Quite Savage Indeed

Art by: Ibrahim Moustafa
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 3, 2017
Review by: Mark Fossas from the Nation of Nerds Podcast
I really enjoyed the first two issues of Justin Jordan's Savage Things. It's what I look to Vertigo to give fans...a brutal, bloody good time and Jordan gives that out in spades, but that's not all. A story can't live on blood alone and the story being told here is mysterious, intriguing and pretty damn awesome. Luckily, Mark from the Nation of Nerds podcast stepped in for me after I reviewed the first issue because while I don't have time to review everything, this book deserves your attention. So, without further ado, check out Mark's review and then give his podcast a listen. -Jim
Now this is what I call a comic that does not hold anything back. Justin Jordan and Ibrahim Moustafa really knock it out of the park with this issue.
One of my favorite elements to this story is how good the flashbacks are. Between how sadistic Bob and Marty are to the relationship between Cain and Abel. This flashback although short, really does a good job of portraying how high the stakes are.
After the flashback we are reminded again of how brutal Cain and his team really are. What ensues next is in my opinion Moustafa’s best work. His attention to detail during the brutal scenes is really impressive. He is quickly becoming one of new favorite artists and I would love to see him do a Swamp Thing or Wonder Woman in the future.
Abel and Kira enter a factory of some sort and they soon realize that Cain is there as well when they we’re introduced to another panel of some of the goriest visuals that would make Kirkman and Adlard jealous on the Walking Dead.
Once they enter and are confronted by Cain. Kira is stuck in a locked room with a C4 about to explode and Cain and Abel face off for the first time in many years.
Will Abel save Kira or will he do something he has wanted to do for the last 20 years which is kill Cain? Make sure you purchase this book at your local comic book store to find out. Or you can always subscribe to my podcast “Nation of Nerds” and check out my thoughts on this book and more.
Bits and Pieces:
Savage Things #3 continues the bloody great time. Justin Jordan is writing a mature story that doesn't cut corners and Ibrahim Moustafa's art makes it all great to look at. If you are looking for more than your usual cape and cowl book, this just might be for you.
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