Friday, October 14, 2016
Top 5 Fridays: Top 5 DC Comics Rebirth Story Arcs
Welcome back to another exciting installment of Top 5 Fridays! Rebirth has been going on for about five months now, and to say it's been a success would be putting it lightly. Nearly every comic rocking the Rebirth banner has been well received as it gets back to what we loved about the characters. Some of the first story arcs are still continuing, such as the incredible Titans, New Super-Man, and Wonder Woman, but I felt it was time to start showing some love to some of the Arcs that have been tied up. As always this is an opinion based list, so if you don't see any heroes you like I apologize. Enough talk! Let's look back at the best Rebirth has brought out so far...
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Weird Science DC Comics Podcast Spotlight: The Lost Boys #1
Jim and Eric get together to talk about one of their most favorite things ever...The Lost Boys! Not the movie though, the new Vertigo comic and ...well, they don't like it as much as the movie. While it's not as bad as eating maggots (Michael), it has it's issues. Find out what they thought and tune in every Sunday Night for the full podcast. Enjoy! Note: This will not be featured in the regular podcast...exclusive bitches!!!
DC Comics Best Covers of the Week 10/12/16
Get Back to Where You Once Belonged
There were a lot of swell covers this week, and looking at the whole batch at once (including variants), I'd have to say that the theme was "legacy." Lots of classic shots and send-ups of classic covers, proving that DC has not abandoned its history...not yet, at least. But when it comes to the Best Covers of the Week, there can be only one! Or more literally, only five. Read on to see which covers made the list!
The Flash Season 3 Episode 2 “Paradox" Review and **SPOILERS**
Written By: Greg Berlanti, Andre Kreisberg and Brooke Roberts
Directed By: Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing
First Aired: October 11, 2016
First Aired: October 11, 2016
Barry followed up fucking up the time line with kidnapping, moving back in with his parents, kind of stalking Iris, nearly getting Wally killed and then blinking all those alt world fuckers out of existence because it was suddenly inconvenient for him. So instead of doing the honorable thing and sucking it up, he messed with the timeline again, and screwed up everyone's lives. What a selfish glory boy asshole.
Caught up? Good. Let's get into tonight's proceedings.
On the heels of three
new miniseries featuring Midnighter, Hawkman and Deadman this month,
January will bring more unique and noteworthy miniseries to readers,
including a tale of the Amazon warriors in the
years before Diana, and the return of Captain Atom.
THE ODYSSEY OF THE AMAZONS #1 is a brand-new miniseries set in the world of Wonder Woman from writer and actor Kevin Grevioux (New Warriors, Underworld)
and artist Ryan Benjamin (BATMAN BEYOND). Years
before the birth of Princess Diana, a group of Amazons set out on a
globe-spanning quest to find others of their kind, encountering
legendary creatures and beings along the way. But their journey soon
turns into a rescue mission as two of their own are captured
by the legendary Storm Giants of Norse mythology. It’s up to their
leader, the stalwart Hessia, to keep them together through the many
trials that lie ahead. The series will run for six issues.
CAPTAIN ATOM #1 is a new miniseries from the writing team of Cary Bates
and Greg Weisman (CAPTAIN ATOM) and artist Will Conrad (Buffy the Vampire Slayer).
Bates and Weisman return
to the character with “Blowback: Part One”! Captain Atom hasn’t been
seen or heard from in years—and even if you think you know what happened
to him…you’re wrong! But you’re not alone. To this day, no one on
Earth—not even the other superheroes—has an inkling
of the missing Captain Atom’s true fate. At last, the truth is about to
