Robin No More
Written By: Tom King
Art By: Khary Randolph, Alvaro Martinez, Raul Fernandez, Carmine Di Giandomenico, Steve Pugh, Scott McDaniel, Andy Owens, Chris Sotomayor, Emilio Lopez, Mat Lopes, Tom Napolitano
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: January 13, 2016
Art By: Khary Randolph, Alvaro Martinez, Raul Fernandez, Carmine Di Giandomenico, Steve Pugh, Scott McDaniel, Andy Owens, Chris Sotomayor, Emilio Lopez, Mat Lopes, Tom Napolitano
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: January 13, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

Explain It!:
Our issue begins with a little catch up to what's been going on in this event, but for some reason it focuses on that fat kid Robin we saw with the rest of our group for a few issues and shows us that he quit on being Robin and went back to eating chips and playing video games because he just couldn't hack it......... It's a little strange and what's stranger is that we keep going back to this kid throughout our story and see how he eventually nuts up again and joins his fellow Robins in their final fight, but it comes off weird because with everything else that's going on in this book, I don't really care about the redemption of a fat kid. Now that we've dealt with that part of the book, let's look at Damian Wayne, the newest recruit to the Court of The Owls. Initially I was a little thrown off because I could have sworn that at the end of Robin: Son of Batman, that our littlest Robin was surrounded by Elite Talons in the company of Lincoln March, but here we see that he's actually at Gotham Academy after the rest of our group blew up the Elite Talon birthing machine. I can't fault anyone on this because I'm just not sure........ most likely though it was my damnable eyes. Those things are constantly wrong. So yeah, Damian's confronted by Jason and Tim and the rest of the street Robins and like any good friend, they want to know what the hell is going on. Before we get the explanation, Damian has to first piss me off by taking Red Hood and Red Robin down way too easily........... Well, honestly he takes out all of our heroes pretty damn easily, I just thought that Jason and Tim would have put up a bigger fight.
As for the explanation, we move to Lincoln March and Dick Grayson, who are watching what's going down at Gotham Academy on some monitors and Lincoln lets us in on the fact that when Damian disappeared in the previous issue, he actually came to the Court looking to put a little hurt on the Owls, but when they told him that the Elite Talons were created a hundred years ago to be a fail safe in case the Court ever fell and that they're berserkers led by no man, Damian went and switched his tune
..... especially when they threatened the life of the now amnesiac Bruce Wayne, who in his current state would be helpless against the Court and their Talons. So to save his father, Damian decides to Court on up and believes that he's doing the right thing and surprisingly, Duke Thomas is the only one of our heroic group who is able to reach the boy with a "You Are Robin" speech.......... that he was giving while Damian beat his face in. He's like a little Rocky Balboa with all that heart and eyes of the a tiger and whatnot.
In the end, all the Robins work together with the police to take on the Elite Talon threat, but just like Damian, Dick is told that if he doesn't accept the Court's offer to be their "Gray Son", they'll detonate a bomb in Damian's mask that apparently is some kind of nano tech that is sinking into his skin.......... So yeah, even though Damian went and became a hero again in the end, it looks like at any given moment the Court could just go and blow his face off....... So with this knowledge Dick goes and does the dumb shit and accepts their offer. As our issue closes, we get a quick wrap up of Duke visiting the Robin who accidentally shot that cop: Travis and realizing that for all the Midtown Robins' hard work, they just aren't ready, Jason, Tim and Damian confront Dick about his........dickishness when he got them all locked up, but he gets them to all be pals again when he talks about it like it was something Batman would do and at the very end, Dick performs his initiation with the Court from around the world, where he dawns his owl mask and rejects his former Robin status............ Now this issue says that things will be continuing in Grayson and that's amazing to me that we get this kind of status change in our hero, but I'm guessing all of this will take place after the current Grayson story line that this event interrupted in the first place........... but yeah, that's some shit right there.
