I’m Going Back to Krypton,
to Krypton, to Krypton
Art By: Neal Adams, Buzz and Josh
Adams, Tony Aviña
Lettered By: Cardinal Rae
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 6, 2016
Last issue, Neal Adams
slid his erect member into our ears and proceeded to thoroughly fuck our skulls
until our brains were the consistency of milky oatmeal. So what does he have
for act three? Well, I imagine he’ll peel back our skull caps and sink a spoon
into our cranial sludge and lap away at heaping spoonfuls of our grey matter. I
feel like Neal Adams creates this comic with the same panache as a street
huckster fleecing rubes with his Three-Card Monty shtick: “Watch the queen, you
know what I mean, take a peek, there she goes, take a look, KALIBAK!” He’s got
decks of cards stuffed up his mile-long sleeve, and they’re all marked. As a
responsible comic book reviewer, it would be wrong of me to suggest that you
huff a bunch of spray paint or drink a bottle of absinthe before reading this
comic book, but if you happened to do these things, I wouldn’t call law
enforcement. Me, I’ve got to take this comic book like I take my antibiotics:
stone cold sober. And rectally. It’s a long story. Read on for more about this
comic and less about my prostate!
Explain It!
If you’re jumping on this
book at issue three, I’d like you to contact this website and let us know what
compelled you to enter this mind-bending fray already in progress. Indeed, you
could start reading this miniseries
now, but you would need to take several odd things at face value: there are
three other Supermen, besides Superman, and they all have stupid haircuts. Our
Superman, Clark Kent, is threatening them in the ruined office of Lex Luthor,
demanding to know where Kalibak has taken Rafi, who is some little kid with a
dog that Clark stole from a Middle Eastern battlefield two issues ago. To be
fair, it was at the behest of a winged demon-alien that’s been hanging around,
that only Superman can see. Usually. Anyway, the three-man Superman Fan Club
explain that they are Kryptonians, though weaker than Clark, and (with the
fanged satan-monster’s backup) say that they are from New Krypton, a planet
exactly opposite from Earth but in the same orbit, revolving around the Sun at
the same rate. This was a storyline in Superman
and Action Comics about eight years
ago: Kandor and its inhabitants are rescued from Brainiac, and (after they mill
about on Earth for a while) the city itself flies to a created planet just opposite of
Earth. It is sort of weird to see this arc get resurrected again, but also kind
of cool because I always liked the fact that the Kandorians finally got
restored and that there was something new happening in Superman’s world. I also
have a predilection for Flamebird and Nightwing, so sue me.
The three Supermen Stooges
whine to Clark about Darkseid having invaded New Krypton, and that they can’t
beat those nasty Parademons because they fight dirty. Superman is sort of
incredulous about this, and I like it; he’s not an out-and-out prick to his
also-rans, but he does pretty much say, “well, what are you dumbasses doing here, then?!” The horned humanoid-insect
has a conversation with Clark, but now it seems like people can see and hear
him? So they’re just cool with this monster lurking around, giving Superman
advice? Clark says he’s going to go to New Krypton to get Rafi, and (as the
giant green were-demon teases out of him in some strange conversation) will use
one of Lex Luthor’s spaceships so he can bring Rafi back. This leads to an
unnecessary but hilarious confrontation between Superman and Luthor, because
Luthor is more than happy to help, being that he was busted colluding with
Darkseid, but Superman still breaks his balls and holds him up by his collar.
At the end, Luthor exclaims, “Do you have any idea how much I hate your hair?”
We arrive at New Krypton,
half of which has been taken over by Apokolips. There’s an all-out space war in
progress as Clark approaches New Krypton, so he worries for Lois who, of
course, stowed away on his ship before it left Earth. He tries to eject her in
a spherical space pod, but she points out that he will need her to take care of
Rafi while Superman is busy rescuing cats from trees. What is it with this
Superman and his total lack of forethought? He admits Lois is right, and
settles her back into the ship just in time to start blowing away Darkseid’s
space fleet with the weapons on Lex Luthor’s ship. Jeez, Lex, what did you plan
to do with this thing? Play real-life Space
Invaders? Ground Control on New Krypton tells Clark to back off so they can
turn on their space taser, disabling the bad guys’ ships long enough for him to
land his craft. On the surface, New Krypton looks pretty nice, and Clark is
greeted by three dudes: Torb-Al and two other members of the council who
probably have even stupider names. When they see Superman’s omnipresent
demon-ghost friend, the council bows, to the confusion of Lois and Clark. And
the reader.