be revealed in a saga that transcends not only the meaning of life and
death, but the limits of time and space. The series will run for six
Both titles will debut in January 2017, beginning with THE FALL AND RISE OF CAPTAIN ATOM #1 on January 4, and THE ODYSSEY OF THE AMAZONS #1 on January 18.
Wow! I support the idea of DC producing more miniseries, because that means more complete, finite stories and it's a great way to test the waters for certain characters and situations. Click the link below to see the cover for Odyssey of the Amazons #1 by Ryan Benjamin, and some interior art The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom by Jason Badower!
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #6 Review and **SPOILERS**
Hal Hath No Fury
Writer: Robert Vendetti
Penciller: Rafa Sandoval
Inker: Jordi Tarragona
Colorist: Tomeu Morey
Letterer: Dave Sharpe
Cover: Sandoval, Tarrgona and
Cover Price: $2.99
On Sale Date: October 12, 2016
This is it, folks! The
showdown between Hal Jordan and Sinestro for the fate of the entire galaxy! I
assume whichever color corps wins will be the dominant hue of the prevailing
force, so if Jordan wins it will be a Greenish-Yellow Lantern Corps about the
color of sickly phlegm, while if Sinestro wins it will be a Yellowish-Green
Lantern Corps about the color of baby poop. Hmm…what if the Red Lanterns get
involved, we could end up with something like the Pumpkin Lantern Corps. And
the power source could be a Jack O’Lantern. Halloween is right around the
corner, so this couldn’t be any more timely. Of course, Halloween is less than
three weeks away, while issues #7 and #8 were likely done four or six weeks
ago, but I don’t see why this can’t be accommodated. It’s just a color change,
really. You won’t find the Pumpkin Lantern Corps in this issue of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps, and
I can prove it if you read on
Suicide Squad #4 Review and **SPOILERS**
Bring ‘Em Home Safely. Or
Writer: Rob Williams
Penciller: Jim LeeInkers: Scott Williams, Sandra Hope, Jonathan Glapion, Trevor Scott
Colorists: Alex Sinclair and Hi-Fi
Back-Up Artist: Gary Frank
Back-Up Colorist: Brad Anderson
Letterer: Rob Leigh
Cover: Lee, Williams and Sinclair
Cover Price: $2.99
On Sale Date: October 12, 2016
I left my Zod
In a Russian prison
In a special cell
Beneath the sea
He’s in there, waiting all
Within a sphere of Phantom
How does that work? Is it
for show?
Damned if I know
When I get home, to Zod
My bad Kryptonian
We’re gonna rip everyone
A new hole
F. Sinatra
Gotham Academy Second Semester #2 Review and **SPOILERS**
The Witch Club Credo: Be
Prepared…for Mind Control!
Script: Brenden Fletcher
Story: Brenden Fletcher, Becky
Cloonan & Karl Kerschl
Pencils: Adam Archer
Inks: Sandra Hope
Background Painting: Msassyk
Colors: Serge Lapointe
Breakdowns: Bob Haynes
Letters: Steve Wands
Cover: Karl Kerschl
Cover Price: $2.99
On Sale Date: October 12, 2016
When my friends that have
kids tell me about how school is run today, I feel like I’ve just come off the
Oregon Trail. A middle school nearby gave all of its seventh-graders tablet
computers to use until graduation. Kids entering college now create new texts
using licensed material instead of having to purchase used books at exorbitant
rates. And of course, e-mail—everything in school seems to happen over e-mail
these days, students are turning in papers and getting homework and doing all
types of education-related things via internet transfer. When I was a kid, if
you stayed home sick, it meant you got to skip the homework! Now, there’s no
respite. But on the other hand, you can play Candy Crush in study hall. Anyway,
none of this seems to be a problem at Gotham Academy, where everything is
frozen in the 19th Century. Let’s go hang out with the Man-Bats and
ghosts in tri-cornered hats, shall we?
All-Star Batman #3 Review and *SPOILERS*
Fill My Eyes With That Double Vision

