Art by: Moritat
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: July 5, 2015
Dark Flight
I don't want to sound like a broken record (for you younger readers, a record is an analog sound storage medium that is played on a record player...what's a record player? Oh, never mind), but I have loved everything about this Justice League: Gods and Monsters series. The first part with Batman was a great horror take on the traditional story and the first issue of Superman has me excited for what's to come next. As the first issue progressed, Superman went from a joyful little boy to an angry, introverted young man ready to erupt. J.M. DeMatteis did such a good job showing us the how and why that I might erupt right with him. While the story was great, Moritat's art might be better. It complimented the story and helped show the change within Superman so well. This second issue has a lot to live up to. Does it succeed? Let's find out...
This issue begins right where last issue left off. Hernan is angry, but keeping it inside. It's obvious that anger is building inside him and while he had his family to help when he was younger, he is locking them out as well. J.M. DeMatteis is writing him as a time bomb ready to explode.
If this Superman wasn't far enough from our usual boy scout for you, then the next scene will change your mind. I won't spoil it, but I will tell you that it's one of the darkest things that a Superman has ever done...or didn't do. When editor Kristy Quinn told me that things were going to get darker, she was not kidding! Guess what? It gets even darker.
The rest of the book shows Hernan as an angry young man looking for a fight. J.M. DeMatteis gives him plenty of scumbags to take that anger out on. And he does. These guys deserve everything Hernan gives them, but unfortunately, he is not doing his family any good, either. While our Superman has a secret identity to protect the ones he loves, Hernan can only leave them behind. The book ends with him doing just that. After seeing how much they love him, it's really heartbreaking.
While the first issue was a nice alternate origin that was different on the surface, this issue gives us a dark and dangerous Superman going forward. It was a great middle issue that featured intense character development and has me so excited for the finale. While I want to see what happens next, I'm already looking forward to seeing how he'll fit in with this crazy Justice League. but I'm getting a bit ahead of myself.
Moritat gives readers another great looking issue. It was dark and moody, just like Superman. While his art was great, it was his color work that was the highlight this issue.
Bits and Pieces:
If the first issue of this story wasn't dark enough for you, I think you'll be okay with this one. Superman is dark and brooding,,,and he isn't even Superman yet. Even though this is only a three issue story, J.M. DeMatties is taking his time telling this story and it's already paying off. I am rooting for Hernan even while I'm afraid of him. Moritiat's art is great, but it's his color work that makes it so special. Highly Recommended.
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