Dog Day Afternoon

Written by: Ed Brubaker
Art: Sean Phillips, Elizabeth Breitweiser
Cover Price: $3.99
In Stores: January 18, 2017
Review by: Ryan Douglas
Check out Ryan’s podcast, Columbus Comics Corner HERE.
Sometimes we can get bogged down with the busy shipping schedule of the main two publishers, DC and Marvel. When it comes to creator owned comics, sometimes we have to wait a little longer for the creative team to not feel rushed and release their best work. In the case of Kill or Be Killed it’s been just over a month since the first arc finished. This is the title I’ve been chomping at the bit to return. It’s finally here and I’m eager to see what Dylan’s been up to since where we left off.
The issue doesn’t waste time getting back into the swing of things. We get a sense that Dylan is quite comfortable with murdering people who he believes deserve it. Ed Brubaker does a great job of catching you up with Dylan and his surroundings. By this time the harsh winter crept into spring and lasting until the sweltering summer heat. Setting up the reader with a sense of the state of mind and climate the characters are in.
We’re given quick moments of Dylan narrating how some relationships have changed since the beginning arc. He seems to have what feels like long distance relationships with his friends at this moment. Although they interact on a normal routine. Even an unexpected character reappears to come back into his life. That one moment gives a glimmer of hope into the outcome of his life, by the end of the story. Which I don’t see ending well for our main protagonist.
No matter what, Dylan is always in the mindset of finding his next kill. He’s become more comfortable with killing, but still isn’t as skilled and is learning from his mistakes.
The issue ends with Dylan taking a risk that leaves him in a situation, that you’ll be clawing at the walls to see how he gets himself out of this predicament.
The creative team continues to offer an engaging plot and stunning art to lock you in. Elizabeth Breitweiser and Sean Phillips provide a surrealistic type art style that makes you feel as if you're watching things in motion, placing you in this world they've created.
For a returning issue, you’re provided with the right amount of backstory to catch you up on what our main characters have been up to. While it does focus on catching the reader up, they’ve done an incredible job of juggling the past, present and future. Making you feel like you’re on the journey with Dylan as we delve into his character further.
Bits and Pieces:
I felt like a kid again on Christmas when I sat down to read one of my favorite current ongoing comic book series. The wait was well worth it. I understand how Cleveland felt when LeBron came back to the Cav’s.
Spot on!!