Saturday, April 1, 2017
The Old Guard #2 Review and **Spoilers**
Artist: Leandro Fernandez
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 29, 2017
With some minor trepidation we return to Greg Rucka’s not-so-immortal warrior tale in The Old Guard. With not a lot really grabbing me in the first issue, I come into this issue with honestly a lot of hope. I like this premise; I just want something there to pull me in and wanting to come back each month. Will The Old Guard do that for me this time around? Let’s find out…
Vampirella #1 Review and **Spoilers**
Hedonist Hell?
Art by: Jimmy Broxton and Travis Lanham
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 15, 2017
Review by: Jeremy Daw
After the intriguing and, at times, dramatic #0 issue (REVIEW HERE), I was eager to have a look at issue 1 and see how some of the hints dropped in that self-contained prologue are developed in the series proper. Well, there’s only one way to find out…
Generation Zero #8 Review and **Spoilers**
A Battle of the Minds!

Artist: Diego Bernard
Publisher: Valiant Comics
Release Date: March 29, 2078
Cover Price: $3.99
After a little bit of a break we return to the group just escaping the Heroscape as they come under attack from the newly powered Adele Poole. So we’re getting a super powered spoiled brat who is also the daughter of Rook CEO, this can only go well…
Ninjak #25 Review

Writer: Matt Kindt
Artist: Stephen Segovia, Ulises Arreola
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 29, 2017
Review by: Ryan Douglas
Jumping onto Ninjak with this new arc, it’s grabbed my attention with the art and mystery behind the story. Matt Kindt isn’t wasting any time and we’ve reached the penultimate issue. While he could drag it out, we’re getting a straightforward arc to bring new readers in and move forward from there. Short and straight to the point.
Friday, March 31, 2017
Top 5 Fridays: Ranking the DC/Hanna-Barbera Annuals
Welcome to another cartoony edition of Top 5 Fridays! While this week didn't have much of our regular DC heroes and their series, we got for DC Hanna-Barbera crossovers. These crossovers would have the epic heroes of DC comics meeting face-to-face with The characters of Hanna- Barbera to go on one shot adventures with. While the other reviewer's of the sites have already given their opinions, as the blogs top-five a coordinator, I felt that it was my duty to properly rank the animals. As always this is an opinion based list, so if you don't like what you're reading, I apologize. With the formalities all the way, let's get started!
Thursday, March 30, 2017
DC Comics Best Covers of the Week 3/29/17
Five From the Fifth Week
Whenever a month has five Wendesdays, the fifth one always has slim pickings. Particularly for DC Comics, whose bi-weekly shipping schedule is tied specifically to the four-week month. Luckily, there were a gang of Hanna-Barbera crossover Annuals in the mix to choose from! Plus, a new issue of Dark Knight III came out, and just those variants could have populated the list. If most of them didn't suck, that is. But they could have! What covers did make the grade? Keep reading to find out!
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Green Lantern/Space Ghost Annual #1 Review and **SPOILERS**
Keeping the Peace Between Peacekeepers
James Tynion IV and Christopher Sebela
Art and Colors: Ariel Olivetti
Letters: A
Larger World Studios
Back-up By:
Howard Chaykin
Back-up Colors: Wil Quintana
Back-up Letters: Pat Brosseau
Ariel Olivetti
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: March 29, 2017
Hey, here’s something I never considered! Space Ghost inhabiting the same universe
as the Green Lantern Corps. I mean, it’s actually downright ridiculous. But
it’s just the kind of ridiculousness I want to see in my comics! Now, if we can
just get on that Thundarr the Barbarian
comic book…come on DC, I know it was a Ruby-Spears cartoon but this can be worked
out! You have a think on it while I review Green
Lantern/Space Ghost Annual #1!
The Kamandi Challenge #3 Review
It's Made of People
Written by: Jimmy PalmiottiArt by: Amanda Conner, Paul Mounts and Clem Robins
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 29, 2017
We are back with another Kamandi Challenge and this time we get Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner at the helm and that's a-ok with me. I love Conner's art and it's rare to get a full issue of it on the DC side of things nowadays. Plus, Palmiotti ain't no slouch either. So, is the issue any good? Let's find out...
