Art by: Tony S. Daniel, Sandu Florea and Tomeu Morey
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 22, 2015
Running to Stand Still
I don't think that it would surprise anybody to say that this book has a major case of style over substance. Sure, it would take a major feat for any story to top the consistently incredible art that Daniel's puts on display in this series, but the story has lagged far behind. The first major arc ended with little fanfare and more questions than answers, but I have to admit, this God killer story had me excited from the get go. The Terminator has killed almost everything and everyone in the DCU, so why not raise the stakes and have him go after a god?!? While it sounded promising, last month's start was not as great as I was hoping it would be. The culprit was the story and we had another book that looked great, but not much else. That is until Wonder Woman showed up and had me excited for this issue. Did Diana kick the God Killer story into high gear or was I just worshiping false idols? Let's find out...