Walking Dungeons Dead Dragons

With The Realm we get a book that instantly piques my
interest. In what is promised to be a mix of The Walking Dead and Dungeons and
Dragons, we have a post-apocalyptic story set in a style of world we don’t get
to see too often. Knowing next to nothing about either the book or the creative
team I was able to go into this first issue anxious and optimistic. So without
further ado let’s jump into the issue.
When we first start the issue we get our main character,
later to be identified as Nolan, escorting a woman on a horse. We get some nice
imagery of the world we inhabit as it shows off the emptiness and decaying look
of the architecture. Before too long we get Nolan and the woman reacting to
something off panel and we get the idea that it’s very large and dangerous, but
not much else as it seems to want to leave us with just the hint of what we’re
dealing with and not outright throwing it out there immediately. We get some
small talk that does well to convey a decent amount of information in a small
amount of panels. We get the idea that Nolan was hired to recover the woman and
it was on the false pretense that she was the daughter of whoever hired Nolan.
We get to the drop off or final meeting for the job Nolan
was hired for, as he comes upon a guarded location for “King”. We’re not really
told much more on the outset, but we later find out that this is a pretty
shitty “King” and was looking to hire Nolan for a human trafficking deal gone
wrong in which he was seeking his part of the deal back. The meeting goes south
quickly and takes a turn that leaves us with a different, but similar King.
These first few pages do well to give a large amount of information while not
entirely being integral to what will eventually be the plot of the story. We
get needed information about our main character and how he views his job while
also giving a quick look to bring us up to speed on the world in general.
Things change fast and nobody is necessarily shocked by death or the changing
of power.
After this point the book opens up a lot more with looks
into other characters. We get a glimpse of a party fighting off a group of
orcs, a warrior chasing down what appear to be trolls, and some regular old
sacrificing with a sorcerer type who seems to be living in a huge possibly
floating skyscraper before he’s left with a bit of otherworldly creature taking
up residence in his body. This bit is another strong point in the book as it
does a lot with little. We get three seemingly important characters and get a
general feel for all of them off of three quick one-off glimpses.
With some quick character introductions out of the way we
then get back to Nolan with him returning, from his previous witnessed work as
we meet another character that I actually feel we learn the least of. We get
the general idea of him being a boss or dispatcher for Nolan’s line of work,
but not much else as Nolan learns of another job lined up escorting a group to
another state. From here we go on to the meeting with some more character
introductions and finally to an ending that is a cliffhanger that’s been
somewhat hinted at throughout this first issue.
Overall I feel this book does a lot with very little. It
conveys a large amount of information and a sense for characters simply through
art or minimal dialogue. With the Warrior we get a glimpse of there’s very
minimal dialogue yet I walked away with the idea that this guys is probably not
very good, but at the same time not the same kind of bad as the previous seen “King”
or even the sorcerer we meet afterward. I don’t think the world building and
information conveyed is at the level of another recent favorite of mine,
Extremity, but is its strongpoint regardless. If anything I feel we don’t learn
enough of our main character in this first issue. We get a basic outline of the
character, but not much beyond a possible set of morals and his line of work. I
look forward to learning more, but feel we could have spent more time on the
main character rather than trying to introduce all the main story pieces on the
Bits and Pieces:
Great world building along with an abundance of story worked
in to what feels like a more show than tell style makes this a great
introductory issue, I just wish a little more focus was put on expanding the
lead character as opposed to attempting to introduce all major pieces of the
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