Booster Gold/The Flintstones Annual #1 Review
Written By: Mark Russell
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: March 28, 2017
It’s annuals week at DC and what better way to celebrate it than to team up our favorite DC heroes with Hanna Barbera characters? Well I could think of better ways to celebrate it but here we are. Booster Gold meets The Flintstones. Immediately, it seems like a bunch of nonsense like most of the other crossovers sound like. But is it total nonsense or is there fun to be had? Let’s take a look at “Booster Trouble.”
Dark Knight III: The Master Race #8 Review
Written by:
Frank Miller & Brian Azzarello
Art by: Andy
Kubert, Klaus Janson, & Brad Anderson
Cover Price: $5.99
Date: March 29, 2017
Say what you
will about me and my tastes in comic books but I for one have really enjoyed
the Dark Knight III: Master Race. I consider it to be a solid addition to what
is now a ‘Trilogy’ of stories that admittedly vary in quality. Despite an asinine release schedule and a few
crazy turns in this story, where some reader’s interest may vary, I feel like
we’re getting glimpses of a possible Justice League reforming in the back
ground to finish this threat off once and for all, which really hits me in the feels.
With that being said let’s stop forcing you to read about my crazy theories,
probably mostly wrong, and get to some thoughts about our newest ‘better late
than never’ issue.
Suicide Squad/Banana Splits Annual #1 Review

Cooking Up a Mess of...Something
Written by: Tony Bedard
Art by: Ben Caldwell, Mark Morales and Jeremy Lawson
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: March 29, 2017
I can't say that I am a huge fan of either the Suicide Squad or the Banana Splits. I have enjoyed some Suicide Squad stories, but the Banana Splits are only good because of their kick ass theme song, in my opinion. That being said, I am interested in seeing what kind of story Tony Bedard can fashion with a group of crazy animal musicians whose show made me feel like I was on acid as a little kid. So, is it any good? Let's find out...
Batgirl Annual #1 Review and **SPOILERS**
Batgal Can Be Your Best Batpal
Hope Larson
Pencils & Inks: Inaki Miranda
Eva De La Cruz
Back-up Writer: Vita Ayala
Back-up Artist: Elonora Carlini
Back-up Colors: Mat Lopes
Deron Bennett
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: March 29, 2017
Here’s a team-up I’ve been waiting for. I had high
hopes for the Worlds’ Finest title from the New 52 (pairing the Huntress
with Power Girl) which were never met. But the concept, I love. And of course,
it has happened before in the DCU (though not very often!), and there is this terrific comic by Mike Maihack that I think is
great, but—I want more, dammit! And it looks like I get my wish in Batgirl Annual #1. Or do I? I dunno…read on!
Harley’s Little Black Book #6 Review and **SPOILERS**
Holy Fetal’s Gizzeroli
Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti
Simon Bisley
Paul Mounts
Dave Sharpe
Amanda Conner & Paul Mounts
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: March 29, 2017
Here it is: maybe the most obvious pairing in the DC
Universe, and not just because they’re both paste pot white. I’ve been a fan of
Lobo—this Lobo—since his debut, and
I’m pretty much the “Harley Guy” for Weird Science DC Comics Dot Com, so I
should get some enjoyment from this. I wonder if I will? I know, I can find out
by reading the review for Harley’s Little
Black Book #6 that I wrote, right here!
Justice League of America #3 Review and *SPOILERS*
Taking It To The Streets
Art By: Diogenes Neves, Ruy Jose, Marc Deering, Hi-Fi, Clayton Cowles
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: March 29, 2017
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
It's time to head on over to Kravia and see what those crazy Extremists from Earth-8 are up to know that Lord Havok has gone and gotten himself elected ruler of the country. Yeah, that was a crazy turn of events last issue and even crazier that we got into some international incident territory when the JLA were kicked out because they weren't wanted there. It's so weird to me to have something with America in the name of it invading a country out of nowhere and especially one that doesn't want them there........... Is Steve Orlando trying to tell us something? Either way, I'm looking forward to seeing what the JLA plan to do now that they were told to hit the bricks and The Extremists have the power and authority to start reaching out to other countries and possibly taking control. Let's check this out.
