Wondering About Wonder Girl
Art By: Ian Churchill and Tom Derenick, Norm
Rapmund and Art Thibert, Tony Aviña, Corey Breen
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: March 23, 2016
They should rename this book the Twilight Titans, because apparently the
book is Rebirthing in June with a new creative team and Damien Wayne at the
helm. So that gives this arc a neat four issues to do whatever it’s going to
do, which isn’t likely to be very much. Unless this is one of the books
continuing while Rebirth debuts? The whole thing is so confusing, I can’t
figure out what’s going to happen come June. Looks to me like we’re currently on
the Wonder Girl Character Rehab Tour right now, which is a pretty noble
endeavor since she has been a real drag in this series. Hopefully this will
cheer some fans of the character before the book is totally revamped? I feel
like I’m playing a violin on the sinking Titanic
here. Read on if you’re curious to know what a dead comic book walking looks
Last we left the Titans gang, Wonder
Woman caught Tim “Red Robin” Drake hanging around her partially-destroyed
apartment and was pretty annoyed about it. Well, in between the last issue and
this one, she got over it, and asks Red Robin to ‘splain himself. So Tim tells
her that it was really Wonder Girl who busted up the joint, drawn to a bust of
her father’s head like some gross fantasy porn film I just thought up.
Simultaneously, the demigoddess Cassandra, who has fucked with the Titans
before, shows up and promises to take Wonder Girl to see her real dad, and they
took off leaving Red Robin holding the bag. Oh, and by the way, Wonder Girl’s
name is Cassie. So Cassie and Cassandra have teamed up to find her poppa. Yeah,
that doesn’t make things difficult for review and recap. Just know that Cassie
is the blond one.
Meanwhile, in Southern Greece, the
rest of the Teen Titans are fighting Cassandra and her Hyena Men (“Yes, Hyena
Men,” writes Greg Pak) because they are very protective of W. Girl. And by “fighting
Cassandra” I mean not one of them can stop fucking talking in circles,
reiterating the same things over and over. Thing is Cassandra has proven to be
a crazy murderin’ lady-god in the past, but she swears her mission is
altruistic this time. To show how nice she is, she tells Cassie that her dad
gave Cassandra the power to control mortals with her voice, and then we cut to
Wonder Woman who tells Tim that Cassandra used that power to command forty
people to murder each other. Uh, that’s not really a good indicator of your
goodwill, Cassandra. Cassandra’s story of how great her intentions are when
Wonder Woman rehashes some big chunks of Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang’s run
on Wonder Woman, namely when
Cassandra killed Zeus’ First Born and a few other gods for good measure. Maybe
someone should tell Cassandra what “good deeds” are, because right about now she’s
like Charles Manson at his own hearing arguing against his parole. Cassandra
explains that she now knows the error of her ways, and wants to help her niece,
Cassie—also her namesake!—find Lennox because she doesn’t hold a little thing
like him tearing her throat out against him. Then Cassandra breaks free and
grabs the Rod of Ascelpius, who she also helpfully mentions is the God of
Medicine. I’m not sure whether this triggers it or it’s just a coincidence that
three giant snakes emerge from the Temple of Apollo and they attack everyone.
The Titans try to fight the snakes but
fail, so then Wonder Girl sprouts her shitty space armor that nobody likes and
goes all berserker rage on them, cutting the snakes in twain. Actually, the way
the panel is depicted, she sort of busts through the batch of snakes, and the
way it’s shown reminds me of Lorena Bobbitt for some reason. This really
turns Cassandra on, because she’s completely fucked up if you will remember,
but Cassie’s rage causes the Temple of Apollo to cave in on the crew—until Wonder
Woman comes along and saves the day! Wonder Woman meets Wonder Girl and serves
her with a cease and desist order, the runs over to Cassandra and socks her
right in the mush. Cassandra pulls out a gun—come on, girl, this is Wonder
Woman we’re talking about here!—and Diana nimbly kicks it out of her hand.
Ultimately, W. Woman wraps Cassandra up in the Lasso of Truth, so Cassandra
tells the truth: she is here to introduce Cassie to her dad, just like she
said. Then Cassie figures out that Wonder Woman is actually her Aunt Wonder
Woman, and it sort of peters out with Bunker concluding that there’s a team-up
coming on. Great, just what this book needed: more people.
Though we’re presumably bearing down
on the end of this series, this issue seemed to have a lot of padding. I think
I understood the vital parts, but I was still confused by much of the comic
book. It just seemed like the Titans try to subdue Cassandra, then try to
subdue three giant snakes, fail at both tasks and then Wonder Woman shows up to
make them all irrelevant. I guess if this ends up with Wonder Girl restored to
her Amazonian heritage, some people will be happy, but for my part I just want
some kind of coherent story for my three bucks. The art was handed by a bunch
of people, and it shows. But it isn’t by itself any reason to avoid the book—the
better reason is because the stakes seem really low and the story is equal
parts uninteresting and confusing to the reader. I’d say at this point, you can
sit tight and wait for Rebirth, whatever the hell that’s going to be.
and Pieces:
It really seems to me like Greg Pak is spinning his wheels on this, and since it looks to wrap up in two months he may have every right to. This story continues exposing the secrets and mysteries of Wonder Girl, which is to say it's a love letter to Azzarello and Chiang's run on Wonder Woman. Ah well, spring is in the air. I'm sure Azzarello and Chiang have received things much worse than that, and probably from ruffians more unkempt than Pak and co. Unless you're some kind of masochistic Teen Titans fan looking to have every issue, no matter how shitty, then you can sit tight until there's a Rebirthing.
Good review Reggie, but it's definetly to late for me to jump in this series again. I'll check this book out after Rebirth. But I guess Wonder Girl, Red Robin, Bunker arent part of rebirth, being that they get booted from there own book For Kory(Starfire) who is definitely not a Teen, Damian(Robin)
ReplyDelete(who isn't a teen) & Wally West(Kid Flash)(Who under developed in the main Flash book). Is it me or does everyone but Kory on the new team Look under 13 years old. It looks like DC got rid of all the Teens on the Teen Titans.
To bad for wonder girl. We finally gets some answers to her back story and DC decides to brush her off even though at this point we should know more about her than Donna Troy.
Yeah, it's sort of like watching a sport after your team has already been knocked out of the finals--I feel like I've got no skin in this game!
DeleteThough the way DC's release schedule is shaping up, the comic may well somehow continue alongside the new Teen Titans comic! Who knows?