That's it for this issue of Robin War.......... and I guess this event, not including the aftermath issues and after reading this......... well, I feel that it didn't have to be this long of a story arc because the majority of this event just feels exaggerated from what we find out the Court are really after in the end. It's just blown out of proportion, especially after having a bunch of down issues in the middle that didn't seem to do anything. Now don't go thinking that I'm just a Negative Nancy no, I actually found myself digging this book, it's just the entire story that this is involved with didn't match up to what we started with or even what we ended with here. Now looking at this book strictly by itself, we had some emotional moments and some decent action, but I don't think I will ever understand the inclusion of the fat kid redemption we had as a side story in this because really, it just felt like filler and at this point, we don't need filler. The art in this issue was a lot like we had in Robin War #1 in the fact that we had a shit ton of artists that change style very often and while a lot of it is great, when you get that change it really throws you out of the story and just makes you wish you had the previous artist back. So yeah, this issue is definitely a mixed bag, but at the end of the day it was enjoyable enough and I'm really excited to see what ramifications the events of this story will have on our heroes in the future.
Bits and Pieces:
Originally I was really excited for this Robin War event because it was something that I was begging for for a long time, but after having issue after issue of lackluster chapters to this story, I have to say that my excitement was waning. While this issue doesn't have the same scope and feel as the first chapter to this event, it does a decent enough job wrapping up and it gets me excited for what's to come with the majority of these characters. The art was half decent at times, but with this many artists on a book it's hard to really stay in the story when the style constantly changes.
Overall, this event started and ended well, and that's about all you can really ask for in a crossover event. We got great character arcs with Duke and Damian, and some interesting consequences that should affect Grayson down the line, judging by the solicited covers.
ReplyDeleteDamian does seem a bit too powerful, but that's just something to accept with suspension of belief. Him being a powerhouse is important in creating more of a contrast with Duke, who finds humility and appeals to Damian's humanity. The real tragedy is when Dick makes that same sacrifice; it just shows how much he cares about that kid.
On a more amusing note, the Jason Todd fanbase is rioting all over the forums, because he's supposed to be some super saiyin magical ninja wizard. Never mind that everyone in the Batfamily have had their share of defeats. Good display of what's wrong with comic fans today. They care more about their pet character winning fights rather than quality stories.
A Great ending. I'm excited to see how the ending translates over to Grayson.
DeleteBut you mention Quality story telling, and that's not what we got here. What we have here is lazy writing. Damian took down everyone, and the only explanation on how he could do this is "reasons for making the situation seem important". This could not have happened any other way. How could one Robin with some talon, who are little better than storm troopers get the better of Tim who is the best Robin & Jason the Robin wouldn't have to hold back because talons are already dead. And not to mention the had the other want to be robins with them aswell.
If it wasn't for the ending of this issue I would say this whole Robin War was a cash grab event to get other people to buy titles that there not already buying.
Yeah dick being with the court of owls isn't a game changer especially if you look at March
Deletethat's true the Jason Todd fanbase is rioting all over the forums that makes me hate Jason Todd.He insulted Damian's SICK Father :( That's not fair OF DRAMAQUEEN Jason Todd!Bruce has amnesia
ReplyDeleteIf your talking about Drama Talk than than don't talk about Prince Damain getting mad about his someone talking about his Father, especially when somebody is also a son of Bruce Wayne just Jason or Tim is.
DeleteTalk about Dramaqueen, who put Nightwing in a fucked up circumstance because he wasn't smart enough to trust or work his family. It took beat the shit out of Duke and taking down his Brothers before what...Nightwing having to fix the problem himself because Damian screwed up.
Dramaqueen Jason is not bruce son IN 52 .Tim has his own parents :) And Damian isa ten ..jason 22
Delete: The ward in question defied orders and was betrayed by his own biological mother who casually smoked a cigarette when he was getting his brains smashed.
DeleteJason is Bruce son in the New 52. His adopted son, just like Dick and Tim. Jason even has a connection to Talia as well. I'd say Jason is the most family out of the Robins due to the fact of how Jason treat the Bat family. Hears a guy who can put his own morals aside and stop putting criminals in the dirt to take the time to help out all the time in the the new 52. It's why Jason and Tim have a good relationship, it's why when the court of owls first attacked he came to help, the same with Joker in Death of a family, Batman Eternal and End Game, and even now in Robin war.