Titans Annual #1 Review and *SPOILERS*
Turn The Key Softly
Art By: Minkyu Jung, Adriano Lucas, Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: March 29, 2017
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
This is a weird Annual just because it takes place after the Superman Reborn arc and includes all of our Justice Leaguers and Titans together and we're left wondering what everyone really knows after Pre-Flashpoint Superman and New 52 Superman merged, making both their histories one and the same...... and apparently people "close to them" too. Yeah, Reborn was left kind of ambiguous and this issue really doesn't help matters a whole lot, especially since we have Donna Troy and Wonder Woman together and Donna Troy's past has kind of been up in the air about what is still continuity and what isn't from the New 52 because Titans Hunt just kind of rewrote most of it, giving her a life with the other Titans even though she was only just created about the last year of the New 52. It's all rather odd, but hopefully we can get a decent Annual story out of it. Let's jump into this issue and see what's what and if we get ourselves anymore big Rebirth clues to what's going on in the Universe. Let's check it out.
Adam Strange/Future Quest Annual #1 Review and *SPOILERS*
Regarding Adam
Art By: Steve Lieber, Veronica Gandini, Dave Lanphear, Phil Winslade, Chris Chuckry, Nick J. Nap
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date; March 29, 2017
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Alright, right off the bat I want to let everyone in on the fact that I don't read Future Quest and care very little about it. Hell, while reading this issue I found myself all kinds of lost when reading terms in this book that refer to things Jonny Quest related because I haven't watched or really looked into anything to do with it since I was a young kid. The reason I want to spell all of this out is because I'm only reading and reviewing this issue based on the fact that it's continuing the adventures of Adam Strange after his romp in the six issue mini, Death of Hawkman, where we saw our hero zeta-beamed away after the Super-Beam exploded, sending Adam to the world of Jonny Quest apparently and Despero somewhere else........ with the bones of the dead Hawkman. Hopefully, this will be the continuation to that mini that I want and even a epilogue to finally give me some closure to that series because goddamn, I really don't care about Jonny Quest. Let's jump into this issue and see if I can figure out what's what and if we can get some answers to what the future holds for Adam Strange. Let's check it out.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
PREVIEW: The Kamandi Challenge #3

Art by: Amanda Conner, Paul Mounts and Clem Robins
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 29, 2017
After the stunning cliffhanger of the last issue, the red-hot team of writer Jimmy Palmiotti and artist Amanda Conner takes the wheel and steers us toward a wild new adventure. Now, Kamandi is embraced by the God Watchers as a holy messenger! Can he keep up this charade long enough to survive? Or will the truth lead to the end of the last boy on earth?
I like charades! Two words... Sounds like... Pogo Stick? Frozen Dinner? Baseball Hat?!? Actually, I hate charades!
PREVIEW: Suicide Squad/Banana Splits Annual #1
Written by: Tony Bedard

Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: March 29, 2017
And in the backup feature, Snagglepuss is a Southern gothic playwright working with an ensemble cast of cultural figures, exploring an intensely creative time in the New York City theater scene of the 1950s.
I am interested in reading this mainly to see what Tony Bedard does with characters whose best asset is their theme song. tra-la-la, tra-la-la-la tra-la-la, tra-la-la-laaaaaaa
PREVIEW: Justice League of America #3
Art By: Diogenes Neves, Ruy Jose, Marc Deering, Hi-Fi, Clayton Cowles
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: March 29, 2017
“THE EXTREMISTS” part three! The Extremists now control a nation, and within its borders, all is ordered and protected—all but free will. But how do seven people, even the JLA, fight an entire country? And even if they could, no one can truly prepare for the catastrophic design Dreamslayer has in store for reality itself.
I really hope that this series picks up because I already find myself losing interest. Hopefully, it's one of those things that we always talk about around here concerning Rebirth, where the series finally finds its footing after the first arc.
