Brenden Fletcher
Pencils: Adam
Inks: Sandra
Background Painting: Msassyk
Msassyk & Serge Lapointe
Rob Haynes
Steve Wands
Cover: Karl
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: January 11, 2017
I gotta say, with the Academy of the Bat happening
over in New Super-Man #7 (see my review right now!), Gotham Academy seems a
little lackluster. Like, sure it’s got a luxurious, spooky campus, but is
anyone training to be a superhero here? Or anything, really? Seems like Gotham
Academy has a lot of weird classes about magic literature and alchemy, and not
many about economics and history. And zero
classes about being Batman—when Gotham City is right next door! I think
someone’s got to have a talk with the City’s Chancellor of Schools, start
putting education first and get our fictional private schools on par with the
fictional private schools of China. Gotham Academy life isn’t that bad, though,
just a little…strange. As you will
find out if you read my review of Gotham
Academy Second Semester #5, right here!
Explain It!
We left off…two
issues ago, before that weird prequel one-off that served no purpose other than
clean out the Inventory drawer, Colton was expelled from Gotham Academy by
Headmaster Hammer! I’d assumed, at the time, that it was due to being caught
during that issue’s hijinks, which involved something about witches and
something something skulking through hollow walls and such. Now we find out
what really got Colton expelled from the Academy: an attempted heist of
Professor Silversmith’s goggles! And weirdly, he was with Pomeline at the time.
Colton gets away by slipping into a secret doorway marked with that Arkham
symbol that’s been sort of floating around since the first issue, and through
that finds a secret library where Mr. Scarlet aka the Bookworm is drawing on a
map of the grounds. When Bookwork leaves, Colton grabs the map and runs off,
smashing into Headmaster Hammer and dropping the map—which Hammer reveals is
his! And boy is he miffed.
So that’s why Colton got expelled. He ended up
stealing a map from Bookworm that Bookworm stole from Hammer, and this is
somehow an injustice because Colton wasn’t the original thief. He still stole
the map, people. It doesn’t absolve Bookworm of wrongdoing, but Colton didn’t
know it wasn’t Bookworm’s map, he just stole it. So now Colton is being walked
around the Academy by a couple of security guards to say his final goodbyes
before total expulsion. In one hour, he must leave the campus, despite the fact
that he’s refused to contact his parents or have someone come pick him up. Come
on now, surely even a horrifying school like Gotham Academy wouldn’t throw a
teenager out to homelessness. What am I saying? One of the students is a
Man-Bat for crying out loud.
So because the writers of this comic book think
security guards aren’t very intelligent, Kyle convinces them to leave Colton in
his care, as he is a prefect at the Academy. Then the gang splits up to help
Colton, and it just gets really confusing from here. Pomeline hires a lawyer
who immediately gets the expulsion delayed pending a hearing of some sort.
So…comic book over? Day saved? Not quite—first we have to watch the goddamned hearing for like five pages, and it is dull as
crap. Bruce Wayne is there, which is fun. While that goes on, Pomeline and
Tristan the Teenaged Man-Bat break into the Wedgewood House to find Pomeline’s
heritage? With the map I guess? Because later in the courtroom setting, they
try to reveal the map and it ain’t there. Anyway, Eric the asthmatic kid that’s
super into this arcane history of Arkham or whatever is lurking around, and I’m
just tired of writing about this book anymore.
This was awful. It started tepid, and then there was
so much shit being thrown at you at one time that it felt like a drawer full of
silverware falling down a flight of stairs. Slowly. With a weird courtroom
scene happening in the middle of it. I think at the core of my displeasure is
that Colton is a character I could really care less about. He’s been a
non-factor in the book all along. He’s always so secretive about his past and I
can’t say I’ve ever cared. Couldn’t pick a better guy to get eighty-sixed, in
my opinion. Olive’s bitchy invisible friend Amy is also around for much of the
issue, so you know that wasn’t even more of a bring-down or anything.
Bits and
This episode picks up from the cliffhanger two issues ago, and it's about as exciting as you'd expect a school expulsion to be. Lots of disjointed scene jumping between meaningless moments make for an unsatisfying and confusing read. It's as pretty look at as it ever was.
In Gotham Academy: Second Semester #5, mysteries deepen as Olive faces her inner struggles. The issue builds on character relationships, unravelling secrets about Gotham Academy. This chapter’s intrigue offers insight into storytelling nuances for assignment writing in Canada, inspiring analysis.
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