Sunday, February 21, 2016

Weird Science DC Comic Podcast Episode 59: THERE WILL BE DANCING HERE!

Jim and Eric keep it on point as they discuss DC Comics' Rebirth announcement and every book that came out this week.  They try to keep the nonsense to a minimum, but we all know that doesn't usually work.  Enjoy!

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Keywords: Comics, Comic Books, Comic Book Podcast, Comics Podcast, Batman, Superman, DC Comics, Wonder Woman, Justice League, Podcast, Comic Book, superhero, superhero podcast, DCU, DC YOU, DCEU, DCAU


  1. hey guys. I am really not trying to be an asshole, the last time i commented about the sound quality, you guys acted like i was some sort of asshole. But it seems like every 2 or 3 episodes, something goes wrong, im not sure if you are over compressing your main track, or something? But its so harsh to listen to, its pretty much impossible. I only mention it because i love listening to the pod, and look forward to it. But often you release episodes that i can not listen to.

    Again, to reaffirm the fact, i am not trying to be a dick, i just care about the pod. If you guys need any audio help, i am happy to help, audio is what i do.

    1. if its that bad, then i may need your help. I think the issue is if I use any sort of compression. I think I get better results with just a straight feed with only adjusted levels.

    2. ...and I'm sorry if I came off like a jerk before, I don't remember that, but Eric said that it's possible because I am an asshole!!! I'm more upset about treating you poorly than the audio quality, but any suggestions would be great. I will never claim to be an audio master

    3. its all good man, and yes i thought it may be you adding compression. Compressing audio is an extremely delicate thing and it is VERY easy to misuse it. Im here to help man, let me know!

    4. me using compression is the epitome of misusing it...I have no idea what I'm doing! I use audacity to edit the file which is a two track mono recording from a free skype recorder program. If you can give me some basic suggestions of what I should do...normalize, level...that would be so awesome. If you'd rather do it by email, send it to

    5. I can def send an email, but if we can speak on Skype of phone it would be alot easier to make sense of it all to you. One great tip...... Remember this, record at a lower volume. You can always take quiet audio and raise it with compression or without deteriorating the quality. But if something is recorded too loud to begin with, all hoe is lost and there is no saving it. If you can keep your master track recording at around -6db it will leave you lots of headroom to edit,eq and compress your recording for optimum results. I really want to help you guys out. I'm even working on a weird science hip-hop song that I hope you guys like and use for your show. And this is not some shameless plug, I genuinely love the pod and your site/reviews. I'm gonna email you a track so you know I'm not some wannabe fool!! Let get to work on getting the pod sounding crispity clear b!!!

  2. FAGABEEFE!! You guys are officially my favorite. 30+ years I've been quoting MIDNIGHT MADNESS in 80s movie conversations ( I watched it a lot as a kid) and nobody knew what the hell I was talking about ( nor did they give enough of a shit to look it up afterward). Thanks for, once again, reminding me that there are more people like me out there somewhere. Ok, I'm going to listen to the rest of this episode.

    1. lol!!! Loved Midnight madness. "Michael Fox's" best role ever!