“THE EXTREMISTS” part three! The Extremists now control a nation, and within its borders, all is ordered and protected—all but free will. But how do seven people, even the JLA, fight an entire country? And even if they could, no one can truly prepare for the catastrophic design Dreamslayer has in store for reality itself.
I really hope that this series picks up because I already find myself losing interest. Hopefully, it's one of those things that we always talk about around here concerning Rebirth, where the series finally finds its footing after the first arc.
PREVIEW: Adam Strange/Future Quest Annual #1
Art By: Steve Lieber, Veronica Gandini, Dave Lanphear, Phil Winslade, Chris Chuckry, Nick J. Nap
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date; March 29, 2017
And in the backup feature starring Top Cat, breaking out of prison is challenging enough for a cat, but sometimes it means stumbling through a cosmic portal to planet Earth…and right into the hands of Batman!
The only reason I'm reading this issue is to hopefully get some closure in what happened in the Death of Hawkman mini, where at the end Adam Strange was transported to the Jonny Quest Earth. I'm not a fan of the Hanna Barbara stuff, but hopefully there's enough there to make this issue decent.
PREVIEW: Titans Annual #1
Art By: Minkyu Jung, Adriano Lucas, Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: March 29, 2017
When Dick, Wally, Donna and Garth awaken in an unfamiliar place, they find themselves face-to-face with their mentors: Batman, The Flash, Wonder Woman and Aquaman! Allied together against a common foe, the mentors and protégés must race against the clock to unlock the secret of their current predicament and save the planet from an alien invasion!
I just love the idea of the older heroes working with the younger ones and while you can't really call the Titans young, I dig the idea of the whole mentor/protege concept.
When Dick, Wally, Donna and Garth awaken in an unfamiliar place, they find themselves face-to-face with their mentors: Batman, The Flash, Wonder Woman and Aquaman! Allied together against a common foe, the mentors and protégés must race against the clock to unlock the secret of their current predicament and save the planet from an alien invasion!
I just love the idea of the older heroes working with the younger ones and while you can't really call the Titans young, I dig the idea of the whole mentor/protege concept.
PREVIEW: Dark Knight III: The Master Race #8
Story By:
Frank Miller & Brian Azzarello
Pencils By:
Andy Kubert
Inks By:
Klaus Janson
Colors By:
Brad Anderson
Letters By:
Clem Robins
Cover By:
Andy Kubert & Brad Anderson
Variant Covers: Frank Miller & Alex Sinclair; Jim Lee, Scott Williams & Alex
Sinclair; Klaus Janson & Brad Anderson
Cover Price:
Sale Date:
March 29, 2017
Baal’s Kryptonian army has invaded Themyscira. Wonder Woman and the Amazons will show them why that was a deadly mistake.
Big showdown this issue! I think it's the penultimate one, too...I'm not positive. But here are some preview pages and covers to peep at!
PREVIEW: Batgirl Annual #1
Hope Larson
Pencils & Inks: Inaki Miranda
Colors: Eva
De La Cruz
Back-up Writer: Vita Ayala
Back-up Artist: Elonora Carlini
Back-up Colors: Mat Lopes
Deron Bennett
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: March 29, 2017
Batgirl and Supergirl must team up to break into Arkham Asylum! In this
all-new Rebirth annual Batgirl must seek Supergirl’s help to solve a
mystery that leads them to the heart of the most insane insane asylum
there is! But what they discover—and who they discover—in Arkham will
lead to a much, much bigger story!
I definitely like the idea of a Batgirl/Supergirl team up, it's been a long time coming. Take a look at some preview pages below!
PREVIEW: Harley’s Little Black Book #6
Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti
Simon Bisley
Paul Mounts
Dave Sharpe
Amanda Conner & Paul Mounts
Variant Cover: Simon Bisley
Cover Price:
Sale Date:
March 29, 2017
Lobo’s back! The Main Man and Harley Quinn have a lot in
common—motorcycles and mayhem, for starters—so it’s long past time they
found each other! This could be the start of a fraggin’ beautiful
friendship…or they could destroy the planet. Or both! It can be two
Hey, a couple of freakishly white-skinned people getting together, sounds like a match made in heaven. Or a match made somewhere. Look at some preview pages here!
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