Saturday, August 27, 2016
5 Questions With...Bloodlines Artist, V Ken Marion
If you are one of the 7 people who listen to our podcast, you know that Reggie, Eric and myself simply love Bloodlines. I mean, kiss it in the tree and marry it kind of love and one of the big reasons for that is the art of V Ken Marion. His art has such an energetic pop to it and is a perfect fit for the story going on in Bloodlines. Of course, he is not a one trick pony and as you will find out soon, he is going to be on a Rebirth book that will certainly launch him into the stratosphere where most people forget all about Weird Science and the Get Fresh Crew. Don't forget about us, V Ken and if Mr. DC is reading this, get Mr. Marion on the Flash book ASAP! He would totally kick ass!
Friday, August 26, 2016
Top 5 Fridays: Top 5 Comic Series/Mini-Series that Surprised Me
Welcome back to another exciting installment of Top 5 Fridays! Well, this week Sixpack & Dogwelder: Hard-Travelin' Heroz #1, the sequel to the All-Star Section 8 miniseries, was released this week and god, that title still hurts my eyes. Joke aside, I was actually surprised that DC was ready to put out a sequel to this book due to 'okay' sales... But to be honest, I really shouldn't be surprised by that. What I'm really surprised by is the fact that All-Star Section 8 was even well received to begin with. Apparently, a lot of people liked the book! It made me think back on all the books that actually surprised me, and made me realize I shouldn't judge a comic book by its cover... or premise... or preview. ANYWAY! That's what we'll be covering today. As always, this list is opinion based, so if you don't see something you like... Maybe you should give it a shot. Enough talk, let's dive in!
Gotham Academy: Second Semester Gets 2 New Variant Covers by Fiona Staples
It seems like forever since we've had a Gotham Academy book to curl up in bed with and read while eating fried chicken. What, you don't eat fried chicken in bed while reading comic books? Well, you are a weirdo then. As they say, different strokes. Speaking of Different Strokes, Mrs. Garrett was one of my favorite characters on both Diff'rent Strokes and The Facts of Life and would be such a great addition to Gotham Academy. It makes so much sense that I don't know why it hasn't happened yet. I can just imagine Mrs. Garrett finding out the latest hijinx Olive and Maps have gotten into..."Girls, Girls Girls"... Check out these Fiona Staples variant covers that might not feature Mrs. Garrett, but are still very awesome!
FIRST LOOK: Teen Titans: Rebirth #1
Written by: Ben Percy

Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: September 28, 2016
The Teen Titans are farther apart than ever before…until Damian Wayne recruits Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy and the new Kid Flash to join him in a fight against his own grandfather, Ra’s al Ghul! But true leadership is more than just calling the shots—is Robin really up to the task? Or will the Teen Titans dismiss this diminutive dictator?
DC Entertainment Signs Liam Sharp to Exclusive Contract
This is awesome news and I couldn't be happier about it. One of the best things we've gotten in Rebirth has been Wonder Woman's "Lies" story and a big reason for that has been Liam Sharp's stellar art. Believe me, it's that good! Liam also seems like a really nice guy and it's always nice to know there are still a couple of those out there. So, congrats go to Liam Sharp, but also to DC Comics for doing a great thing and signing him exclusive for the next couple of years. Here is the official press release...
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Weird Science DC Comics Podcast Spotlight: The Hellblazer #1 and Sixpack & Dogwelder: Hard-Travelin’ Heroz #1
Spotlight on! Jim, Eric and Reggie get together to talk two of Reggie's books...The Hellblazer #1 and Sixpack & Dogwelder: Hard-Travelin' Heroz #1. It's all good fun, luv! If you like what you heard here, come check out our weekly podcast where we review every single DC Comic book that came out this week as well as news, listener mail and nonsense. See you there!
Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Five Chapter #36 Review
Written by: Brian Buccellato
Art by: Mike S. Miller, J. Nanjan and Wes Abbott
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: August 24, 2016
Even though Year Five is coming to an end soon and most of us know how it's going to end, Brian Buccellato is doing his best to keep us on our toes by throwing some crazy characters into the mix and letting them run hog wild. Last issue opened with Deathstroke being coaxed out of retirement by Batman and ended with the Terminator coming face-to-face with Metamorpho. Does this chapter continue the hit parade and add even more craziness to the mix? Let's find out...
