Clone Conspiracy #4
Writer: Dan Slott
Art Team:
Jim Cheung, John Dell, Corey Smith, Justin Ponsor
Release Date:
January 18, 2017
Price: $3.99
Something, Something,
About Power and Responsibilities
We’re getting closer to the finish of the Clone Conspiracy
here, with our penultimate issue, and if your anything like me you have enjoyed
this event so far but you’re probably ready for this “related” tie-in business to
wrap up already. I mean how much nonsense
does Marvel expect one individual to read, buy, and support at one time? Civil
War II just wrapped up, the InHumans vs X-Men is continuing at the same time as
the Clone Conspiracy, and the publisher just Unleashed Monsters on the masses
as well. I don’t know about you but that
sounds like the definition of event fatigue to me. So for review purposes we’re
going to ignore all that tie-in material here and focus on some meat and cheese,
the main story. So let’s swing into it and see where Spidey ends this issue
when it’s all said and done, after surprising us last month, with his decision
to follow Jackal-Ben.
We start off issue four by checking in on our various resurrected
villains hanging out in New U headquarters while Doc Ock flat out roasts the
Lizard … I guess you could say “he got Ock-ed”.
The ol’ Doctors mood changes suddenly though when his lady love, Anna
Maria, walks into the room bringing the drama with her, much to the amusement
of the new Electro. If you listen very
closely you can hear the sound of a whip being cracked because Doc Ock has it
bad for Anna Maria.
From there we transition to Peter and Jackal-Ben hamming it
up on the ride back to New U headquarters. If you recall after a long
conversation (see Amazing Spider-Man #22), the two have seemingly reached an
understanding together, and Ben is pushing for Spider-Man and Parker Industries
help to take his new cloning practices global.
Upon the pair’s arrival back to New U, where the magic
happens, Ben Reilly has another reveal for Spider-Man. This reveal centers around a town underneath his
facility he’s established, called “Haven”, where all the resurrected people are
seemingly living in harmony while receiving the care and medicine they need, to
not turn into goo. This is an attempt on
Ben’s part to continue and show Spider-Man his intentions are pure, albeit
confusingly so. Even Gwen Stacey acknowledges she’s forgiven Peter to help sway
his decision in their (team New U’s) favor. (NOTE: for more on the Gwen Stacey,
Peter/Spider-Man conversation, see Amazing Spider-Man #23, that’s all the book
At this point in the story/event the pace of things really
kicks into high gear. After briefly
checking in on Otto and Anna, who discover a breakthrough in how to stabilize the
cloning process, we’re quickly shown why Peter has a change of heart about this
entire situation and the aftermath of this decision. Peter’s change of heart
forces Ben Reilly’s hand. As soon as Ben has the answer he doesn’t want, he
counter is to sick the entire “goon squad” he’s resurrected on Spider-Man, as the
apparent villain heads off to implement Phase 2 of his plan, without Spider-Man’s
Jackal-Ben quickly arrives in the lab area however his plans
continue to go down the drain. Even though the long lost lovers, Doc Ock and
Anna Maria, have helped discover a possible cure to this clone problem, Ben’s
not so careful choice of words directed at Anna about her size and stature,
offend both parties (Ock and Anna alike) which only causes further conflict
inside New U headquarters. Now with the
villains, Ock and Jackal, at each other’s throats, Ock makes a desperate move
to take down the Jackals entire empire. The multi-armed villain hits a signal
on the lab control board that sends out a high pitched sound targeting Clone’s to
degenerate at an accelerated rate in the surrounding area. As the signal is
broadcast, everyone around begins changing into the dreaded “Carrion’s”, which Kaine
and Spider-Gwen have tried to warn people of, and it appears doom and gloom is
striking as our issue comes to a close.
Well things escalated quickly here without a doubt in this
issue and setup the series finale well in my opinion. I’m genuinely interested
in how this event will be concluded which is more than I can say about the last
couple high profile Marvel events titles.
Spider-Man going back to one of his first lessons learned as a means to
turn down the Jackal is a nice nostalgic callback, which should please long time
Spider-Man fans, who might have felt Peter losing his way as this event progressed. The art continues to be event worthy. My
concerns of the dark coloring overshadowing the art itself have eased as the series
has progressed, probably because the characters have spent less and less time
in a dark, dreary lab, which is welcome.
Bits and Pieces
The story as a whole continues to be interesting, and well-drawn,
which has taken Peter/Spider-Man on an emotional journey, testing the foundational
beliefs of him as a person established at a young age. I appreciate the story at its core, which
feels like a more traditional Spider-Man tale than more recent events, like
Spider-Verse. If you felt like Peter (Spidey) has been a little too much like Tony
(Iron Man) lately, Clone Conspiracy might be the righting of the ship you’ve
been looking for.
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