Smooth Criminals
Art By: Ian Churchill, Norm Rapmund,
Tony Aviña
Letters By: Corey Breen
Cover Price: $2.99
On Sale Date: July 27, 2016
Okay, here’s a bunch of Teen
Titans storyline pitches you can have for free: 1) Tim Drake dies but
Batman is going to visit for the weekend, so the rest of the team has to prop
him and pretend he’s still alive for Bats’ benefit. 2) The Phantom Stranger
shows Beast Boy a world without him, which is essentially the same as always
except everybody’s allergies have cleared up. 3) The whole team joins the
police force, and the ragtag group of misfits shapes up into an orderly squad
when their beloved commandant’s reputation is on the line. 4) Raven and Bunker
share an awkward seven minutes waiting for an elevator to arrive. 5) Power Girl
and Wonder Girl get married and change their names to Power Girl-Girl and
Wonder Girl-Girl. 6) Bunker decides to take the team to his old neighborhood,
which turns out to be a well-appointed upper middle class Latin neighborhood in
North Los Angeles. 7) I think this is enough copy spent on nonsense, go ahead
and read my review of Teen Titans #22!
You’ll recall the end of last issue, when Tim Drake was missing
from the post-brouhaha Central Park Zoo clean up, and we learned he’d been
kidnapped by Amanda Waller for an “interview.” Didn’t I mention that? I thought
I did. Well, he’s up in Belle Reve Prison in Louisiana (in the Terrebonne
Parish! I don’t think I knew that), cuffed in an interrogation room with Amanda
Waller, bad bitch behind Task Force X aka the Suicide Squad. Yes! We’re going
to see the Suicide Squad! (Note: We do not see the Suicide Squad.) And just in time for peak hype surrounding the movie!
So Red Robin aka Tim Drake warns Waller that the rest of the team will be
coming for him, and she twirls her dastardly mustache and is like, “I’m
counting on it, [totally diabolical laughter].” Cut to the Titans back at
Central Park, and they’re running around hollering for Tim like a bunch of
frantic moms that turned away for just
one second. Raven reminds them that they’re actually wanted criminals, then
teleports the gang to New Jersey, which is unnecessarily cruel. Amanda Waller,
watching through remote super spy camera, sees that these dopes are never going
to figure it out, so she switches on Red Robin’s homing beacon and draws them
right to Belle Reve.
Outside the prison walls, the team bemoans not having brilliant
tactician Tim Drake around, like he’s soo wonderful since he gets them in deep
shit all the time. Power Girl knows about Belle Reve from her time working at
S.T.A.R. Labs, which is something I forgot she did. P. Girl explains that they
developed weapons that can nullify any powers: an anti-magic gun, an
anti-changeling gun, an anti-uh, whatever Bunker’s power is gun. The fatal flaw
is that these guns are only good against a specific super power, so they decide
to play a little criss cross and infiltrate the place by pretending to be one
another…which is a pretty good plan, you’ve got to admit. I mean, it’s not the
most original plan, but for once this team is acting like a bunch of people who
know each other, and are willing to be vulnerable in front of one another. It
was nice. Power Girl steps to the gate in Raven’s feathered hoodie, and is
unaffected by the anti-magic gun so she goes all 50 ft. Woman and stomps the
guards into submission. At another entrance, one guard fires an anti-Bunker gun
at Bunker, but Wonder Girl steps in front and does the classic Wonder Woman
“x-wrists” move to deflect the blast! Or sort of absorb it. Point is, she
protects Bunker, which is pretty cool of her.
Right then, Amanda Waller is playing the typical Emperor Palpatine
role, acting like everything is happening precisely to plan, and to highlight
that fact she authorizes her guards to use lethal force, a command that makes
one sergeant balk, but he is relieved and his replacement is just fine with
killing a bunch of kids. In the bathroom, Beast Boy (in the guise of a rat)
climbs through a toilet that is filled with shit, then goes into snake mode and
slithers through some shower water and out of the bathroom to find Red Robin.
He sneaks into the cafeteria, where a bunch of guards find him on their
metahuman sensors, and figure it must be Beast Boy because they can’t see him.
Sure enough, he’s made by the guards so the Titans bust through the wall in
typical Teen “We don’t need no steenking doors” Titans fashion. Then Raven gets
blasted with an anti-magic gun, making Beast Boy (in the guise of a giant
alligator) whap guards around with his tail and threaten to kill one of them if
he’s murdered Raven. In the scuffle, one of the weird guns got cracked and is
threatening to explode—an explosion that will kill everyone for miles around!
As it becomes harder to contain, Bunker makes a purple brick house around it
and keeps it from melting down, saving everyone’s lives. After this, the guards
refuse to kill the kids or follow Waller’s orders, so she gets all sassy about
it. Then Tim Drake stands up, free of his handcuffs, and sings every refrain
from “This Little Light of Mine,” with his arm around Amanda Waller’s shoulder,
consoling her while she is wracked with sobs (NOTE: Ending of actual comic may
not resemble the ending described in this review.)
So, uh…that was a pretty good issue of Teen Titans! Am I dreaming? Is this some kind of internet prank? I
guess due partly to the fact that the personalities of the Teen Titans are
better than the total asshole that is Amanda Waller, they came off a little
sympathetic. And they actually used teamwork to solve problems and behaved like
a group of people that understood and cared about one another. It was nice to
see. It meant Cassie Sandsmark didn’t get a ton of panel time, and even fewer
lines to say, but I’m okay with that because I normally hate her. I didn’t hate
this comic, though. The art is only okay, and downright bad in some scenes, but
I’m not even going to let that detract from the good feeling I’ve got from
having read a current Teen Titans
issue that I actually enjoyed. Huzzah!
Bits and
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