Art By: Jorge Corona, Rob Haynes, Trish Mulvihill
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 26, 2015
Learning To Fly
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Who's ready to get back to Gotham and see how our street Robins are faring in a city turned upside down by a army of hobos? Well, you better get ready because this shit is going down. After having Duke Thomas initiated into the Robins after fending off said hobos and then being interrogated by a man that Duke thought was a police officer, only to find out that it was their mysterious benefactor "The Nest" in disguise, our band of Robins got together to take down the threat posed to the city in the form of bombs planted around monuments and important buildings. Hopefully this trial by fire goes smoothly and we can get to know our Robins a little bit better. let's jump into this issue and check it out.
Explain It!:
Our story doesn't waste anytime in throwing us right into the thick of things. While trying to get a cell signal in the subway so they can get instructions on how to disarm a bomb on the tracks, our band of Robins have to constantly watch out for trains and get over the stress that disarming a bomb will inevitably cause. While our heroes try to overcome their fears, it seems that all hell is breaking loose on the streets above as hobos begin rioting and attacking the citizens of Gotham and if I had any complaint about this book, it would be about the amount of street Robins that we get. Yeah, we have the group that we've come to know over the past two issues dealing with the bomb in the subway, but now we have a Oracle type Robin sending other members of the group to deal with the hobos on the street and since I'm not completely familiar with the group that we've been centered around, I had to roll my eyes at getting a whole other group of Robins joining the book....... who's names I won't know either.
During the distress of disarming a bomb, our main group realize that there's another bomb in the electrical room and the team break off to take care of both problems at the same time. Now our team that got stuck with the electrical room bomb take care of theirs pretty fast, while the main bomb continues to count down. This whole book moves really fast and actually keeps you on edge as you read each page, but when Batman finally shows up on the scene to take care of the violent hobos, the mood changes from a nervous kind of panic, to you feeling so sorry for this band of kids. Throughout our heroes time in disarming the bombs and fighting the hobos on the streets, they keep saying to each other to have faith in the bat, but when Jim Gordon Batman shows up and they cheer, their hero tells them to disperse because they're breaking the law. Your heart actually breaks a bit when you see the hope go out of these kid's eyes when they realize that they aren't working with Batman.
In the end, The Nest tells our main group to forget the bomb and take the next train, which they love because it's painted up with Robin R's all over it, but their excitement is immediately taken away when they realize that the Robin named Troy, who I can only describe as the Robin with shoulder pads, decides that he's going to stay and finish the job. As the train pulls away from the station, we see from the explosion that he failed in his task........ and I can't believe that the Robin that I liked the most besides for Duke Thomas is dead. As the issue closes, we're given an epilogue that shows that Alfred is indeed "The Nest" and after seeing that he's lost one of his Robins, he stares at Jason Todd's Robin costume and says that it's mocking him. Alfred decides that if his Robins are to fly, they'll need The Nest brought to them.
That's it for this issue of We Are Robin and while when I originally began reading this book thought that it was going to be a pretty boring issue simply dealing with kids overcoming their fears and working together to an ultimately happy conclusion........ Lee Bermejo blew my goddamn mind. This book is full of so much heart that it's almost painful to read due to how much it makes you feel for these characters......... Which is crazy because I still don't know all of their names and we're even introduced to a bunch more Robins here. I don't know if they matter yet or if we'll simply be dealing with the main group that we've seen so far, but if I had one complaint, it would be not knowing who these characters are....... but even not knowing these character, you end up feeling for them. I love the art in this book, I love the writing in this book...... I love this book and as much as I've enjoyed each issue so far, this one is by far the best. Do yourself a favor and pick up this series if you haven't read it yet because you're missing out.
Bits and Pieces:
This book doesn't have any right being this good. I originally dismissed this title as being something to simply interest younger readers and thankfully I was wrong because this book is amazing. The writing actually makes you feel like these characters are teenagers and their reactions feel spot on for what they're going through, with fantastic art that fits this book perfectly. Out of all the books that the DCYou are putting out, this one definitely has the most heart and you feel it in every issue.
I almost passed on this book today at the comic shop! I put it back once before I finally decided to get it, and I'm glad I did. I think this was the best-drawn issue so far, every panel just looked incredible. And when that one Robin is reading the text instructions about disarming the bomb with tears streaming down his cheeks I almost bawled myself.
ReplyDeleteyou almost balled yourself? Oh, you said "Bawled"...whew
DeleteI really hope that more people start buying this book because I really really really don't want to see it get cancelled.
DeleteCalled it! Told you guys that you can't just slap random kids with the robin symbol and expect nothing bad to happen to them. Other than that it was a fun issue
ReplyDeleteBut why did it have to be my favorite Robin?
Deletethe same reason why Forever People was taken away from me too soon...Destiny is a bitch XD
DeleteI'm in the same boat as Reggie Hemingway...this issue wasn't on my pull list at my LCS this week. I'd decided to drop it.
I couldn't help a quick peek inside and the first thing I saw was a hook-handed Alfred (the first time, since ENDGAME that we get a good look at his "hand", incidentally). It was enough to get me to give the book one more shot. And i'm glad I did.
From the start, it was established as the best issue of the series but, the scene in which Troy died was not only a great story beat but it was perfectly executed. It was the difference between a good book and a great one. I have definitely underestimated Lee Bermejo's writing talent.
...and that cover was fucking terrific.
Now everyone go out and tell 5 people about it and tell them to tell 5 people about it because I'm getting the reputation of being a Negative Nancy and it will only get worse if this book is taken away from me.
DeleteWe are Robins! Bum ba-dum bum bum bum...right so great issue this comic is a surprise hit for me one question is Alfred out of his ever loving F*cking hooked handed butler mind sending kids out defusing bombs lol
ReplyDeleteI love this book as well and yes...Alfred is out of his mind!