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Harley’s Little Black Book #4 Review and **SPOILERS**
Holee Holocaustamolees
Art By:
Billy Tucci, Joseph Michael Linsner, Flaviano, Paul Mounts
Lettered By:
Dave Sharpe
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: August 24, 2016
One of my great failings as a reviewer and champion
of DC Comics’ digital-first line, besides getting my reviews in late and
generally being a mediocre writer, is that I do not read Bombshells. I did, at first—the first four or five chapters, and I
liked them okay. I thought the art was pretty good (though varied, as digital
books tend to be) and the concept was awesome, but it didn’t grab me. “I’ll
catch up later,” I told myself, or “I’ll get the trade.” Next thing I know
there’s three or four trades and I’m so behind on the series I’ll need to
dedicate a beachside vacation to it. Which is something, incidentally, I am
willing to do. I’ve just got no such plans until next March. So while I’m
angrily insisting in my reviews of Wonder
Woman ’77 and other digital titles that they are the sweetest comics deal
around, I’m not even reading one of the biggest digital titles. Someday, I
swear it! Luckily this issue of Harley’s
Little Black Book is an opportunity to glimpse the team in action, and
through them vicariously enjoy their digital comic that I’m sure is fantastic.
Why not join me in a trip through time, to the traumatic event that made my
grandparents’ generation the Greatest one, according to Tom Brokaw? Read on!
The Hellblazer #1 Review and **SPOILERS**
Justice League Dark Trinity
Written By:
Simon Oliver
Art By:
Moritat, Andre Szymanowicz
Lettered By:
Sal Cipriano
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: August 24, 2016
The Old Testament attributes the first murder to the
fratricide of Cain by Abel, who, if I am understanding Bronze Age DC horror
comics correctly, were a couple of weird-haired brothers that lived next door
to one another and told strange stories of varying quality. Point is, I don’t
think that was the first murder, not if you define it as an act of jealousy or
revenge. Because you know the first caveman that invented the wheel got stabbed
in the face for acting all high and mighty about it. It was the first car
jacking, just by quarters. And why do you think cavemen dragged their women
around by their bone-wrapped hairdos? They were being kidnapped! Yes, I do get
all of my information about prehistoric mankind from comic strips and cartoons,
why do you ask? I’ll have you know I also review the Flintstones comic book on this very site! The nerve of some
people! But there’s no one nervier than John Constantine, as you’ll find if you
read my review of the Hellblazer #1, right
The Hellblazer #1 Review and **SPOILERS**
Justice League Dark Trinity
Written By:
Simon Oliver
Art By:
Moritat, Andre Szymanowicz
Lettered By:
Sal Cipriano
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: August 24, 2016
The Old Testament attributes the first murder to the
fratricide of Cain by Abel, who, if I am understanding Bronze Age DC horror
comics correctly, were a couple of weird-haired brothers that lived next door
to one another and told strange stories of varying quality. Point is, I don’t
think that was the first murder, not if you define it as an act of jealousy or
revenge. Because you know the first caveman that invented the wheel got stabbed
in the face for acting all high and mighty about it. It was the first car
jacking, just by quarters. And why do you think cavemen dragged their women
around by their bone-wrapped hairdos? They were being kidnapped! Yes, I do get
all of my information about prehistoric mankind from comic strips and cartoons,
why do you ask? I’ll have you know I also review the Flintstones comic book on this very site! The nerve of some
people! But there’s no one nervier than John Constantine, as you’ll find if you
read my review of the Hellblazer #1, right
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #3 Review and **SPOILERS**
Written By:
Robert Vendetti
Art by:
Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, Tomeu Morey
Lettered By:
Dave Sharpe
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: August 24, 2016
No one in the history of cinema has ever said the
word “fear” better than Tom Wilkinson as Carmine Falcone said it in Batman
Begins. You know what I’m talking about. I mean this scene:
“Now that’s poweh y’can’t buy. That’s th’ poweh of feah.” God, it’s so good. “Thisiz a
worl’ yell neveh unnderstan’. And y’always feah
what y’don’ unnderstan’.” I could listen to him talk about feah all day. It’s between this scene and, of course, the one where
Michael Caine as Alfred asks Bruce, “Why do we fall, suh?” I’m not even going
to use a clip. If you don’t know this scene, then you haven’t absorbed Batman Begins correctly. “S’we c’n loin
t’pick oursewves oop.” Brilliance! Okay now read my review of Hal Jordan and
the Green Lantern Corps #3.
