Written by: Peter J. Tomasi
Art by: Ig Guara, Julio Ferreira and Andrew Dalhouse
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: August 7, 2015
Here's Mud in Your Eye
Reading this book is an odd thing for me. When Arkham Asylum came out, I was a huge gamer who ate, drank and slept video games. I wanted to start a review site and host a podcast all about my favorite hobby. When Arkham City was released, I had just started reading the New 52, but my heart was still firmly in the video game camp. Between then and now, I have almost completely given up on video games and am now a full fledged comic enthusiast, reviewer and podcaster. Sure, that may all be due to my craziness (which has received multiple and often conflicting diagnosis), but it still feels strange reading and reviewing a video game tie-in from the other side of the fence. It doesn't hurt one bit that Peter Tomasi is writing a book that is great for fans of both video games and comics. I don't know if I will ever play the Arkham Knight game, but I know I will stick with this book until the end because I am enjoying the hell out of it. It's been consistently great and is the best bang for your buck (or 99 cents) out there today. So, is this issue just another brick in the excellent Arkham Knight wall? Let's find out...