Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #3
Gerry Conway
Art Team: Ryan
Stegman, Sonia Oback
Date: January 11, 2017
Spider Parents Just Don’t Understand
The Renew Your Vows story continues for Peter, Mary Jane,
and Annie May Parker in this alternate universe “what if” tale from Marvel
Comics. So far, from issue one through
issue two, we haven’t made much story progress. Instead the reader has received
bits and pieces of the same tale, told from different points of view, of the
Spider-Family. So let’s jump in here and see if we get more of the same, from
the remaining member left out thus far, or if the Spider-Family tale finally pushes
Off the bat, we join Anna May Parker in the middle of class
and through the beginning of her day at Public School #71, in Upper East Side
Manhattan. We learn throughout this
series of pages some interesting info about Annie May including that she’s a
day dreamer, doodler, good natured, well mannered, bully hating, little girl
just trying to blend in at school while not revealing her powers … per parental
orders of course. Parents just don’t understand, I should know I am one!
Towards the middle of the book, as Annie May is on recess,
in the school yard, we get some interesting new information concerning the
young characters power set. It seems
that young Annie’s spider-sense has evolved past the version her father has,
providing the character a Ulysses-esque vision of future events, concerning her
parents. This “warning” springs the young hero into action setting her in
motion for the Regent building site, joining her parents and the stories events
currently going down, which we’ve already seen in previous issues.
In the last third of the book, we continue to see some of
the same events and story beats repeat themselves, the difference this time
they continue to occur from Annie May’s point of view this issue. There are also a few new hints seeded of a
young Osborn becoming enamored with our young hero in action which we didn’t see
before, that I recall, despite his previous appearance.
Things wrap up at the end of the issue in a much similar way
as they have previously with the Mole Man having captured Peter and MJ and
Annie arriving to rescue her parents. Now that all three of our main characters
are setup and established in the series we should be able to move forward next
issue finally.
Now although issue three was a lot of repeat information,
the development of a young Annie May as a character and hero in general, was
very interesting to me. I like how they
are distinguishing her power set apart from Peter’s, whose is very well
established, because it provides the issue with a few surprises I didn’t expect
coming. Gerry Conway continues to write
each character well, providing each with a few standout moments in the series
so far, but next month I definitely need this story to take the next step to
maintain interest going forward.
I love the art in this series as well so far. To me it has
more of a classic 90’s type of feel, that gives this comic book a classic or throwback
look that I enjoy. Ryan Stegman and Sonia Oback provide some great work to look
at including a poster worthy splash page, if you’re an Annie May fan, as well
as a stunningly drawn T-Rex throughout the series to boot.
Bits and Pieces
Although the story has been stuck in neutral, this issue was
my personal favorite of the three we’ve been given so far, providing information
on a young Annie May readers previously weren’t privy to. There is something for everyone in this title
humor, action, even heart felt family moments, you could share this book with
your girlfriend and she might not hate you. If you’re someone still upset about
Brand New Day this title may help ease that pain.
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