Titans #2 Review and *SPOILERS*
Puppet Master
Art By: Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, Andrew Dalhouse, Carrie Sirachan, Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: August 24, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
While I've personally enjoyed the hell out of this series so far, it seems that Titans has the power to get people to pick this book up even if the reader is still on the fence with it because while it looks amazing and features awesome sidekick characters all grown up, it also has the advantage to possibly be really important for everything we saw in the DC Comics Rebirth Special....... especially since it features Wally West straight from the all knowing Speed Force. I'm sure we're going to be strung along before any real revelations are given, but I'm all for it as long as we're strung by bad ass heroes taking down bad ass villain........ Pretty much, I'm looking for a bad ass time and since we saw Abra Kadabra "Rebirthed" back into existence....... or whatever happened in the previous issue, it looks like we'll get just that, not to mention Kadabra is taking credit for making Wally West disappear in the first place. Let's jump into this issue and see if the futuristic wanna-be magician was simply talking out of his ass or if we'll all be shocked at what he reveals. Let's check it out.
Detective Comics #939 Review
Two Days 'Till Retirement
Written by: James Tynion IVArt by: Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, Adriano Lucas, and Marilyn Patrizio
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: August 24, 2016
Detective Comics has been one of my favorite books and it's funny because it is the one that I was
wrong about going onto this Rebirth thing. I thought it was going to be non-stop action and hilarity as Clayface and the gang hit the town...with a few days to kill. In reality, James Tynion has been giving readers a pretty great character study focusing on Batwoman and her relationship with her father. Pretty good stuff, right there and it looks to continue this week as Colony ups their deadly game and the team tries to stop them in their tracks. Who will win and will it make for exciting reading? Let's find out...
Action Comics #962 Review and *SPOILERS*
Striving To Put Right What Once Went Wrong
Art By: Stephen Segovia, Art Thibert, Ulises Arreola, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: August 24, 2016
Release Date: August 24, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Yeah, this first story arc of Action Comics has pretty much been a rehash of The Death of Superman, but the sad thing is, where that story was world changing and epic, this one has pretty much been middle of the road........ Mostly due to Superman and Doomsday just punching the shit out of one another while big bad mysteries sit in the background and refuse to give us their sweet, sweet secrets. Maybe that will all change here......... Hopefully, that will all change here. In the previous issue we saw Superman give up his one chance of changing the outcome of his first fight with Doomsday, when he tasked Wonder Woman with looking after his family and sending them away to the Justice League Watchtower. Will Superman be able to take Doomsday on one on one? Will his previous knowledge be enough to allow him to overcome? What the hell is Mr. Oz doing with troops? Yeah, I have no idea, let's jump into this issue and see what Dan Jurgans has in store for us with the conclusion to "The Path To Doom". Let's check it out.
The Flash #5 Review
Speedy Delivery
Written by: Joshua Williamson
Art by: Felipe Watanabe, Andrew Currie, Delair Albert, Ivan Plasencia and Steve Wands
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: August 24, 2016
In general, I have been a fan of Josh Williamson's Flash so far, but I really want this whole Godspeed reveal to happen and happen fast! Is it August? Is it Carver? Is it Meena? Is it Eric Shea? My money is on the latter, but I guess that only time will tell. Williamson is playing the waiting game and I will admit that I am getting a bit impatient. So, does this issue give us the big reveal? Let's find out...
Batgirl #2 Review and **SPOILERS**
Written By:
Hope Larson
Art By:
Rafael Albuquerque, Dave McCaig
Lettered By:
Deron Bennett
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: August 24, 2016
I endeavor to visit the Asian continent, though I
must admit that the prospect intimidates me. It’s not so much the language
barrier as it is the culture gap. I witnessed much of that gap first hand,
growing up in Flushing, Queens, which is now New York City’s Asian center and
the hub of Korean business in this hemisphere. When I was growing up, the gap
was in emigrated Chinese and Korean people trying to assimilate into American
culture, which I must say happened pretty rapidly, though a few from the old
neighborhood would say otherwise. Sure, all the businesses down on Main Street
are Chinese- or Korean-owned, but everyone’s walking around in brand-name
clothing, rocking expensive sneakers and shopping at Target. I’d say that where
it counts, these residents are well assimilated. So what else is there…Batgirl #2, huh? I guess I can put aside
my ruminations about the old neighborhood and give this a look-see. Join me,
won’t you?
