Going Rogue

Written by: Gerry Duggan
Art by: Kevin Libranda, David Curiel and Clayton Cowles
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 28, 2016
Review by: Josh Vermillion
After dealing with an undead Hulk, our team still has a lot of stuff they need to deal with. Between Doctor Voodoo’s brother and the Red Skull, who invaded Quicksilver’s mind and told him to bring the Avengers, Gerry Duggan has a couple of fun villain options moving forward. Let’s see whom the team chooses to go after first.
And the answer is… Red Skull. The Skull has Professor Xavier’s brain, and he’s using it to control Quicksilver. He has Pietro bring the team to him so that he can get to Rogue, who he believes he can use to destroy the X-Men and the Inhumans. Rogue has Deadpool stay behind and tells him to find Magneto and Gambit in case they need them.
We get some really cool scenes of Quicksilver using his speed to round up the team, except Rogue. When she finds Red Skull at the old Avengers Mansion, he tried some psychic tricks to fool her. It seems that Deadpool shoots him and she is talking to Professor X, but it’s just another thing he’s making her see.
Gerry Duggan is doing a great job of showing Rogue’s past and using her to move the story forward. When it’s done well, I love a book where you don’t know if what you’re seeing is real. The way Red Skull breaks Quicksilver down and tells him he’s nothing in order to control his mind was my favorite part of the issue.
I always liked Pepe Larraz on this book but I think Kevin Libranda is doing just as well. The styles aren’t exactly the same, but they aren’t so drastically different that it throws you off either. Libranda does a great job of showing the speed of Quicksilver in different ways throughout the issue.
This was a great way to start a new arc. I can’t wait to see how Quicksilver and Rogue break Red Skull’s mind control on them and how the rest of the team factors into the equation. I really like where this book has been heading lately.
Bits and Pieces:
Some of my favorite comics are team books where the writer knows how to use all of the characters and makes them all have a purpose. Even though this was a Rogue-centric issue, I think Gerry Duggan has a firm handle on all of these heroes. That, along with the consistently great art, has me looking forward to this book every month.
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