Art By: John Romita Jr., Danny Miki, Dean White, Steve Wands, Declan Shalvey, Jordie Bellaire
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: October 12, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Let's join our hero Batman on his continuing quest to get Two-Face to some mysterious house that supposedly holds the cure to what ails old Harvey........ I didn't realize they made a cure for crazy, but hey, what do I know? In the previous issue we saw the Dark Knight face villain after villain now that the odds of this gambit have been set and every rogue in the gallery is out for Batman's blood so that they can become filthy rich and also so Two-Face doesn't release his information on everyone that he supposedly has. It's not a hard thing to imagine him having this either because in the last issue we had a peek into the future, where we saw the GCPD with information proving that Bruce Wayne was Batman. Let's jump into this issue of All-Star Batman and see how everything transpires in this back and forth story and if the KGBeast showing up at the end of the last issue has any drastic affect on Batman's road trip. Let's check it out.
Scooby Apocalypse #6 Review and *SPOILERS*

"The Secret History of Velma Dinkley"
Writers - Keith Giffen & J.M. DeMatteis
Pencillers - Howard Porter & Wellington Ives
Inker - Scott Hanna
Color - Hi-Fi
Letters - Travis Lanham
Cover Price: $3.99
On Sale Date: 10.12.2016
If you were collecting comics in the late 1980's into the early-to-mid 1990's, you likely evolved that keen sense of identifying "key" issues... due in no small part to the proliferation and eventual ubiquitous presence of comic book price guides. Of course #1 issues and first-appearances were king... however, there was another type of "key" issue which the Wizards and Overstreets liked to promote as being worth your inflated comics dollar... the origin story. Often abbreviated to "O" in the guides, the origin story would shed some light on the skateyeight hundred shadowy and mysterious supertypes in the grim, gritty, and speculatory era.
Today we're going to take a look at and discuss one such contemporary issue, when Scooby Apocalypse takes a break to reflect on the life and times of Ms. Velma Dinkley.
Superwoman #3 Review and **SPOILERS**
Sibling Rivalry
Script: Phil Jimenez
Pencils: Emanuela Lupacchino
Inks: Ray McCarthy
Colors: Hi-Fi
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Cover By: Phil Jimenez and Jeremy
Cover Price: $2.99
On Sale Date: October 12, 2016
bet when Lana Lang was in grade school, people loved taunting her with the “Name
Lana, Lana, bo-fanna
Banana fanna bo-banna
Me-, mi-, mo-manna
I don’t know if this
refutes any canon, but I’m calling it now—her middle name is “Anna.” Lana Anna
Lang. And if I went to school with her, I guarantee I would annoy the crap out
of her by greeting her with, “Dang, Lana Anna Lang!” every single day. And it’s
a good thing I didn’t go to school with her, because now she’s got weird
magneto-electric Superman powers and could cook me like a frankfurter. I wonder
what she’s up to now? No need to wait around for a class reunion, we can find
out by reading this review of Superman
#3, right now!
Action Comics #965 Review and *SPOILERS*
Doppelganger Land

Art By: Stephen Segovia, Art Thibert, Arif Prianto, Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 12, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
It's back to Metropolis for mystery and intrigue as we desperately try to discover some clues to who this human Clark Kent is........ Well, maybe not for this issue. Yeah, we've had a ton of mysteries thrown our way with little explanation about them and to make matters more confusing, we're starting another mystery with this issue. Previously, we saw Superman try to get to the bottom of who this strange Clark Kent is, but ultimately our Man of Steel was left with more questions than answers and to top it off, while he was asking these questions, Geneticron, the company that was supposedly housing Doomsday was transported away.......... by another mystery character and all we know about him is that he has an affinity for wearing red ball caps. Let's jump into this issue and not explore any of these things as Lois Lane gets to the bottom of what happened to the New 52........ Lois Lane. Let's check it out.
Supergirl #2 Review
Daddy Issues
Written by: Steve OrlandoArt by: Brian Ching, Mike Atiyeh and Steve Wands
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 12, 2016
After a rough start, I have been enjoying Supergirl. I have been begging for a Supergirl book so just getting one is great and Steve Orlando's take on Kara as a teenager trying to fit into a new life is a-ok with me. Throw in the continuing story of her father, Cyborg Superman, coming to Earth for a little daddy-daughter time and we've got a setup for a great opening arc and beyond. Of course, I'm talking more about potential than anything else, but hopefully Orlando can come through. So, does he this month? Let's find out...
The Lost Boys #1 Review and *SPOILERS*
Cry Little Sister

Art By: Scott Godlewski, Trish Mulvihill, Clem Robins
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 12, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
I want to start this off by telling all of you fine readers out there that I'm a huge Lost Boys fan. I mean, I'm such a fan that I have strong opinions about how the third movie in the series, Lost Boys: The Thirst is better than the second one, Lost Boys: The Tribe. Now this might not mean a lot to most of you, but I'd say you'd be pretty hard pressed to find anyone with strong opinions about the sequels to The Lost Boys series in general. Anyway, with my so called credentials aside, I also want to tell you before this review that I've been excited as hell to read this book because I'm chomping at the bit for anything related to this franchise at this point because aside from some terrible remake that will probably happen in the future, (thankfully nothing has been announced as of yet) there isn't a lot to really sink my teeth into when it pertains to this series anymore and even if this comic is a straight sequel to the first movie and nothing else, at least I can take solace in the fact that there couldn't be anything too continuity damaging from this first issue. That shit is important to me because I'm a lunatic. Either way, all you need to know going into this comic series is the first Lost Boys movie and as far a homework goes........... Well, that's pretty awesome. Let's jump into this issue and see the further adventures of Michael and Sam Emerson and of course, everyone's favorite vampire killing, brother duo, Edgar and Allan Frog. Let's check it out.
Deathstroke #4 Review
On the Road Again