Wonder Woman #5 Review and *SPOILERS*
Urzkartaga Wants To Be Inside of You
Art By: Liam Sharp, Laura Martin, Jodi Wynne
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: August 24, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
While the first t issues of the "Lies" story left me scratching my head and thinking that I may actually have a mental handicap of some kind, I have to say that the last time we stepped into our present Wonder Woman timeline I was happy as hell with what we got because it didn't seem like I had to study my ass off and read into every piece of dialog that was given to us. It was just a pure and simple look at Cheetah as a character and what being the Cheetah has done to her. It seems that the god Urzkartaga is punishing Barbara Minerva for possibly giving up her virginity in college or wherever she might have lost it because since his bride wasn't pure, he's stricken her with a blood lust that she's having a hard time controlling. It's a good thing that Wonder Woman doesn't give up on friends easy though because even though Cheetah is pretty much Diana's biggest villain, she still cares for her and agrees to help her kill Urzkartaga if when they're finished Cheetah helps Diana find her way home. Yeah, it's weird that Wonder Woman can't get back to Themyscira, but I have to say that I'm interested as hell to find out why. Let's jump into this issue and see if we can find out what exactly the "Lies" are. let's check it out.
Deathstroke #1 Review
Written by: Christopher Priest
Art by: Carlo Pagulayan, Jason Paz, Jeromy Cox and Willie Shubert
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: August 24, 2016
While I wasn't the biggest fan of the Rebirth issue of Deathstroke that Christopher Priest gave us, I was intrigued with where the story was headed. Priest threw a bunch of characters at us during the present, the past and possibly the future and with the Clock King involved, who knows what was really going on! Like I said, I was intrigued, but I couldn't shake the feeling that Deathstroke was a piece of shit and that I really didn't like him. I have recently read a couple of Christopher Priest interviews and it seems to me that he is actually going for that, so congrats to him. It's not what I like, but I do appreciate a clear vision. So, as the series continues this week, does Priest's vision involve a slightly more likeable Slade Wilson or am I just going to have to get used to this Deathstroke and move ahead with it? Let's find out...
Sixpack and Dogwelder: Hard-Travelin’ Heroz #1 Review and **SPOILERS**
Written By:
Garth Ennis
Art By:
Russ Braun, John Kalisz
Lettered By:
Pat Brosseau
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: August 24, 2016
While everyone has been waiting for Rebirth: The Newsboy Legion #1 and that Monster Mensch crossover about to happen
in the Bat-titles, I have been anticipating the return of beloved grossbuckets
Section Eight in Hard Travelin’ Heroz—a
miniseries this site announced exclusively way back on May 13! Now that it is
finally here, I must admit, I’m a little worried…when you’ve got a prized turd
like last year’s All-Star Section Eight
floating in your bowl, it’s almost a shame to flush it away, for there is no
guarantee that the next nugget will be as magnificent. But flush it away we
must; we don’t put plops on pedestals (except for those weird people that,
y’know, actually do display dooks), instead we trust in our abilities to make
another mentionable brown snake. And so it is with our snot-encrusted
flithbags, Section Eight: while we venerate their past exploits, we must allow
them to exploit us again, and so it with great pleasure and solemn fart salute
that I present to you my review of Hard-Travelin’
Heroz #1!
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Old Time Tuesday: Adventures of Superman ep 1 Baby from Krypton
PREVIEW: The Flash #5
Written by: Joshua Williamson

Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: August 24, 2016
“Lightning Strikes Twice” part five! With Central City now protected by dozens of freshly trained Flashes, Barry Allen takes time out to explore a new relationship. Meanwhile, a serial killer targets citizen speedsters as Wally West takes his first steps toward becoming the new Kid Flash…
PREVIEW: Titans #2
Art By: Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, Andrew Dalhouse, Carrie Sirachan, Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: August 24, 2016
“Remember the Titans” part two! As the Titans prepare to do the unthinkable in order to defeat the intergalactic demon that stole time itself from the DC Universe, enter the Fearsome Five! But are the sinister quintet acting of their own accord…or are greater forces at work?
Goddamn, would I love to know the original story lines that happened when these solicits were written because none of this is going to appear in this issue......... Don't let that deter you though because Titans will always be worth picking up!
PREVIEW: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #3

Written By: Robert Vendetti
Art By: Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragova, Tomeu Morey
Lettered By: Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $2.99
On Sale Date: August 24, 2016
“Sinestro’s Law” part three! Pushed to his limits, Hal Jordan must fight his way through a squad of Sinestro Corps members—but he risks losing himself to the power he now wields as his battle with Sinestro nears.
Hey, it's Hal fighting the Sinestro Corps members! Just like he did last issue! Only this time there's more of them! Great! I tell you what, there better be some sweet Guy Gardner trash-talkin' action or I'm gonna be annoyed! Especially if it's all Hal on the yellow ropes while Sinestro is waxing his solipsistic poetry! Just sayin'! I try to stay positive in these previews so here's looking forward to a GREAT ISSUE OKAY??? :grinds teeth:
PREVIEW: The Hellblazer #1
Written By: Simon Oliver
Art By:
Moritat, Andre Szymanowicz
Lettered By:
Sal Cipriano
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: August 24, 2016
“The Poison Truth” part one! London may have recovered from Constantine’s return, but he hasn’t. Mercury hasn’t forgiven him, but she won’t leave him alone, and Swamp Thing is calling in a favor. And all the while, bigger things are brewing...