DeleteAnd Jason gave himself up so that he could save his mother, how was he to know that it was all a ploy to get him by Joker. That's more than could be said for almost every single bat family member. When Bruce was in the ally with his parents, did he try to save them like they try to save him...No. When Dick saw his Family falling did dick even try to swing out to save them...No.
Did Tim put his family in danger by stealing from the Penguin, forcing his family to go into witness protection...yes. And Even Damian stood No match against his clone, and died because his Ego/Pride of being a son of batman.
Yes Jason ain't no perfect character but unlike the rest of his FAMILY, he doesn't pretend to be one.
Dick is his adopted son IN 52 not Tim or Jason learly big figures.
DeleteAlso, warning, there will be a major spoiler for Teen Titans #0, Teen Titans #0 does something very different. You get a new origin for Tim Drake, that’s based on his original one but with key differences. I may list them later, but there’s one that sticks out. After an attack by Gotham criminals, Tim Drake’s mother and father…live. And go into witness protection
What are you talking about that "there will be a major spoiler for Teen Titans #0"? That book came out like four years ago. Drop them "Spoilers" because really, they aren't spoilers anymore.
DeleteJust another reminder of how badly Lobdell screwed the pooch with both Jason and Tim. When will DC give them back to the Bat editorial, where someone competent will get to write them?
DeleteYeah we saw tims parents in batman &robin eternal in October not a spoiler
DeleteDamian is 13 he gets older and can defeat them. Damian took down everyone,because he new teachers in kunfu.Jason is not Superman or?
ReplyDeleteDamian is Batman's son. I think that pretty explains itself.Jason is what he is because of bad mother(his own, etc) not Bruce.Mind you if Bruce had'nt ever found him he would have been fighting for top bunk at Blackgate lol.
ReplyDeleteHugs and kisses dont represent fatherhood,take a look at Dick and Tim and Damian .They're heroes only because of Bruce.
Bruce's not as terrible as people make him out to be.t Jason was always kind of disturbed. At least Bruce tried to turn him into a force of good.Batman is a great father in my opinion.He gathered those kids who didnt have a snowmans chance in hell and gave them a purpose to live.He taught them,he raised them he LOVED them: "fuck off Jason"
ReplyDeleteI'll believe that Jason is a real part of the family when he gets added to that damn family portrait........ Every time I see that portrait I get pissed off because Jason has made some serious strides in becoming a more heroic character.
DeleteEric, you'll be the sole reason dc desides to put in that portrait. Every one else seems to think he's not part of the family. I mean, the man has his own room there.
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DeleteI count Jason as in ... Bruce has all the money in the world you know he can get a reprint and photoshop Jason in!
DeleteJoker killed him its not like he ran away one night after shitting his Robin tights so Batman didnt find out.
It feels like the only reason Jason is "in" is because DC can use Batfamily events to save Red Hood's dying sales. I feel like Jason is even less sympathetic than he was when he was a villain pre-N52. At least back when he took action. Now he's just whiny and passive-aggressive, and any character development he goes through is quickly forgotten three issues later, because Lobdell can't write longform storytelling for shit.
DeleteThere have been many titles to come go since the new 52 started and Red hood has hung in there since the beginning.
DeleteAs for Jason being wrote as a Villian which is out of character you can thank Tony Daniel's Battle for the cowl, and Grant Morrison batman & robin runs. Since Jason's resurrection he was an anti-hero. Even in his most iconic story Under the red hood he was an anti hero. While true he was the antagonist of the story, that doesn't make him a Villian. Jason also showed up in the Nightwing series again as an anti hero. In the Challengers of beyond, anti hero.
Red hood lost days, anti hero.
Only times he came off some what like a Villian was stupid battle for the cowl which made him look like a pit bull with rabies. He was fucking crazy. But still only killed villains. Which makes him still an anti hero. And then the infamous Grant Morrison, who made go from Rabies Pit bull to Campy red head with Stockholm syndrome, making him where an almost same version of Jokers Red Hood outfit. I still liked this version of Jason because he was still an anti hero but this is where out of nowhere Jason became a comedian, almost just like his outfit.
The point that you "Mr. Anonymous" can take from this is Jason has never been a Villian.
Damian can not learn to be better fighter if he gets older ?because you think you Jason's superman ?Who says Damian had no new teachers in martial arts?DC SAYS he had new teachers IN MARTIAL ARTS !
