Rage, Rage Against The Dying of the Light!

Written by: Justin Jordan and Robbie Thompson
Art by: Barnaby Bagenda
Colours by: Alex Gumaeres
Letters by: Ed Dukeshire
Published by: Boom! Studios/DC Comics
Price: $3.99
This crossover series has been a lot of fun the last five issues. We’ve had a fair bit of action, a fair bit of humour and, last issue in particular, some genuine pathos. The creative team have, on the whole, done a good job of taking some of the more memorable or important elements of each franchise, mixing them together and producing a story that manages to hang together pretty well, while at the same time being very entertaining. In some respects, that’s about as much as you can hope for from a crossover event like this. The big question is: Can the team tie up the various plot threads and deliver a satisfying conclusion to all this? There’s only one way to find out…
Last issue we ended with Atrocitus about to cut the universal ring from Cornelius’ hand only for Sinestro (who initiated this whole mess and has been doing very little about it ever since) to show up and block the downward slash of Atrocitus’ ‘blade’. In an ironic turnabout, Sinestro decides to take the opportunity presented him by Atrocitus’ weak state and tries to kill him with his own construct executioner’s axe only for his killing blow to be blocked by Hal. The other GLs use the resulting argument to recover and turn on the other Reds. Hal ignores Sinestro and attempts to reason with Cornelius. But he’s way too late and Cornelius goes somewhat mental, a fact handily signalled by Ed Dukeshire’s use of red on black speech balloons.
There is an awful lot going on in this issue and it’s beyond the scope of this review to describe it in detail. Suffice it to say that we get to see some pretty disturbing stuff. The fight between the Reds and the Green Lanterns is done pretty well, but in the middle of that Ursus does something terrible to a defenceless Grodd and a ‘Red’ Nova and Lucius visit a violent retribution on the city of the Apes. The creative team keep the action moving quickly, but it’s still easy enough to follow, partly due to some helpful (and well-scripted, to be fair) dialogue from the likes of Sinestro whose “I believe our situation has, impressively, managed to get worse” is the kind of dry understatement that makes him the villain we love to hate.
Cornelius appears to have been driven mad by the realisation of his Earth’s secret history and that the cycle of dominance involving human and ape is likely to continue. He is determined to end it. Hal, Sinestro and the other Greens must stop him. They’re not faring particularly well until Zaius (remember him?) gives them the strategy that saves the day. The resulting battle is impressive for a number of reasons, but by far the most entertaining – and, to this literature-loving comic fan at any rate – moving moment is hearing Guy Gardner quote Dylan Thomas, albeit with a “fricking” thrown in for good measure.
While Sinestro manages to get free of Zaius relatively easily, he does drop the ring, allowing Cornelius to pick it up, stop Sinestro from killing Zaius and then fly off to destroy the ring (and himself?) in this alternate Earth’s sun. The rest of the issue – and the series – ends on a slightly muted note, but that last page (despite a glaring art error in the second panel) delivers a couple of teasing surprises that leave room for a sequel.
Bits and Pieces:
This has been a remarkably entertaining series and this issue is a fitting ending to a story that has not only been, for the most part, coherent, but has also featured enough twists and turns to keep the most jaded (hah!) Green Lantern fan happy. It’s not been a monumental series, by any means, but it’s been fun and exciting and, for a crossover book like this, I’d say that’s job done.
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