Suddenly, there’s an
attack by Parademons, and Superman takes off like a shot. He and his Kandorian
pals smack the tar out of them for a while, then a Boom Tube open up and they
flee. Superman determines to take the fight to them and flies through the Boom
Tube, despite assurances by his comrades that this is a trap. It is, indeed, a
trap but not a very good one because it involved Superman being overtaken by
some wolf beasts and some more of Darkseid’s crew, which isn’t happening. Speaking
of Darkseid, back on Earth he’s hanging out with Lex Luthor in his destroyed
office, hammering out the final details of their deal, which I guess is what
happened when Kalibak stole that miniature sun from Lexcorp? Doesn’t seem like
much of a deal…anyway the best part of this scene is when Lex tries to exert
force on Darkseid with the use of some hydraulic gloves that makes his hands
look like Frank Miller hands, and Darkseid turns up the gravity so that Lex
collapses to the ground and his super gloves spew hydraulic fluid everywhere.
Back on New Krypton, Superman is just taking Kalibak to pieces, which has
become a running theme in this series. He’s asking after his pal Rafi, but
Kalibak would rather be a punching bag than answer questions. Clark sends his
Kandorian friends away and continues beating the snot out of Kalibak, when
Orion shows up and tells Superman that there’s got to be a better way!!!
So is this PTSD? Is this
what I’m feeling? Because this comic book sure makes me feel funny. It’s so
off-the-wall and fast-paced, it’s difficult to criticize: by the time I formed
a cogent thought about one scene, I was already so far removed from it in the
story that it didn’t seem relevant. There are some weird—and I mean weird—exchanges
in this book, almost too many to mention, but it all fits with the Bronze Age
styling that this miniseries has had thus far. Except for that introduction of
New Krypton, that’s a more recent thing…what are you playing at, Neal Adams? As
for the artwork, Adams has forgotten more about drawing and plotting comic
books than some people will ever know, so it looks great. In fact, I think the
inking is better on this issue than in the previous ones…and the lettering is
good too. Seems like there are rotating teams of finishers on this series for
some reason? I feel like that’s unusual somehow, but I’m okay with it.
Bits and Pieces:
You could sum this issue up as Superman's fist just punching through everything and everyone until its final page. Superman kicks major ass and behaves in a very heroic fashion, despite being a little curt at times. All of the characterizations seem spot-on, and of course the interiors by Neal Adams look so dynamic. My only misgiving is that we don't have answers to a lot of questions lingering from the first issue, and we've compounded our questions since then. So I'm guessing issue six will actually be an hour-long video where Neal Adams explains how much psilocybin he was on when he wrote this story.
So,.. aswirl with thoughts:
ReplyDelete1. Unasked question first. Yes, as in the olden days, the cover is important.
2. The kid, and his dog,..equally important, but more later, as the story grows.
3. The Alien? You noticed the Kryptonians were much more familiar with him than Superman is.
Odd, is it not?
4. Everything has a meaning. You can't not notice anything.
5.Odd haircuts? Different than each other, yes. Odd, no. (just a note, I modeled them loosely on the three Sergeants in "Gunga Din".
6. Liked the review. Hit the spots that I needed noticed.
This series needs to be dissected and unpacked like the Tibetan Book of the Dead...I fully intend on performing the proper rites and rituals when the miniseries is concluded so I can attain a higher plane of Supermanly wisdom. Thanks so much for reading, and for making this series!
DeleteIf this is the real Neal Adams, this book kicks ass like Reggie says in his review. We need more books like this!
DeleteSuperman a lot like me at work, get out of my way I will do it myself! Only realizing too late that it takes two people to move a 1000lbs machine. I didn't see that chair, there was a 1000lbs machine in my way. Oh well glad it was just a metal chair and not Rafi'a life.
ReplyDeleteTell your employer that you can't do your job properly until they provide a multi-million dollar spaceship that fires rockets
DeleteWe just got our new spaceship on Tuesday, a Sunnun SH-2000! What was up with Lex's spaceship anyway. I figure it was a gift from Darkseid??
DeleteMy god! How on earth can you think Neal Adams is not suffering from some kind of 1970's inspired dementia??!? I keep expecting to see Mohumad Ali to make an appearance. Lol. This series is so bad it crosses over into pure mocking entertainment. I will be buying every issue!!����
ReplyDeleteIt can certainly be enjoyed on that level as well!
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