Escape from the Triskelion in New York

Art Team: Kenneth Rocafort, Djibril Morissette, & Dan Brown
Marvel Comics
Review by: Branden Murray
As we near the end of this series, so it can get a fresh number one coat of paint, I feel like all its current momentum was derailed with this tie-in status its adopted. The Ultimates was one of those titles I really looked forward to introducing me to a lot of Marvel’s cosmic nonsense I wasn’t too familiar with before. However being stuck on Earth, with the team bringing their problems home, has stalled these events I was digging providing only bread crumbs I find enjoyable. So let’s see if we’re getting back on track with what I like here or if we continue to trudge through the muddy waters of this Civil War timeline.
The little forward progress we actually made last issue consisted of Thanos talking Anti-Man into busting the power source in the Triskelion resulting in their freedom from imprisonment.
Thankfully, things start off on the right foot here as Anti-Man, in shock of what he done did, starts being courted to join Thanos on his never ending path of destruction. Anti-Man stands tall, refusing Thanos, skedaddling as the Ultimates arrive, leaving the heroes to face their most dangerous foe, five on one.
In the basement of the Triskelion, America Chavez, Spectrum, and Captain Marvel each take their turns fighting off Thanos, holding their own momentarily but ultimately falling to his bevy of counter abilities. Meanwhile in the background, Black Panther and Blue Marvel built a contraption from the fallen jail cells used to contain the villains and fire it in Thanos direction just in the “nick of time” to contain the raging titan.
While Thanos is incapacitated the team finds time to discuss, or since this is a Civil War tie-in issue argue, Carol’s actions and her current status in the Marvel Universe. I don’t mean to keep ragging on the books that tie into the main event itself but they do so randomly and inconsistently.
In this instance their referencing and arguing about something that happened back in Civil War II #3 which was basically published back in June. F.Y.I. it’s now October the readers, and other books, have all moved on, so why should we still be worried about something we’ve know the conclusion to for over three months now? Anyway our issue ends as Carol takes off to a meeting with Tony Stark leaving the team to deal with a knocked out Thanos lying on the ground.
I still find enjoyment inside the pages of this title but it’s just not lived up to the superior quality of its first arc lately. It makes me think of something I loved as a child, that I’ve re-watched as an adult, to find it’s lost its sweet sweet luster. Basically the book has fallen to the status of something I like but I’m not in love with therefore I have trouble ponying up the $3.99 continuously to stay abreast of its current adventures.
With all that being said I still liked this issue a lot more than the last few but I’m also a sucker for issues heavy on action, which this was. The art duties were shared by Kenneth Rocafort, Djibril Morissette, with coloring done by Dan Brown. While the art was enjoyable overall the changes between artists were drastic. Both styles were gratifying but didn’t mix well together.
Bits and Pieces:
The Ultimates is trying. How it's forced to tie into the very early beginnings of Civil War II is criminal at this point, but Al Ewing is still able to make it work. This is a good book, crafted with care, with ties to the Marvel Universe past and present. I just can’t shake this feeling the Ultimates could be enjoyed at a much higher level minus its tie-in status outside this current Marvel timeline.
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