Art by: Joe Bennett, Mark Morales, Jeromy Cox and Willie Shubert
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 12, 2016
I will admit that at first, this book confused me. I don't know if it was me, the story or a combination of both, but once I realized that this book demanded multiple readings to understand, I started liking it more. Sure, I'd rather get it all down right away, but Christopher Priest has been sly with his story and characters and his story is peppered with little nuances that show themselves after repeated visits. So, whether I am lazy or not, I will go into my Deathstroke reviews after at least two reading, if not more. Do those readings tell me that this week's issue is kick-ass or a disappointment? Let's find out...
Wonder Woman #8 Review

Written by: Greg Rucka
Art by: Bilquis Evely, Romulo Fajardo Jr, Jodi Wynne
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 12, 2016
I am never one to invite a break in the flow of our regular stories, but Greg Rucka has set that up as an intrinsic part of his Wonder Woman run already. So, this week's Barbara Minerva "interlude" shouldn't come as a shock and if you ask me, Rucka has already earned the right to know what's right for his book and show us all just how right he is. It's easy for me to say all this because I am a Barbara Minerva/Cheetah fan and really am excited to see this origin story. So, is it as good as I hoped? Let's find out...
Batgirl and The Birds of Prey #3 Review and *SPOILERS*
Snake Handlers

Art By: Claire Roe, Roge Antonio, Allen Passalaqua, Deron Bennett
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 12, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
The Birds are back this issue and with the help of their newest teammate: Huntress, they're going to take the fight hopefully to the faux-Oracle herself........ or himself. We still have no idea who this Oracle is yet. Hopefully they'll be able to shut this impostor's shit down in time though because in the previous issue we saw that Santo's safe house location was given to the mob boss Fenice and in turn she sent out a shit load of snake people to take him and anyone else there out. That's right, I'm talking about Barbara's daddy himself Jim Gordon. Let's jump into this issue and see if our Birds of Prey can juggle this many threats at once. Let's check it out.
Earth 2: Society #17 Review and *SPOILERS*
Ghost World

Art By: Bruno Redondo, Juan Albarron, Rex Lokus, Travis Lanham
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 12, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Well, it's finally happened. Our Wonders have gone and fucked up another world, but I guess the good news is........ This title isn't cancelled so it looks like they'll luck out and get another chance at being heroes and hopefully do it better this time. In our previous issue we saw the Ultra-Humanite going after the Pandora Casket so that he could remake Earth 2 into his image...... which is a crazy plan because we don't really know shit about the Pandora Casket so how could he? From what we do know though, it seems that this device...... or end table decoration has the ability to hold memories and since Fury figured it would be better if she used it instead of Ultra-Humanite, I'm guessing old gorilla face was on to something. Too bad that when Fury opened the object the world was bathed with light until it finally faded on us and them as the issue closed with darkness. Let's jump into this issue and see if Earth 2 survived and if all of our heroes did as well. Let's check it out.
Red Hood and the Outlaws #3 Review
Half Baked
Written by: Scott LobdellArt by: Dexter Soy, Veronica Gandini and Taylor Esposito
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 12, 2016

I have really enjoyed Red Hood and the Outlaws since the beginning of Rebirth. I'm not sure that having it as a monthly book has increased my anticipation for each issue, but I know that when we get to the week it comes out, I can't wait to dive in. Of course, seeing Bizarro at the end of last issue made the wait even harder so I'm going to put the small talk on hold and jump right into the issue. Was it worth the wait? Let's find out...
Detective Comics #942 Review
Big Baby