Uh, Swamp Thing is in this issue? Hello! Of course, he was in the last issue, but now it looks like they'll be hanging out together for a little while, and I think they're the best duo since the cousins on Perfect Strangers. If you weren't enticed to check this out based on the Rebirth issue, then you must be under some Curse of Stupid--which can be removed only by reading this comic book. The rest of us will be glad to step back into the dark world of John Constantine and be like, "Oh hey! Swamp Thing is here too! That's cool."
PREVIEW: Sixpack and Dogwelder: Hard-Travelin’ Heroz #1
Written By:
Garth Ennis
Art By:
Russ Braun, John Kalisz
Lettered By:
Pat Brosseau
Cover Price:
Sale Date:
August 24, 2016
In the tradition of the original Hard-Traveling Heroes, Green Lantern and Green Arrow, Sixpack and Dogwelder are ready to bring their allegedly socially aware brand of justice to the lands beyond Gotham City!
This is the moment we've all been waiting for, if you are a puerile mouth breathing yuckburger like I am. I think one reason I like Sixpack so much is because he makes me feel better about not showering. Heck, he makes me feel pretty good about not wiping my butt. Uh, which I don't forget to do often. Just sometimes. If I've eaten a lot of raw vegetables. Point is, I have been dying to see the return of this slovenly team, and here it is! If you pass this up, then you must have brains for brains!
PREVIEW: Batgirl #2
Written By:
Hope Larson
Art By:
Rafael Albuquerque, Dave McCaig
Lettered By:
Deron Bennett
Cover Price:
Sale Date:
August 24, 2016
“Beyond Burnside” part two. Batgirl is off to Singapore! Following the mysterious advice of the ancient superhero known as Fruit Bat, Babs dives into the dangerous world of MMA fighting. But her first opponent may be more than just an adversary in the ring. Could she be connected to Babs’ new travel-companion-slash-maybe-crush?
"Companion-slash-maybe-crush?" Ooooh! Barbara's got a boyfriend! Which must be Kai, considering he's her only travel-companion-slash and also the only male character with any personality in the story. Maybe they'll spend most of the issue making goo-goo eyes at each other! Or maybe they'll spend most of it kicking each other's butts. Either one works in comic books.
PREVIEW: Action Comics #962
Art By: Stephen Segovia, Art Thibert, Ulises Arreola, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: August 24, 2016
“Path to Doom” part six! In the epic conclusion, the mystery of Black Zero deepens just as the Man of Steel makes a fateful decision that may stop Doomsday, but also risks the lives of those he loves most.
Oh, you big slug fest you! You can keep punching all you want, just as long as you remember to give me some goddamn answers to all your sweet, sweet mysteries!
Release Date: August 24, 2016
“Path to Doom” part six! In the epic conclusion, the mystery of Black Zero deepens just as the Man of Steel makes a fateful decision that may stop Doomsday, but also risks the lives of those he loves most.
Oh, you big slug fest you! You can keep punching all you want, just as long as you remember to give me some goddamn answers to all your sweet, sweet mysteries!
PREVIEW: Detective Comics #939
Written by: James Tynion IV

Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: August 24, 2016
“Rise of the Batmen” part six! The full scope of the Colony’s plans, and their mysterious leader, have all been revealed…so what’s it going to take to stop them? Believe us, you are not prepared for the last scene!
I have been loving Detective Comics so much and can't wait for this issue. They are really pushing this final scene so it better be good!
PREVIEW: Wonder Woman #5
Art By: Liam Sharp, Laura Martin, Jodi Wynne
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: August 24, 2016
“The Lies” part three! Steve Trevor finds himself trapped in the heart of Urzkartaga’s darkness, with Wonder Woman and Cheetah the only hope of rescue for him and his men. But how far can Cheetah be trusted?
While I was initially down on this story arc because of me not understanding shit about what was going on in the Rebirth issue and the first issue, I have to say that this is really coming along and grabbing my attention....... Not to mention that it's fucking beautiful! I can't wait to get back to this and my biggest complaint is that with Wonder Woman shifting back and forth between this and the Year One story in the even numbered issues, I have to wait a goddamn month to get my "Lies" fix...... Oh Rebirth, how you've spoiled me.
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