Written by: Dan Abnett
Art by: Federico Dallocchio
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 22, 2015
Barry Didn't Choose the Dome Life...
If you have been following our site and/or our podcast, you will know that I jumped on this DC Comics trolley with the New 52. Sure, I dabbled in comics before hand, but never got down on my hands and knees and...wait a second, what the hell I'm I talking about? What I'm trying to say is that even though DC pushed this Convergence Event as a thing for old school fans, I think they were selling it short. Take this book for instance. Flash is my second favorite character (right behind Dick Grayson) and Barry Allen is my Flash. When this Event was announced, this is one of the books I was looking forward too. Old school, New School, No School (like Eric)...what does it matter, I couldn't wait. Now that it's here, was it worth the wait? Let's find out...