I Dream of Harley
Written By:
Sean Ryan
Art By:
Ronan Cliquet, Blond
Lettered By:
Dave Sharpe
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: July 20, 2016
January 2016
Mr. DC: Seems there’s a Suicide
Squad movie coming out this summer, ladies and gentlemen.
Mr. DC’s
Lackeys: [in unison] YES SIR!
Mr. DC: We’ve got to do more with this New Suicide Squad title, it’s stagnating.
Mr. DC’s
Lackeys: [in unison] YES SIR!
Mr. DC: Unchain Jim Lee from the toy sculpting division and
chain him to the illustration division. We need a talent like his to put our
best foot forward.
Mr. DC’s
Lackeys: [in unison] YES SIR!
March 2016
Mr. DC: So, ladies and gentlemen, how goes things at the
Mr. DC’s
Lackeys: [in unison] GREAT SIR!
Mr. DC: And what about this New New Suicide Squad book? Has Jim Lee begun working on it?
Mr. DC’s
Lackeys: [in unison] YES SIR!
Mr. DC: Great! What is his progress?
Mr. DC’s
Most Obsequious Lackey: He has been
thinking about it, sir!
Mr. DC: Thinking about it?
Mr. DC’s
Most Obseqious Lackey: Yes sir!
Mr. DC: [sighs] Tell him to stop thinking about it and start
putting pencil to paper, or he will get no water rations for a week!
Mr. DC’s
Lackeys: [in unison] YES SIR!
May 2016
Mr. DC: Everything seems to be going swimmingly with
Rebirth, ladies and gentlemen, but the board is most concerned with the New Suicide Squad Rebirth title. The
film is going to be tremendously popular by all accounts.
Mr. DC’s
Lackeys: [in unison] YES SIR!
Mr. DC: [pauses] Well…how goes it?
Mr. DC’s
Most Obsequious Lackey: Swimmingly,
Mr. DC: Do you have anything I can see?
Mr. DC’s
Most Obsequious Lackey: [produces a
large sheet of paper with one pencil mark in the center and hands it to Mr. DC]
Mr. DC: [squinting at the page in scrutiny] What am I
looking at here?
Mr. DC’s
Most Obsequious Lackey: The
incredible work of superstar artist and DC co-publisher Jim Lee, sir!
Mr. DC: What…what is this?
Mr. DC’s
Most Obsequious Lackey: Harley Quinn’s
eyelash, sir!
Mr. DC: [sighs] Just pull a story out of inventory. Maybe
we’ll get a Jim Lee Suicide Squad comic
book in time for the sequel.
Mr. DC’s
Lackeys: [in unison] YES SIR!
Mr. DC: Jeeves, bring my rickshaw around. I’m going to
Friendly’s for a sundae.