Wednesday, December 14, 2016

New Super-Man #6 Review and **SPOILERS**

It’s a Family Affair

Writer: Gene Luen Yang 
Pencils: Viktor Bogdanovic 
Inks: Richard Friend 
Colors: Hi-Fi 
Letters: Dave Sharpe 
Cover: Viktor Bogdanovic and Hi-Fi 
Cover Price: $2.99
On Sale Date: December 14, 2016


Given what’s going on in the news recently, what with President-Elect Donald Trump annoying China by speaking directly with Taiwan, the idea of a Chinese Super-Man is…interesting. Because they wouldn’t necessarily deploy him as a threat or deterrent, but perhaps as a diplomat, the way Superman is used often in the comics. Though considering the Chinese Super-Man is Kong Kenan, that probably wouldn’t go too well. Still, we could probably ply him with fast food and American-style pornography, which is about tied with German porn for Best in the World. But you shouldn’t underestimate Kenan, as you’ll learn in my review of New Super-Man #6! Right here!

Explain It!

Since Kenan and his heroic frenemies couldn’t stop the (modified) Starro-possessed crew of an airliner from crashing into Zhongnanhai, the center of Chinese government in Beijing, it’s time for August General in Iron and his crew of veteran Chinese superheroes, the Justice League of China, to take over—and that may involve destroying the plane and everyone within, including the son of Luo Lixin. He’s alright with it, though, because he’s a team player. That doesn’t mean Kenan and his dad, former Freedom Fighter Flying Dragon General are giving up, though; despite having lost his powers, Kenan tries to center his wind or whatever and get them back—and he’d better hop to it, because he’s jumping out of his dad’s plane and right onto the airliner!
Luckily, his invulnerability came back enough to save his life, and Kenan and Flying Dragon General enter the plane. They get into a ripping fight with the Freedom Fighters and Human Firecracker, who has the super commanding (modified) Starro on his face—you can tell it’s special because it’s red. Kenan discovers that he can nullify the Freedom Fighters by slapping (modified) Starros on their faces, but that only gives the Human Firecracker more minions to attack! Kenan remembers that he can screw up the Starros with cold, but his cold breath is on the fritz, so he does the next best thing and shoves a Starro-controlled Bat-Man into a tub of ice, face first. It works nicely, so Bat-Man has Super-Man punch a hole in the side of the airplane and uses a gizmo to turn it into a flying refrigerator. Fair enough, I suppose.
Just then, the Justice League of China shows up to harsh on the new kids’ success, so Wonder-Woman and Bat-Man jump outside to tackle them…somehow, while Kenan works on defeating the Human Firecracker and landing the plan safely. Of course, just then Kenan’s powers conk out, and the Human Firecracker smacks him around a bit, but then Kenan rips his Super (modified) Starro off and cleans his clock pretty well—so the Human Firecracker…well, he sort of shoots out a firecracker blast. What did you expect? Flying Dragon General leaps in front of the blast to protect his son and takes the brunt of it. This fairly well takes care of the two of them, and they were brothers so it’s extra sad I suppose. The elimination of the Human Firecracker allows Kenan to save the day, but the victory is bittersweet, and Kenan realizes he has a lot to learn…and he will! Next issue, at Ching’s Martial Arts Studio!
This comic book is so much fun, I have a real blast reading it every month. This issue had a ton of action and lots of goofy moments with Kenan that I’ve come to expect and love. I won’t say I was deeply moved by Kenan losing his father after only having just reconnected with him, but I recognized it as a moving moment, and that’s what really counts. The art is great, the writing is good, the setting is awesome—this has been one of Rebirth’s most pleasant surprises and I hope it can stick around for a long time.

Explain It!

A really exciting, fast-paced issue that gives you all the Kong Kenan recklessness you've come to know and love. This issue concludes with what might be some growth for the character, but if he stays the same lovable doofus he is now, I'll be okay with it. This comic book is a lot of fun to read, and if you're not on the trolley, I feel bad for you!



  1. Really good this is one of my favorite books right now. Excited to see what happens next!

  2. I agree Reggie! This book has been great! So much fun, which seems to be kinda rare in Rebirth. That and the art is so well done as well. I agree if you aren't reading this, do yourself a favour and pick it up.