Art by: Andy MacDonald, John Rauch and Marilyn Patrizio
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 12, 2016
We've finally made it, the end of the Night of the Monster Men story. It's an understatement to say that I haven't been a huge fan as I have found it to be lacking in almost every facet. That being said, I am still holding out hope that this final issue can save the day and make it all worthwhile. I'm not counting on it, but a man can dream, right? So, do my dreams come true? Let's find out...
Doom Patrol #2 Review and **SPOILERS**
Writer: Gerard Way
Artist: Nick Derington
Colorist: Tamra Bonvillain
Letterer: Todd Klein
Cover Price: $3.99
On Sale Date: October 12, 2016
Here in New York City, we know all about the power of
negative energy. Even our positive actions are usually motivated by narcissism
and greed. It’s something that works for us, and (probably because I was born
here) rings truer to me than the sycophantic pleasantries traded elsewhere in
this country between people who would rather have nothing to do with one
another. Of course, this does sometimes put me at odds with humanity, like the
times I have met perfectly pleasant people whose manners made me suspicious. Or
the tendency I have to perceive civil volunteers as power-tripping toadies.
Yeah, I’m naturally negative, but in my defense the world does suck. If only I
could live in the psychedelic, weird world of Doom Patrol—and hey, it’s time for another trip back to that world!
Why don’t you come along?
The Flash #8 Review
Innocent as Charged
Written by: Joshua WilliamsonArt by: Carmine Di Giandomenico, Ivan Plascencia and Steve Wands
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 12, 2016
I can't say that I am a huge fan of the Flash anymore. It's not that Joshua Williamson's run has been bad, it just kind of meh to me. Yep...meh. It all comes down to this whole Godspeed thing. I didn't like the cat-and-mouse that Williamson gave us early on and have been even less impressed now that we know that August is our villain. I know it was supposed to be a big reveal, but again...meh. I know how good a writer Williamson can be so I keep holding out hope that things will change for the better. Is this when that all begins? Let's find out...
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
PREVIEW: The Lost Boys #1

Art By: Scott Godlewski, Trish Mulvihill, Clem Robins
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 12, 2016
Santa Carla, California is on edge. The eccentric coastal town and haven for the undead was finally returning to “normal” after its last supernatural scuffle left the local coven’s head vampire dead and gave newcomers Michael and Sam Emerson a housewarming both violent and bizarre. Now the brothers must once again team up with militant vampire hunters Edgar and Allan Frog when a new gang of ruthless, stunning, life-sucking nightcrawlers known as the Blood Belles emerges from the aftermath to collect Michael’s love interest and their lost sister, Star.
I love The Lost Boys and since we're not really getting anything else from the franchise, I can't wait to jump into this issue and see the events of what happens to the Frog Brothers and the Emerson Family after they killed Max at the end of the movie.
PREVIEW: Action Comics #965

Art By: Stephen Segovia, Art Thibert, Arif Prianto, Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 12, 2016
“BACK AT THE PLANET” part one! Superman returns to the public eye—but what of Lois Lane? When a mysterious package arrives for Lois and Clark back on the farm, Lois can stay on the sidelines no more. But where does that leave Superman’s human doppelgänger, Clark Kent?
While I don't know if we need anymore doubles of people running around Metropolis, I do hope that this issue lets us in on if people know Lois Lane is missing and or dead from her time as Superwoman. It's strange that no one anywhere in the books seem to talk about Lois' whereabouts, but hopefully this issue rectifies that.
PREVIEW: Earth 2: Society #17

Art By: Bruno Redondo, Juan Albarron, Rex Lokus, Travis Lanham
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 12, 2016
Earth-2 is dead! Following the climactic battle with Ultra-Humanite and his super-powered army, a handful of the Wonders awaken in a twilight limbo. Are they the only ones to have survived? Has their desperate gambit to save their world ended in total disaster?
This really feels like we're starting to get to a point in this series that I've always wanted and that's a reboot of Earth 2, where we can actually see our heroes be heroes instead of just surviving in a world that's constantly in peril. Hopefully that's the case so I can get back on the Earth 2 trolley.
PREVIEW: Batgirl and The Birds of Prey #3

Art By: Claire Roe, Roge Antonio, Allen Passalaqua, Deron Bennett
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 12, 2016
“WHO IS ORACLE?” part four! The dangerous new Oracle is finding that Gotham’s mobs aren’t up to the task of keeping the Birds of Prey off the scent…so send in the Snakes! Copperhead, The Asp, Cottonmouth, and Lady Viper are the most venomous foes the Birds have ever faced!
Snakes......... Why did it have to be snakes? Seriously though, I really hope that we get more than snakes from this issue because while I'm still all about a Birds of Prey book, this series is becoming a bit forgettable....... Which could also be due to the fact that I'm now spoiled by DC's twice monthly books and because this is still rocking the once a month deal....... well, it kind of sneaks up on you.
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