Written By: Dan Abnett
Art By: Philippe Briones, Gabe
Lettered By: Pat Brosseau
Cover Price: $2.99
On Sale Date: August 3, 2015
I wonder if Arthur Curry
ever did any antiquing as a kid. One thing New England is great for is
antiquing. Actually, the main thing New England is good for is folksy wisdom
and meandering driving directions based on seasonal landmarks. But after that,
it’s antiquing. There are entire farmlands devoted to wholesale antiques.
You’ll find anything that ever existed at these farms. It might be a little
broken and full of ants, but you’ll find it. Like, those Dark Crystal glasses you could get from McDonald’s in the 1980s, that
you assumed no longer existed anywhere on earth? They’re in New England every
weekend, in mint condition except for a sheen of dust and maybe a little
residue from being displayed on a rusty Rheingold Beer tray. You can get them
for five bucks apiece, probably make a deal for fifteen on the whole set.
Anyway, none of that has anything to do with my review of Aquaman #4, which you can read below!
Explain It!
In the interest of
maintaining peaceable diplomatic relations with the surface, Aquaman has allowed
himself to be handcuffed and thrown in a cell like a little pussy bitch. Dude,
diplomacy doesn’t mean acquiescing to your host country’s every whim and
accusation, it’s being officially polite while not taking any shit lest someone gets the wrong idea. But there’s
Aquaman, behind bars like a good boy, letting the State Department know as much
but still—this is not how I want to see Aquaman! He should be like, “Fuck this
noise,” bust out of the prison wall and hop on the nearest humpback whale to
safety. All of this hullabaloo is over the attack of a freighter ship in the Atlantic
Ocean, which killed everyone aboard and is thought to have been committed by
unruly Atlanteans. So in what world does that give Homeland Security the right
to detain the flipping monarch of the accused country?! What is happening to
our government, people??
Meanwhile, still hanging
around the White House, Mera is calling her buddy Tula, acting Regent of
Atlantis, complaining about her husband being such a milquetoast nanny boo. Tula,
remembering a time Arthur and Mera took her to a carnival and had cotton candy,
supports Arthur’s cause for peace. Because
she went to a carnival. Maybe wherever they went was some magical,
wonderful carnival, but every one I’ve ever been to was half in the mud and
featured toothless carnies beckoning me to play their rigged games, or get on
rides of dubious construction manned by someone from the local junior high
that—hopefully—had merely sniffed glue. Tula is way ahead of Mera on this, and
has already dispatched a security detail to check the wreckage of the sunken
freighter ship for clues that will exonerate Aquaman and Atlantis. Indeed, Tula
essentially tells Mera to fuck off and then plugs into Security Capítan Murk,
who is leading the flock of sherlocks. Murk can tell the damage was done by
Atlantean war weapons, though all of theirs are accounted for. He also finds a
vintage Atlantean sword, which means it was either a mermaid hipster or someone
that really wants to make it look
like Atlanteans are behind this. Now who would do that, hmm? Just what group of
people might want that to happen? What Aquaman-hating club of villains might
benefit from forcing a war between Atlantis and the surface?
Well, considering they’re
literally the only other people we’ve met so far in this book, it’s obviously
N.E.M.O.—which we now know stands for Nautical Enforcement of Macrocosmic
Order. I was really hoping it was Naturally Erudite Mensa Officers. Black Jack
and Black Manta are flying high in some super spy plane, pretty much toasting
to evil. Black Jack really tries the hard sell on Manta, claiming the nations
of the world are totally vulnerable to them barring one obstacle: Aquaman. And
also the fact that modern wars are fought and won by pilotless drones and we
basically use the ocean as our smelly toilet. What are ya gonna do, run
parallel to the shore firing cannons and yelling “Avast!” to your mateys?
Then the Secretary of
State pisses of Mera, she frees Aquaman from prison, and they step outside to
find a huge army squad bearing down on them. And there’s just entirely too much
talking about the same thing over and over in between. Blah blah blah,
diplomatic relations, yadda yadda yadda, Atlanteans didn’t sink that ship, it’s
just boring as shit and redundant. And about how much time has elapsed in this
issue? Two hours? Three? Certainly long enough to transport Arthur to a prison
and have him hang out a while, but not so long that Mera isn’t still hanging
around the White House like the last person at the party. This story is
crawling. And most of Aquaman’s inclusion has been utterly disappointing.
Bits and Pieces:
Can't say I agree Reggie. I've been enjoying it very much, but to be fair, I hadn't read any Aquaman books since the Throne of Kings crossover ended.
ReplyDeleteI just feel like this is the fourth issue and we're practically in the same place were in issue #1! But I am glad to hear you're enjoying it, for sure.
DeleteIt's like watching Star Wars 1 again
ReplyDeleteGovernment problems and long drown out talks about nothing
LOL...it is just like that!
DeleteI literally threw my Ipad across the room onto a recliner, don't worry the Ipad is fine. Why did I throw it in the first place? It was because of the Murk and company getting caught by the US forces. Let's send the biggest scariest Atlantean that has a weapon in place of a hand to do our snooping. That was not snooping and you deserve to get caught.
ReplyDeleteI agree Manship...but don't take it out on your iPad!
DeleteWell. I mean, Throne of Atlantis certainly did happen. The US government is well within its rights to be suspicious when one of its boats is found full of corpses killed by atlantean weapons. Though yeah I think this comic has a bit of a problem of comic book writers not actually knowing how international relations or the US government work...
ReplyDeleteAlso I never understand the constant back and forth with what the government is capable of. One issue they are chasing superman with giant robots and lasers. And then the next issue they have nothing but M-16s are are at the mercy of Aquaman. Also where is ARGUS? Aren't situations like this the whole reason for the existence of that organization? Ugh i'm giving myself a headache.
I thought I’d try and read some of Aquaman. Getting caught up wasn’t all that bad, the main issue I have had with the series so far is Arthur acts a lot like Jimmy Two-Times.
ReplyDeleteI’m not an expert on foreign affairs, but if you close down an embassy, the people running that embassy should be notified beforehand and told how to reopen it.
I could tell instantly when they sent Murk, the guy with a sword arm, things were not going to end well. He does not have a face for foreign affairs. I really liked how it ended with Arthur and Mera trying to get to water and there is a large army between them.