Hive Got a Bone to Pick With You
Art By:
Miguel Mendonca, Dianna Conesa, Tony Aviña
Lettered by:
Corey Breen
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: August 24, 2016
Hey teens! It’s your ol’ pal Reggie here, to turn his
baseball cap backwards and straddle a chair—also backwards—so I can rap with
you, one-on-one, about what’s goin’ down! You kids like to do things backwards,
don’t you? I think that’s great! But what isn’t great is doing drugs and
getting bad grades. Drugs are sneaky because they make you feel great and give
you lots of friends at first, but then after a while they make you feel greater
and give you even better friends. And friends who would let friends do drugs
are probably music industry executives or Hollywood actors! So don’t be a
DiCaprio, give drugs the slappio! Can you dig it, young gentlemen and ladies!
Please sign this pledge promising never to look at a drug and to cry profusely
when they are offered or discussed. This form will also inadvertently sign you
up for a stint in the Army Reserves. Hey, good job! You signed yours without
even reading it or asking any questions or anything. Since you’re so smart and
quick, why don’t you read my review of Teen Titans #23 while the rest of the
gang finishes their pledges? It would sure beat having to think over the rash
decision you just made!
Having cracked Tim Drake out of Belle Reve Prison,
humiliating Amanda Waller in the process, the Titans decide to stick around and
check out New Orleans—the “Big Easy,” as it’s known to wistful Cajun types.
While checking out the French Quarter, Tim Drake gets a FaceTime call from
Batman, and the hilarious part is that Drake is speaking in hushed tones, but
it’s Batman’s face on the screen of his smart phone! All someone has to do is
peek over his shoulder and the jig is up. Batman informs Tim that Amanda Waller
has contacted the various government agencies looking for the Titans and had
all charges against them dropped. They don’t have to sneak around anymore, I suppose,
just in time for the title to be Rebirthed
with an new team. Before Batman can say something nice, the call
conveniently cuts out—and the power has gone out all over Nawlins!
Looks like those jerkbags H.I.V.E. are at it again,
sending some kind of Kirby Krackle tsunami into the city to possess all of its
citizens with glowing eyes, as well as actual possession. Raven throws up a
witch bubble to protect the Titans, which wears her out considerably but saves
the team from having their eyes go all glowy. They watch the mind-controlled
populace converge on an area and start erecting some kind of satellite dish,
then Power Girl goes all big style to survey the area, confirming that another
dish is going up elsewhere in town. Beast Boy grabs one of the affected to try
and snap him out of it, but that just alerts them to the Titans presence, and
brings out the H.I.V.E. Queen! The Titans run off for formulate a plan, by
which I mean Red Robin formulates a plan, which is to divide the team into
pairs that will each succumb to H.I.V.E., but will create an opportunity for
the next duo. Sort of a ballsy plan…and also sort of heroic.
Bunker and Wonder Girl go to destroy the dish atop
the Superdome, While Power Girl and Beast Boy take out the one nearby in
Jackson Square. Seeing her work undone, the Queen sends out a surge of…brain
cleaner, one which Red Robin can trace to its source and finder. Like I said,
pretty ballsy! The rest of the team having gone all glowy-eyed, it’s up to Red
Robin and a sleepy Raven to infiltrate the H.I.V.E. Queen’s lair, which they do
pretty handily. Upon busting into the joint, however, the Queen instantly takes
over their minds and turns ‘em glowy-eyed! Curious as to how Tim Drake made it
this far and Raven resisted her, the H.I.V.E. Queen takes a little psionic peek
into Tim Drake’s brain matter, then shrieks and faints dead away, severing her
connection to her glowy-eyed army! Turns out Tim Drake set a Chaos Trap in her
mind, which screwed up her H.I.V.E. juice or something. Whatever the case, the
day is saved, and the Teen Titans are actually behaving like a group of heroes
forged in friendship, rather than a bunch of whiny assholes bound by being
criminals. And next month, everything changes!
Just like last issue, the Teen Titans surprised me by
behaving like do-gooders that actually know each other, and not a bunch of wayward
brats that can’t get along. Sad that it’s happening at the end of this series’
run, but I suppose better late than never. The art is okay, nothing to write
home about but certainly a good enough job, and it’s consistent which is more
than I can say for some other issues. This story won’t go down in history as a
super memorable Teen Titans tale, but
I think I will remember the curious uptick in quality for the last issues of
the run.
Bits and
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