DeleteDon't really care for Jason Todd. Anonymous he Shot Damian Wayne in batman and robin ?Jason came across kind of creepy in Grant Morrisons Batman and Robin.Damian has good reason to hate him.
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DeleteI never said that Jason was Superman. I said it's unbelievable that Damian took down both Tim & Jason. True he's been taught by the league and Trained as Robin with Dick. But no one Robin can take down 2. Especially being that Tim is Smarter and Jason is more ruthless, and not to mention Damains 10 years old and 4 ft tall. But it's okay because reasons.
DeleteI agree with the other anonymous in the pre flashpoint universe the grant Morison version of Jason was just not right. But then again every thing Morison wrote felt weird. Does anyone remember Damian shoving a gernade in a criminals mouth. In morisons early run Damian was a killer.
Martial Arts are part of Damian.I think he can defeat them when he learns.-He now gets a new master in son of batman.Damian is 13 not 10.
DeleteCan you tell me where they said he's 13? Because if they did I missed that and that's my bad, but from what I've read he's Ten, but an argument can be made for 11.
DeleteAlso while your at it name me some of these teachers or new martial arts that Damian has learned. I'm curious to see some your facts.
Damian was 12 when "The Year of Blood" started, so he's 13 now, not 10. Also, he passed for a high school freshman in Gotham Academy. His father is 6'2 225, so by 13 Damian should have the physical strength to fight grown men, especially with the training he's had. It's definitely not "biologically impossible".
DeleteYou guys aren't thinking big enough. I say he is a good Father. Why you ask? One he took Dick in and gave him hope when he lost his parents (he cared enough because it happened to him). Two he tried to help Jason the best he could. And he felt extremely hurt with his death. Tim is pretty self explanatory. amian becomes a better character in the comics. That would be from Bruce's side not Talia's. Look how good of a character all of them became and grown up into. (Exception of Jason but Bruce tried his best)
ReplyDeleteIn Damian's words, "Mother may have given me life, but you taught me how to live."
ReplyDeleteYes, I would say he is a darn good father.All these years I never knew:Jason is an idiot :
Jason says Bruce is not his father that is OK for me. But Batman is Damian's biological father and Dami protected his Baba .
ReplyDeleteI’m only 99% sure, but I think this is the first time anyone acknowledged that Bruce forgot Damian and he is of course trying to be like his father.Robin War #2 was full of great moments So there are lots of things coming his way and I hope Grayson will be one of those comics that DC plans on releasing twice a month. Him being Agent 37, Talon, Batman and Nightwing all at once could lead to a bombastic end (of an arc) and I would be happy if it were in the form of another event.
ReplyDeleteI think the Owl connection will play a bigger role in events outside of Grayson. King has dropped hints of a major event that he's coordinating with Geoff Johns and Scott Snyder. The Grayson ongoing will probably continue to deal with Spyral.
DeleteAnd I agree about Damian. This event was huge for his character. Poor kid's father doesn't know he exists, and his big brother is a spy. It's great for him to find some comraderie with the street kids of Gotham and continue to soldier on while setting the standard of "Robin".
Whoever had art (Im way to lazy to count pages and match up with the artist catalog in front of the book) while Damien was whooping Duke butt was no bueno. That ruined that fight for me.
ReplyDeletePlus his rendering of the BatBot (which I guess showed up with the police and just floated the whole time) looked like something totally different from maybe Star Wars or something I cant put my finger on it.
Dick plays too many roles at the moment Robin, Nightwing, Grayson, now an Owl. I get its been a progression thing but thats all just in New52.
Poor kid Dami I hope he gets lots of Daddy Bat kisses and hugs :( Bruce is back in Batman49
ReplyDeleteI have no idea what is going on in these comments, whole lot of Anonymous nonsense.
ReplyDeleteIs it one person answering themselves over and over? has the Dark Master come back to take revenge for being called out last week? I cant follow the conversation words are very hard in this case.
Don't you know the Dark Master is also OMNIPRESENT along with him being all powerful. He gets Sustanince from our logic and gets strength from the spreading of his own ignorance.
DeleteJason is is a God and he is super white!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad we can all agree!