The Truth

Art by: Renae De Liz and Ray Dillon
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: December 4, 2015
I have done my best to tell everyone who will listen how good this book is. It is such a great combination of art and story that all comic book fans can enjoy, but especially a group that DC Comics rarely writes for...little girls. I can only imagine the frustration of a DC Comics fan who wants to pass on his love of comics to his daughter, only to find nothing but inappropriate female lead books on the shelves these days. I know that girls do not have to be shoehorned into reading “girl books”, but it’s a magical moment when you read something that feels like it's made “just for you”. What can be better than seeing that Wonder Woman isn’t just a superhero who saves the day, but a girl who has the same feelings and problems as you? I just wish Renae De Liz and Ray Dillon would make a book about a mid-forties guy trying to slog through life...where is my book!?! Actually, that's the joy of The Legends of Wonder Woman, it is truly a book for everyone and while I may sound like I've been put on DC’S payroll, I am just really enjoying this book and unfortunately, that's something I can't say often these days. On with the review…
The issue opens with a contemplative Hippolyta wondering where her feisty young daughter has gotten off too. While she has come off as cold the last couple of issues, knowing what she did (and was willing to do) to have a child, it's obvious this is much more than a Queen wanting a Princess to behave. She knows first hand some of the feelings that Diana is feeling and I think she is afraid the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree at all. While this may appear to others as a case of“girls will be girls”, the Queen knows better and so does the reader.
The issue then cuts to Diana and if you didn’t know better, you will now. She is trying to capture a Mare of Diomedes and if that’s not cool enough, she is doing it with a lasso! However, the truth is plain to see...she is not good at using it. When she misses, she grabs her spear and...Alcippe is there to sound the bell because school is in.
I love the way that De Liz is showing the evolution of little Diana into Wonder Woman and this issue is such a major part. Alcippe teaches Diana that an Amazon learns and respects her enemy, but more importantly, to know if the foe before her is in fact, an enemy at all. That’s not the only lesson, however, as Diana teaches Alcippe the err in jumping to conclusions and judging a little girl by her origin story.
There is still the matter of the problem plaguing Themyscira itself and while Diana started to shine in her training, the darkness continued to grow through her island. Just as Diana is learning to become one with her home, it’s showing signs of death and decay. The issue ends with a young teenage Diana getting a message from Themyscira saying that “The time has come.” Awesome!
Renae De Liz uses every inch of the space she is given to show a huge amount of character development. The best part is that it isn’t just Diana here, but Alcippe and even Hippolyta. While I hate to say goodbye to cute little Diana, I can’t wait to see what is in store next.
The art in this book is just incredible. De Liz and Ray Dillon make every page pop and the character models are second to none. There is not much wrong with this book as a whole, but nothing at all wrong with the art.
Bits and Pieces:
This book is one of my favorites to read and review each week and this issue is no exception. I am a big Wonder Woman fan and I am already in love with this version of the character and if this isn’t considered a great origin story when all is said and done, I’ll be shocked. The fairytale quality of the story and art make it such an all-ages treat and I recommend to anyone who loves the myth and magic of great storytelling.
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