Written by: Tom King
Art by: Mikel Janin, June Chung and Clayton Cowles
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: December 21, 2016
It's the end of "I am Suicide" and I'm sure most of you reading this review are with me in wanting to find out what the hell Batman's plan really is and how it is all going to end. I know it's gotten a little crazy, but I have spent my reviews here and on our podcast telling naysayers to calm down and trust in King and I really do think that. He is one of my favorite writers and he's never let me down yet. So, is there a first for everything or does the man come through as usual? Let's find out...
The issue opens with Tom King showing a bit of the plan coming together. I don't mean Batman's plan here...nope, I'm talking about Amanda Waller. It seems that the "Wall" was a little bit more instrumental in getting Batman to Santa Prisca than she was letting on before. While the scene felt a little forced with the Justice League vs Suicide Squad coming out this very week, I did laugh at Waller's sassy attitude towards Alfred in the Batcave.
Back to Batman, while Bane towers over him (naked!) and talks about chasing monsters, the cogs of his plan start turning. Bronze Tiger wakes up demanding venom and Punch and Julee are far from dead. They've come to Santa Prisca to kick ass and chew bubblegum...and luckily, they aren't out of bubblegum!
This issue really flies by and by this time, it's obvious that it is less about Batman's intricate plan and more about why Batman and his villains continue to coexist...they need each other. It brings more light into last issue's idea that Batman is suicide.
Still, we've all been waiting to see what Batman's plan was all about and we do get that as well. Bronze Tiger fetches Wesker and Batman let's Bane go to town on him...until it's time.
When the time finally does come, (Batman fittingly just says "Break Him") the plan is set in motion and I felt very underwhelmed. I don't want to spoil too much, but the plan is less clever and more just a quick means to an end. I don't want to spoil too much but after seeing what happens I felt kind of silly that I spent so much time coming up with ideas and theories. At least Bronze Tiger seemed impressed!
The issue ends with the team getting what they deserve as they head off into the sunset in a raft made of bubblegum. Yes, that really did happen. Oh yea, there is also Bane who responds to a little Batman trash talk with the promise of returning to the Bane we all know and love...and that hopefully includes clothing.
Tom King did it, he finally has let me down. It was bound to happen, but this issue and arc showed me that he is not invincible. It's like the day you find out that your dad is not the greatest, strongest, smartest guy in the world...very upsetting. I don't know how I'd rate this as just a single issue, sitting there all by it's lonesome, but as the finale to an arc that had such promise and intrigue, it fell way short.
Mikel Janin's art didn't fall short, however. This issue looked fantastic and the art and June Chung's colors set such a great mood to it all. I have always been a Janin fan and this issue does nothing to sway me from that opinion.
Bits and Pieces:
It's a shame that the finale to the "I am Suicide" story is my least favorite issue of Batman since Rebirth started. After such a well paced and intriguing setup, it all just fizzles out leaving me feeling a bit ripped off. I expect more from Tom King and maybe that's not fair, but a writer with his talent is going to have to deal with that. Mikel Janin's art was great, but this ending just left a bad taste in my mouth.
I feel like I could talk about this issue for hours. I enjoyed a lot about this issue but can't help but feel stupid for ever speculating it would be more. I want to speculate and say maybe Batman wanted these people out for a different reason and this was a ploy, but again I feel stupid even trying to speculate now. It was fucking nothing...
ReplyDeleteDont you get it batman did this all to get punch and julie visitations once a month...no? Well then yea this missed the mark badly
DeleteYea, I felt like a big dummy for caring so much. I am done with theories!
DeleteYea, I felt like a big dummy for caring so much. I am done with theories!
DeleteMe with all my theories like:
I wasn't a big fan of this issue either although I feel like he just used this whole entire storyline for set up for something in the future released I'm hoping LOL. I feel like Tom King is doing a slow burn run kind of like Wonder Woman and Aquaman where everything has been building to a huge story arc some time in the future wishful thinking I guess.
ReplyDeleteIt did get bane back on venom...for when he shows up in march
DeleteIt did get bane back on venom...for when he shows up in march
DeleteMore than a couple of books I have been disappointed in.
ReplyDeleteYour "least favorite issue of Batman since Rebirth started." Are you blocking Monster Men from your memory? I was a bit underwhelmed, but then again, I am an honest signal...
ReplyDeleteCrossover written by Steve Orlando doesn't count
DeleteCrossover written by Steve Orlando doesn't count
DeleteI wasn't getting it at the beginning of arc but everything makes sense to me now. He needed Wesker and so the only way to do it was to create a distraction and to risk his life to 95% probability ("I Am Suicide").
ReplyDeleteThe final issue was very entertaining for me with lots of humor .
Everyone is complaining but for me this is still better than the generic stories turned out week after week by the mainstream . Tom King definitely stepped out of the box and that is a good thing in the end .
I didn't get that he stepped out of the box...just didn't go for an over the top ending. BUT...the plan did seem paper thin after all the buildup. I liked that Wesker was there because he couldn't be controlled by Psycho Pirate (though it seemed off in relation to Pirate's powers, but it was just to knock him out. Couldn't bronze tiger have snuck behind him and knocked him out? Not really, because Bronze Tiger's job was to get Wesker out of hiding...and then knock him out.