs and personal growth take a back seat to a rescue mission when Simon and Jess are assigned to evacuate a planet falling into its sun.
Release Date: November 1, 2017
“WORK RELEASE” part two! Finding new jobs and personal growth take a back seat to a rescue mission when Simon and Jess are assigned to evacuate a planet falling into its sun.
PREVIEW: Cyborg #18
Art By: Will Conrad, Cliff Richards, Ivan Nunes, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 1, 2017
“SINGULARITY AFTERMATH” finale! Detroit is under attack by Anomaly and his deadly collection of cybernetic monsters! Together with Black Narcissus, Cyborg faces off against Anomaly’s army—including Vic Stone’s opposite number, the cybernetic soldier Aldous—in the final showdown between man and machine.
“SINGULARITY AFTERMATH” finale! Detroit is under attack by Anomaly and his deadly collection of cybernetic monsters! Together with Black Narcissus, Cyborg faces off against Anomaly’s army—including Vic Stone’s opposite number, the cybernetic soldier Aldous—in the final showdown between man and machine.
PREVIEW: Batman #34
Art By: Joelle Jones, Jordie Bellaire, Clayton Cowles
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: November 1, 2017
“Dream of Me” part two! Batman is on a quest in the desert, far from his Gotham City home. His friends and allies think he’s gone crazy, and his mission puts him far outside the law. Waiting for him at the center of the chaos is an old enemy…and plenty of old demons.
“Dream of Me” part two! Batman is on a quest in the desert, far from his Gotham City home. His friends and allies think he’s gone crazy, and his mission puts him far outside the law. Waiting for him at the center of the chaos is an old enemy…and plenty of old demons.
PREVIEW: Superman #34
Art By: Ed Benes, Doug Mahnke, Jack Herbert, Dinei Ribeiro, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: November 1, 2017
“IMPERIUS LEX” part two! As the conflict continues, Superman teams with Lex Luthor to bring peace to a leaderless and warring Apokolips as a new warrior enters the battlefield: Lois Lane, female fury. May Granny Goodness have mercy on all their souls...
“IMPERIUS LEX” part two! As the conflict continues, Superman teams with Lex Luthor to bring peace to a leaderless and warring Apokolips as a new warrior enters the battlefield: Lois Lane, female fury. May Granny Goodness have mercy on all their souls...